Golden Greenery

Chapter 836 Audi Alto and Yadi

Even Zhuo Yang felt that his ambition was a bit unscrupulous, but this was the World Cup semi-finals, so he was too particular but not particular.

Scar showed an ugly face and wanted to settle the score with Dazhi, but Zhuo Yang coaxed him away. The Colombian referee Roldan only gave Dazhi a yellow card, and successfully aroused Scar's anger for the second time, but again He was coaxed by Zhuo Yang.

Hernandez's left ankle was severely deformed, and he was determined to be either fractured or dislocated. Sportsmanship aside, Dazhi’s yellow card is extremely cost-effective.

Benjamin Mendy, the 24-year-old current most valuable left back and Manchester City player, was quickly replaced. Benjamin is French and can be translated as Benjamin in English.

Mendy and Hernandez belong to different types of full-backs. Mendy is a Marcelo type. He pays attention to his personal ability to brush the edge. Being able to attack and defend well is the key. The statistics are more eye-catching.

And Hernandez is a relatively new tactical full-back with strong game reading ability and outstanding overall view of the court. If you have to find a template, 'team short' Lahm is an example.

A full-back like Mendy is very eye-catching and popular on the court once he is in good condition, so he is often worth a lot in transfers. However, in recent years, due to various tactical schools running rampant in football, there are more tactical masters than dogs. The type of Hernandez who is relatively dull in terms of statistics but has strong tactical adaptability is getting more and more attention.

Bayern Munich is very interested in Hernandez, and Atletico Madrid is not unable to sell him, but Bayern has never been the one to spend money. Atletico Madrid finds the transfer fee embarrassing, and they are waiting for real rich people. Hernandez's liquidated damages are 80 million. Although this is an era where hundreds of millions are easily available, a full-back is very wealthy.

I hope Hernandez's injury this time is not serious and does not affect his ability to reach new heights.

The score was 1:1. Both China and France also used one substitution due to injury, but on the yellow card, the Chinese team led 2:0, Tiedan and Dazhi.


In fact, Mendy's qualifications in the French team are not deep at all. In the European Cup the year before last, French football's main left back was the famous Evra. Mendy was just the outstanding performance of Brother 201, and was favored by Deschamps and Guardiola.

But in 17-18, he suffered almost a whole season of injuries. Lao Gua did not enjoy his blessings. Manchester City was about to finish the entire team at left back. Deschamps only felt good about him for a while. He was already young at his age Lucas Digne, who has played in Paris, Roma and Barcelona, ​​was the left gate of the French team in the past year.

Mendy's personal ability is so outstanding that Deschamps couldn't bear to let him go. But after all, he stayed in bed for most of the season and only came out to warm his feet a few times in the final stage. Mendy's game feeling has not yet fully recovered, and his cooperation with his teammates cannot be mentioned. tacit agreement.

After receiving the transfer ball from Varane, the winger quickly started. Scar felt that he was going to pass a straight line, and immediately got behind Maro. Ma retreated and the enemy thought that he was going to make a transition and go inside, so he immediately got closer and prepared to respond.

It turned out that Mendy just had a personal crisis.

Personal breakthrough is a very effective offensive method on the court, but even if you are as charming as Zhuo Yang and Messi, you still need to consider the situation and the situation between the enemy and the enemy. At this time, Mendy's breakthrough is a bit of a breakthrough for the sake of breakthrough, which is unreasonable.

Maro decisively pressed the ball high, and Li Ke and Dazhi dropped their live clippers at the same time. Mendy had no reinforcements and no escape route on the wing. After being surrounded, he fell into a dead end.

If he was smart, he should have blindly kicked a Chinese player with a big kick, or simply kicked the football out of bounds himself. But Mendy, who was eager to show off, made a mistake and turned around with his big butt stuck out like Pogba. Protect the ball in a circle.

The ruthless Dazhi never got used to his opponent's bad habits, so he rushed close to the back and thighs as if he was going to find a soulmate in the rivers and lakes again.

Thinking too much, Zhi is too old. Unless he has to or is desperate, the boss will not cut himself off. This time he is ferocious, but he is aiming for football.

At close range, Dazhi kicked the football hard into Mendy's thigh, bounced it into Li Ke's chest, and was knocked free by Maro's forehead.

It was You Deshui who caught this free bird. He passed the ball diagonally to the middle at a 45° position. Exxon, who was entangled with Varane, stepped back with the sole of his foot. Zhuoyang strode past Kante and directly hit the ball from the top of the arc. Bang the door.

Lloris was unlucky, but Lloris had no choice but the football hit the lintel, rebounded and almost hit the goal line, and was then cleared by Debich.

The Chinese players didn't feel sorry because everyone was very confident, but the shocked French couldn't stand it. Scar didn't care and shouted "Ma Buri" at Mendy.

