Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 970: I don't like chicken wings.

"Wei Ge, I told you that in fact, this chicken wing has no flesh, it is all bones." Wang Hongdao: "I have a bunch of pork belly here. Look at Wei Ge before you take care of me, I will bear with you to change, I use pork belly. ”

"That was so polite." Mr. Wei smiled and picked up the chicken wings.

Seeing Mr. Wei’s movements, the smile on Wang Hong’s face could not be covered, and he picked up the pork belly.

It’s just that Wang Hong’s mouth still said: “You’re welcome, it’s my favorite thing to help others. I’ll do this every week, helping my grandmother cross the road.”

Wei Wei has chronic pharyngitis, so she doesn't eat barbecue, but she is waiting for her dad. She sees the smile on Wang Hong's face. Wei Wei can't help but mourn for three seconds in the heart, the innocent young man.

When Wang Hong’s roasted pork belly was exchanged with Mr. Wei’s roast chicken wings, Mr. Wei suddenly retracted his hand.

"Do not install it, know that you are eating roast chicken wings." Mr. Wei saw blood for a while.

"..." Wang Hong petrochemical, how he saw it.

Yuanzhou has not wanted to say anything. He has seen many natural black guys, such as Meng Meng, but naturally stupid, he really is the first time to see.

What did Mr. Wei started before? Product sales, how can a good salesperson have no keen observation.

Under the gaze of Mr. Wei's sharp eyes, Wang Hong lost his battle and then told the truth: "I like to eat the grilled wings. We change the Mr. Wei and the pork belly is delicious."

"This is not fair." Mr. Wei shook his head.

Wang Hong looked at the roasted pork belly: "Where the unfairness is, the materials of Yuan Boast's barbecue are excellent. Although I don't know what pork is, this pork is definitely the best."

"Things can't be counted like this." Mr. Wei said: "You like to eat grilled wings. That is your favorite food, but pork belly is not my favorite, so I changed it with you, that is, I lost. right."

Wang Hong frowned and thought about it, it seems to be this reason.

"So if you really want to exchange, do you want to be sincere and give me a satisfactory condition." Mr. Wei continued.

"Then I use roasted pork belly and a bunch of baked ham." Wang Hong gritted his teeth and thought of the favorite grilled wings.

Mr. Wei asked: "To do business, what we pay attention to is love and affection. What you want is to be willing. If I use roasted ham and roast beef, would you like to change your roast chicken wings?"

"No... not willing." Wang Hong thought for a long time, indeed he was not willing.

"Do you think it is right? What you are paying attention to is to compare your heart. When you say something just now, do you have a heart-to-heart?" Mr. Wei said.

In the face of Mr. Wei’s problem, Wang Hong shook his head subconsciously.

Seeing Wang Hong shaking his head, Mr. Wei continued without hesitation: "But you don't have to worry about it. In a real society, there are very few people who can compare with me like me. Now, please turn your mind into compensation. Tell me again what is the condition for you to change the chicken wings?"

Oh, Wang Hong has been completely forced by Mr. Wei.

"I am not urging you, just because you can eat the grilled wings better, and also for the quality of the items I exchanged, so I have to say a lot, the grilled wings are not good." Mr. Wei said with a serious face.

"Dad." Wei Wei whispered, and then only used a voice that one could hear: "Don't bully others too much."

Mr. Wei turned to look at his daughter, smiled and nodded, and Wang Hong over there heard the urge, immediately said: "I use roasted five flowers, baked ham and roast beef, and a string of baked potatoes to change."

"I feel your sincerity." Mr. Wei nodded.

Wang Hongyi looked at the roasted chicken wings on Mr. Wei's hand and waited for a change.

"In return, I only need to bake the five flowers and roast beef, roast ham, and the potatoes are left for you." Mr. Wei said as he handed the roast chicken wings.

The reason why Mr. Wei will be merciful, is not his daughter Wei Wei, otherwise the baked potatoes will not leave for Wang Hong.

"Thank you Mr. Wei." Wang Hong wished to get the chicken wings.

Yuanzhou almost couldn't help but laugh out, and thank you.

In fact, Wang Hong is not a stupid, but a rib. This kind of character, once the thinking is in a repetitive nature, can't walk out of this corner.

I only want to be sincere in my mind. When he returns to God, he can understand that he was fooled by Mr. Wei.

However, for the time being, I will not return to God, because Yuanzhou’s grilled wings are really delicious.

The color of the chicken wings used by Yuanzhou is bright and shiny, the feathers are treated very cleanly, and the meat is fresh and needless to say, very flexible.

After roasting, the crispy and slightly burnt chicken wings do not need too complicated spices, and can be directly sprinkled with a little salt to taste.

Before the roasting, Yuanzhou had been marinated and had no astringency.

It was Wang Hong who bite down, the teeth bite the skin of the micro-focus, and then bite it down is the delicate chicken.

Even the chicken bones with chicken wings were chewed by Wang Hong, crisp and delicious, and the salty salty taste just raised the taste of the chicken.

It’s a pity that too little, Wang Hong has finished eating a few mouthfuls. Not only that, the chicken meat left on the bones of a slightly larger chewed chicken has been cleaned by him.

"It's delicious and delicious. Is it true that Yuan Boss can't sell this chicken wings?" Wang Hongming knew it was impossible, but he still wanted to ask.

Yuanzhou baked another one and handed it directly to other diners. He didn't want to talk to this guy.

Mr. Wei ate almost, and got up and looked at Yuanzhou. He wanted to come and talk.

"Yuan boss, I have something to discuss with you," Mr. Wei said.

I will find time, just the barbecues of these tables are all done. Before the diners of these tables have finished eating, Yuanzhou still has some free time.

"I don't like to eat grilled wings." Yuanzhou first reminded Mr. Wei that this is what Mr. Wei can speak.

"Oh..." Mr. Wei paused and said: "I will die tomorrow and I will be promoted tomorrow. I don't know if this will meet the booking requirements for the whole fish banquet."

"The promotion banquet is natural." Yuanzhou nodded.

"That will be troublesome Yuan Bo night tomorrow." Mr. Wei said.

Yuanzhou nodded and said that he had already recorded it. His heart was still a bit strange. He died in the opposite direction. What did Mr. Wei worry about?

After finishing the matter, Mr. Wei did not delay Yuanzhou, and left Wei Wei with Wei Wei.

Mr. Wei did not drive, so he called a taxi. There were a lot of taxis near Taoxi Road, so he took the bus and set off.

In the car, Wei Wei asked: "Dad, you said that you are all right, is Lin Uncle?"

Wei nodded, this Wei Wei is strange, Lin Biao and her father's relationship is really bad, why Lin Jiao promoted, her father will help set up a fish dinner in Yuanzhou store.

This operation is really too fascinating, Wei Wei thought for a long time did not want to understand.

However, anyway, I will see it tomorrow. Wei Wei will temporarily put the doubts down.


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