Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 157: Storage Room (Thanks to Mo Yi and Aidou for sponsoring)

"Don't be afraid, I won't suffer anyway." Jiang Lan was righteous.

"As you said, don't rely on me to take advantage of you." Sun Suo had no choice but to move the seat at the rear of the car to the front, move the coffin to the rear of the car, and put together a very wide one at the front of the car. big bed.

Jiang Lan took out the toothbrush and toothpaste, took a bottle of drink, got off the bus, brushed her teeth and washed her teeth, and returned to the bus.

"It's very fun to come out and play, but it's not very convenient to wash things." Jiang Lan complained.

"There is a special bathroom over there, you can go there if you want to wash. Sun Suo stretched his finger and pointed out the car window.

Jiang Lan thought that Sun Suo was joking with her, but after looking out the car window, she couldn't help but froze.

A few meters away from the bus, a tattered bus appeared at some point.

Anyway, she hadn't gone down to brush her teeth just now.

"Is it also a stolen Horcrux?" Jiang Lan asked.


"Is there someone else's wife in there?" Jiang Lan asked again.

"How is it possible that every Horcrux has a wife? You are unhealthy!" Sun Suo criticized Jiang Lan.

"Is there a coffin in there?" Jiang Lan continued to ask.

"No, there is a storage room inside, as well as a toilet and bathroom." Sun Suo replied.

After getting the bus, Sun Suo didn't plan to use the bus as a means of transportation, but it was not cost-effective to abandon the space inside, so he remodeled the toilet and bathroom inside.

The one you bought as a whole, put it in and fix it in the right place.

There is a large water tank dedicated to water supply to the toilet and bathroom.

The remaining space is used to store some food and tools that may be needed.

"Come with me to have a look." Jiang Lan was worried that Sun Suo deliberately left a ghost on it to play tricks on her.

Although she is not so timid, she still feels a little uncomfortable when she is caught off guard.

"Okay." Sun Suo had to get off the bus and went to the bus next to Jiang Lan with Jiang Lan.

The lights were also on inside the bus, and the lights were also not transmitted to the outside. The two cars were hidden in the forest. If the two did not make loud noises outside the car, it would be impossible for anyone outside the forest to know.

Of course, this place was originally a no-man’s land that was strictly forbidden to enter.

So it is unlikely that someone will pass by. If there is any passing... most likely it is not a human being.

"It's tattered on the outside, but it looks okay on the inside." Jiang Lan was very happy to see the integrated bathroom.

For a woman who loves cleanliness, having a place to take a bath during the trip is the most pleasant thing.

After all, I have to sleep with a handsome guy. If there is any odor on my body, it will be a big mess.

"Is it alright? Then you wash it, I'm over." Sun Suo was about to get out of the car.

"Don't go. When I finish washing, go over together. I'll use less water, and I'll finish washing soon." Jiang Lan stopped Sun Suo.

In this wilderness, staying alone in this bus will still be a little bit afraid.

If Li Gui in the coffin finds out that Sun Suo is not by her side and rushes over to do something to her, it will be troublesome.

"Okay." Sun Suo had to find a chair in the bus and sat down, then took out his mobile phone.

"The glass in this bathroom is a bit see-through!" Jiang Lan glanced at the whole bathroom, and then at Sun Suo.

"It's not like I haven't seen it..." Sun Suo muttered.

Last time at Mingtai Hotel in Yanshi Town, for Jiang Lan's safety, he escorted her all the way into the women's bathroom.

"What did you say?" Jiang Lan felt that Sun Suo's words were not quite right.

"I said... It's not like I haven't seen a woman without clothes." Sun Suo explained.

"Humph!" Jiang Lan remembered the devilish figure of the woman in the coffin, and couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Jiang Lan reached out and opened the bathroom door, then backed out after a while.

"The space inside is so small, there is no place to put clothes." Jiang Lan mentioned it to Sun Suo.

"Then put it here." Sun Suo reached out and pulled a chair to Jiang Lan.

"Then where do I take off?" Jiang Lan asked again.

"Whatever." Sun Suo turned around and turned his back to Jiang Lan.

"Don't look back!" Jiang Lan looked at Sun Suo.

"No, you are really worried that I can get out of the car." Sun Suo replied.

"You are not allowed to go down."

"Okay, I'm not going down."

Jiang Lan undressed while looking at Sun Suo, but Sun Suo really didn't look back, and looked at his cell phone intently.

"I'm probably getting old, and I'm not even as attractive as that female ghost." Jiang Lan felt a little lost, turned around and walked into the bathroom.



Large bed made of seats.

The two of them were lying side by side on the head of the bed, which had been converted into a seat back.

"What are you looking at on your phone? Are you so focused?" Jiang Lan asked.

"Look at the latest news." Sun Suo replied.

"Is there any internet here?" Jiang Lan turned on the phone and tried it, and it turned out that there was indeed an internet connection!

"The network here is very poor. I installed a signal amplification device on the roof of the car in advance." Sun Suo explained.

"That's great, I'll read the news too." Jiang Lan turned on the phone and read the news.


"What do you think of the fight in the north now?" Jiang Lan was a little dissatisfied with Sun Suo's sullen head looking at his phone, and deliberately found a topic to chat with Sun Suo.

"No idea..."

"Which side do you support?" Jiang Lan asked again.

"Of course it's to support the Bei family." Sun Suo asked this question a little strangely and Jiang Lan asked.

"I think it's definitely wrong to take the initiative to hit others. I don't support their approach." Jiang Lan deliberately debated with Sun Suo.

Sun Suo yawned, put down the phone, and after thinking for a while, took out the Soul Chopping Sword and placed it between him and Jiang and then lay down.

"Why did you put the knife among us?" Jiang Lan recognized that the knife was the one belonging to the Liu family, and it was not surprising that it appeared in Sun Suo's hands.

Even robbing other people's wives, let alone a knife?

But she couldn't understand what Sun Suo was doing at this time.

The bed is not wide, and there is still a knife in the middle? Against whom?

"Just leave it here, don't think about it." Sun Suo replied lazily to Jiang Lan.

"Can I think about it more? How can we be considered friends? What does it mean for you to put a knife between us?" Jiang Lan protested loudly.

"Oh, you don't feel good too? That little brother used to be with the Bei family, but now he has taken refuge with the Xi family.

"The Xi family is going to practice martial arts in the younger brother's territory, and the younger brother is next to the Bei family, doesn't it mean that the Xi family has a knife beside the Bei family? Can the Bei family not be angry?" Sun Suo explained.

"I'm done! I'm just explaining one thing, do I need to use a metaphor like this?" Jiang Lan was super speechless, she just wanted to chat with Sun Suo on a random topic.

"Isn't this explanation more straightforward?" Sun Suo smiled and put away the Soul Chopping Sword.

"Are you ready to sleep?" Jiang Lan also put away her phone.

"Well, it's past eleven o'clock."

"Okay, I slept too." Jiang Lan covered her mouth and yawned.

"Should you turn off the lights?" Sun Suo asked.

"Can you dim the light?" Jiang Lan asked.

"Yes." Sun Suo dimmed the lights.

"I don't like to wear a lot of clothes when I sleep, can I take off my pajamas to sleep?" Jiang Lan asked again.

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