Obviously, Mendy's personal conditions are quite excellent, but he is not as smart as Hernandez and cannot always make mistakes. However, Maro, who is at the peak of his career, will not let this opportunity go. I have the final say on my wing, and Maro is also a treacherous person.

Mendy was reprimanded by Scar, and he was very energetic, restrained his anger, and would rather do nothing than make no mistakes, which made France's attack from the left almost disappear. One goes down and the other goes up, and Malo starts to adjust with joy.

From then on, the Chinese team clearly dominated the field and played a lot of offense characterized by active right wing, which proved that the Chinese team is by no means only capable of defensive counterattacks.

Although France was passive, it also demonstrated its defensive resilience, especially the central defender combination of Varane and Umtiti, who was full of general style. Desailly said with tears that there was a successor.

For ten minutes, there was a lot of noise in front of the French team's goal. A group of people were busy as dogs, but in the end they did not lose the ball.

In the 72nd minute, Exon and Zhuo Yang played a lateral one-two at the front of the penalty area. During the fight, Varane stepped on the instep of Ai Shen with his spikes.

Exxon shouted at the top of his lungs, but did not fall. Referee Roldan was obviously a man who could save things, so he didn't bother to blow the whistle.

The ball was dropped. Varane's ability to play the ball from the back refers to his ability to effectively instigate, rather than simply kicking the ball to someone.

Mbappe is a person who has been ignored during this period. After receiving the ball in midfield, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles launched a customized version of their private counterattack.

As before, Zhuoyang rushed back without saying a word, panting, but this time it was basically difficult, and it depended on the performance of the defender.

Xiao Feng fought and retreated, but his turn and rhythm response were really not enough in front of Mbappe. Mbappe's overtaking of him was like an Audi over Alto.

There was nothing behind him except for the lonely Yan Junlin. Feng Xiaoting simply said to himself, "Fuck you" and immediately pushed and kicked the man to the ground.

The foul action is not bad, but the meaning of the foul is bad. Dazhi was so fierce just now, but he still managed to kick the ball. Xiao Feng was the last person on defense this time, and he only targeted Mbappe, without touching the ball.

Zhuo Yangxin said: Bad food...

However, it was clear that God favored the Chinese team today, and referee Roldan decisively issued a yellow card.

It turned out to be another yellow card...

At this moment, even Zhuo Yang was murmuring: Could this guy be a remnant of the descendants of our overseas remnants of the Qing Dynasty in the early years?

In fact, Vilmar Roldan is of mixed Portuguese and African descent and has nothing to do with Greater China. He is simply soft-handed and blind today.

The Frenchman was in a mood for a while, but he could only swallow his anger and take a free kick that was quite good in this position. Zhuo Yang directed his teammates to form a human wall, but Exxon sat down holding his feet and wanted to cry.

He was stepped on by Varane just now. Perhaps this is why Roldan only gave Xiao Feng a yellow card, to find a slight balance.

Exxon was also confused. Why didn't you just pour it down? Maybe he can get a free kick first. Should I praise you for being strong, or criticize you for being stupid?

A minute later, Exxon said he could not hold on, and the Chinese team was forced to make a second substitution. Wu Lei stood on the sidelines with his helmet on and his armor on.

Both Scar and Pogba have the footwork to score directly in this position. The Chinese team, headed by Zhuo Yang, formed a luxurious seven-man wall and concentrated on sharing the pressure for Yan Junlin.

Scar and Pogba are both straight-headed, and in life they like temperamental people rather than perfect people, but on the court, these two are not lacking in footwork and insight.

Pogba ran to cover, and Scar followed closely and flashed the Full Moon Scimitar with his left foot.

However, the French captain did not attack the goal directly. He chose to pass the ball in an arc.

Set pieces are not the defensive weakness of the Chinese team. Although the team's air defense attributes can only be called passable, the tall and powerful Yan Junlin is still quite capable of controlling the air in the penalty area, and his saves on set pieces are in He was fed countless times by Zhuoyang's feet during training. In this regard, he is no less than any top goalkeeper today. After all, experience is justice.

Scar did not directly attack the goal, which shows that France has studied Xiao Yan very thoroughly, and the routine of quick arc pass to the back point is as far away from Xiao Yan's air control as possible.

Olivier Giroud is not only big, he is also an aerial master.

In the rush, the Chinese team had a defensive mismatch. The person who competed with Giroud at the back point was Li Ke.

Although Li Ke is excellent, he was the star defensive midfielder in the British Championship last season, but his height is only 1.7cm, which is 1 difference between Giroud and Audi.

Giroud pushed the Pyrenees from behind Li Ke and bullied the football into the goal.

2:1, after a vigorous offensive by the Chinese team, the French took the lead. Leizi is the beauty and hope of the village. What greets him on the stage is a basin of cold water.

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