Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 275: Cooperation

Latest website: Ancient cataclysms, extinct creatures, countless.

Humans know very little about the cause of this cataclysm, but only those ancient creatures, known for their size and power, have become extinct in a large amount of time.

According to the conclusion of Corleone Biological Specimen Institute.

The so-called catastrophe refers to the disaster of drastic changes in the ecological environment.

At the beginning of the cataclysm, due to the weak nature of lower organisms, they are most directly affected by dramatic environmental changes. They will die in a large amount of time, while higher organisms can survive on the strength of the great catastrophe. Direct impact.


as time flows.

Weak creatures are more susceptible to mutation, and will gradually complete survival evolution, gradually adapt to the new environment, and multiply and grow.

And powerful creatures, it is difficult to adapt to changes in the environment, so it will be extinct in a new environment afterwards.

As for the cause of the extinction, it is diverse.

Some of them are because the natural environment harms them moment by moment, similar to being repulsed by the world's magnetic field, which in turn generates energy to accumulate in the body.

Others died of starvation day after day due to lack of food.

Once the inferior creatures adapted to a brand-new environment, for the ancient creatures, they often carried the existence of highly toxic substances.

The extinction of Optimus Tree is due to the collapse of its own ecosystem and the loss of its symbiotic partner!

The collapse of the ecosystem is well understood.

The second true body of Optimus Tree is attached to its ecosystem, which constitutes the will of the biological chain, similar to the mini version of the laws of nature and the like, and if it loses the biological chain, it also loses the second true Physical abilities can only exist in the form of ancient trees and cannot be moved.

As for the symbiotic partner, it is the ginseng elf!

ancient times.

For many higher plant life, the ginseng elf has the status equivalent to today's bees, spreading pollen.

These higher plants need some special energy of the ginseng and genus to be able to complete the conversion of some special life energy, and then maintain their huge volume or rare properties.

It is for this reason that the elves of grass and ginseng can rely on their insignificant strength, occupying a very important role in the ancient ecosystem, and being sheltered by the life of many higher plants.

But, the ancient catastrophe ...

"It's the moon!"

Xiaobai recalled once, a touch of fear.

"Since the moon appeared, my clan people irradiated under the moon, the skin will fester, not only my clan, but also many ancient creatures. And the natural energy seems to be captured by the moon a lot, become thinner, the world magnetic It became unstable, and the tides changed, causing a lot of floods. The once beautiful coastline was full of corpses ... "

In Xiaobai's description, the moon has become a terrifying devil.

"In that disaster, although I completed the mutation, I also fell into a state of dehydration and knew nothing about the outside."

The tree of truth holds Xiaobai as if treating the most precious thing in the world.

Rello became the foil of the two, quietly following them.

"It turns out this way."

The Tree of Truth stared at Xiaobai, and the green face appeared with a hint of expectation.

"So, how can I complete the transformation according to the evolution of ancient Qingtianshu?"

This tree of truth grafted by Benny Vince, after nearly a thousand years of growth, has grown to the third level peak. .

"I do not know either."

Xiao Bai embarrassed: "These things are all done by the elders of my tribe, no one has taught me."

The Tree of Truth's original look was slightly sad.

"I have a feeling that if I can't complete the symbiotic evolution and complete the qualitative change, I will continue to grow like this, and one day I will crush myself to death due to my own weight."


The three have come to the ground from the branches of the tree of truth that they boarded.

Compared with the difficulty of climbing to the top of the tree, the journey back is really much easier.

Lei Luo looked up, the tree of truth went straight to the sky, and did not enter the violent chaos of the Tao.

He frowned: "Why didn't anyone find you a few days ago?"

"Usually, I will release the psychedelic mist. I will only cancel the mist on the tenth day of the assessment. If I want to forcibly crack my mist, it will take at least legendary creatures to have a chance."

The Tree of Truth explained a little bit.


