Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2440: Lecture is about to start

Because Opelo was very old, there was really no way he could wait for others, and there was indeed the end of the lecture waiting for him to make a decision, so he left the matter to his apprentice.

It's definitely not because I don't want Ms. Huang Aishan to know when Yuanzhou arrived in the first place, so that I can meet each other. Opelo is not such a stingy person.

In fact, Tang Le and Li Xingwei can go together to pick up people. One is Obero's apprentice and the other is the second apprentice, but the boss and the second have to engage in a culinary showdown. Only the winner can pick up Yuanzhou.

It was really a great reward for human deceitful behavior, and it turned out that Tangler won, so he must have come out on top.

He knew that Yuanzhou didn't like extravagance and waste, so he acted relatively low-key, and did not find any etiquette team or band to beat gongs and drums as Li Xingwei suggested.

Tang Le took his eldest disciple Ma Minghui and waited at the exit alone.

But in fact, Tang Le still feels a bit regretful, because he feels that this small scene is not enough to express his respect for Yuanzhou.

The appearance of a group of non-process recruitment girls filled the gap.

Therefore, as soon as Yuanzhou arrived at the airport, he faced a large group of people. Tang Le and Cheng Zhaomei met together successfully, which completely satisfied Tang Le's desire to arrange the big scene.

"You have worked hard." Yuan Zhou thanked him.

Although there is a group of people, everyone's destination is the same, so I arrived at the hotel very smoothly.

This is the same hotel as the people who arranged a group of visiting groups, and Cheng Zhaomei and the others are familiar with each other.

After arriving at the hotel and sending Yuanzhou to the room, both Tang Le and Cheng Zhaomei left very neatly.

They want Yuanzhou to be more relaxed instead of being more tired. Just send people to them, and wait for the rest to rest, so this is a good measure.

"These people." Yuan Zhou shook his head and looked at the door of the empty room in less than a minute.

After entering the room and putting things away, Yuanzhou’s first thing was to send a message to Yin Ya that he had arrived at the hotel.

It was a direct flight. It only took four and a half hours to arrive in Singapore. When it arrived, it was already three o'clock in the morning. I didn't expect Yuan Zhou to send a message to Yin Ya at the airport, and she immediately responded.

I must be worried about him, so Yuanzhou told her what she was doing when she arrived at the hotel and she hoped she could sleep at ease. Sure enough, after he arrived at the hotel, he informed Yin Ya that he immediately sent a good night and told Yuanzhou to go to bed earlier. .

In a few hours, I need to meet with Aopelo and learn about the specific situation of the lecture, so Yuan Zhou also packed up and fell asleep immediately.

I went to bed very late. Yuanzhou did not wake up at the usual time, but just got up at nine o'clock.

Although he slept late, Yuanzhou still woke up in a state of deep sleep because of the help of the system, not like he slept so late.

"When we meet at ten o'clock, there is still some time to sort out our thoughts." Yuan Zhou took a look at the time after he packed himself up in the room and found that it was not the appointed time.

Yuan Zhou used the limited time to exercise in the room. He kept a certain amount of exercise every day. This is the habit he has always maintained since he met Wang Jike.

Maintaining a good figure and physical strength are necessary qualities for a good chef, especially after the engagement, Yuanzhou feels it is particularly important.

The meeting place, Opeiro, was thoughtfully set in the living room of Yuanzhou's room, so he was not in a hurry to go out. After everything was ready, before the time was up, he began to ponder some contents of the hot pot in his mind.

Although there is Yin Ya’s tasting, Yuanzhou’s hot pot is almost organized and familiar, but everything pays attention to practice makes perfect, especially the cooking, so as long as the new dishes are not on the menu, he will review these contents every day.

Although it's boring, Yuan Zhou thinks this method is very effective and worth persisting. He has done this since the first day of opening the store.

Aopelo came to see Yuanzhou in advance without putting aside Huang Aishan, who had been staying in Singapore. After all, this is Aopelo's site.

Huang Aishan still didn't know that Opelo had made an appointment with Yuanzhou in the morning, and thought that he would not be able to see him formally until the afternoon lecture.

It's no wonder that the two of them didn't deal with each other anymore. When it was small, it was a personal struggle, and when it was large, it was the collision of food culture between countries. Opello also has selfish intentions. This is human nature.

There is nothing too important to meet, that is, after going through the process, there will be no more things, but Opelo took advantage of the geographical advantage and first exchanged some contents of some new dishes he recently researched with Yuanzhou.

When everything went smoothly in Yuanzhou, Yin Ya made a small mistake.

The cause of the incident is this. Yin Ya has not slept well because she waited for the news of Yuanzhou’s arrival. She set an early alarm clock in the morning, which was almost the same as when Yuanzhou got up every day, but she could not get up. It was almost time to line up when I got up.

Then the room leak happened to be rainy night, Yin Ya was not only seen by the neighbors when she went out to post the leave letter, she was surrounded and cared about, and was caught by Wu Hai and Mao Xiong who came to the line.

Then there were some Shura fields, mainly made by Wu Hai, and it was really done, almost holding Yin Ya's thighs and crying.

The purpose is to hope that Yin Ya can share some snacks that Yuanzhou made for her to continue his life. As for how Wuhai knew that Yuanzhou had prepared a box of snacks for Yin Ya, then I don’t know, it is probably the instinct of Wu Beast. ?

It’s enough to eat.

And this time, the person who led the team in the past was still Zhou Shijie. It is unreasonable that other countries went to the president, but their own country was an exception.

It is rare that he was a bit airsick, so Zhou Shijie did not show up when he arrived, but left the matter to Zhong Lili, so Yuan Zhou did not see Zhou Shijie until the afternoon lecture.

The huge venue prepared by Singapore was not located in the center of the city. After all, it was a place with an inch of gold, not that big venue, but in a suburban area. Yuanzhou followed Aopelo and others to the venue. At that time, the first thing I saw was a huge banner [Warmly welcome the first chef in Asia to give a lesson].

In fact, more than one banner was hung around the venue, mainly because the main banner was too big to be seen at a glance, and the other small banners were less conspicuous.

Yuan Zhou was inexplicably ashamed when he saw the giant banner. Of course, he was more happy and moved. Just by watching this scene, he knew that Aopelo and the others had worked hard to prepare.

On the other hand, Huang Aishan led a group of people at the entrance of the venue eagerly looking forward to Yuanzhou’s arrival, so that as soon as Yuanzhou got off the bus, Huang Aishan stepped on ten-centimeter high heels and came over. The speed lever was almost like Walking on the ground is a werewolf.


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