The earthquake shook, and as the land uplifted, a tree-rooted tree root with a full house stretched out, revealing a burrow.

"This is the first time outsiders have visited my home, so I can only enter in this way. If only me and Xiaobai, I only need to enter from my body."

Enter from your body?

Lei Luo looked at the emerald green skin walking in front of him, his thoughts could not help but wickedly, he quickly chanted Lola's name, shook his head, followed the two to the underground.

far away.

"Gosh, what happened there!"

"It seems that something has come out of the ground, let's go and see!"

However, these students had just approached, and the giant tree roots rolled into the ground again, and the underground entrance that appeared briefly disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After a while.


Even with Raylo today, he couldn't help but feel incredible.

"Here, this is what you said, a root of Optimus tree !!!?"

At the moment, Lei Luo's eyes were a breathtaking star-shaped world atmosphere. Lei Luo could faintly see some elliptical arcs, and the atmosphere extended to the unknown in the darkness.

On his side, there is a huge fossil, as if the star's veins are falling.

In other words, the so-called evaluation space node is just some of the land evolved on this stubble fossil of Qingtian tree.

The so-called grafting is that Barney Vince placed a special seed in the center of this starfall, nothing more.

A rhizome is so huge.

The real volume of the Optimus Giant Tree, Reiluo is almost as imagined.

"However, with such a huge rhizome, how did it come to the sky, together with so many stars, formed today's star curtain layer? It is really impossible to imagine what happened in the ancient cataclysm!"

Not to mention the collection and research of specimens after Raylo's shock.

Xiaobai became more intimate because of the symbiotic approach to the instinct of the tree of truth.

Overnight time passed.

The three gathered again.

Rello said: "Although I don't know what is happening outside, according to the assessment regulations, all students must leave the secret area in the early morning of the eleventh day, and there will be construction staff of the Finnish Academy behind to perform facility maintenance to prepare for the assessment next year . "

It is not difficult to imagine how angry the students who leave the secret world will question the outsiders.

But this has nothing to do with Rello.

Even more, Raylow would also be grateful.

If this were not the case, he would not be able to easily break the highest score in the history of graduation assessment.

the other side.

The tree of truth said: "Xiaobai is the key to my evolution. I can't leave it, so I have two options. Do you think about it?"


Rello said slowly: "You said."

"The first plan, I hope you can keep Xiaobai by my side. The time is uncertain. It will last for decades, and for thousands of years, I will give you enough wealth."


Renelo immediately denied: "Xiao Bai is my media partner. Once a scholar loses his media partner, it is almost impossible to advance."

Rello said this, but it is not absolute.

For ordinary scholars, it takes a lot of time to absorb natural energy after losing a media partner, so a lot of research time will be lost, but it may not be absolute to say that there is no promotion.

However, because of the special way of astral evolution, Reynolds himself has separated from the dependence on media partners to absorb natural energy, and replaced the natural energy with special astral essence resources, forming another kind of dependence.


In recent years, Barda College has launched blood vessel fusion research. Many people are naturally able to integrate into the world ’s magnetic field, and they can no longer rely on media partners to promote level 1 energy magnetic fields into the world ’s magnetic field, or into the magnetic field environment of the star screen. .

The Tree of Truth slowly said: "The second plan is to hear Xiaobai say that you want to set up a laboratory. I can set up a special teleportation stowage coordinate for you. I will bear all the teleportation costs in the future. Even we can Once you complete the transaction, as long as you can help me complete the ecosystem construction, my second real body will permanently protect the safety of your laboratory, how? "

This proposal really moved Lei Luo.

Regarding the safety of the laboratory, Lei Luo owns the little black obtained on the fifth floor of the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon, but activating the little black requires a huge amount of energy source to enable him to exert his due strength.

At this stage, there is still not enough energy source for not being upright.

And the key is that Xiao Hei can only protect some hidden experimental spaces that cannot be exposed to the outside world.

And if the second real body of the tree of truth can come, in its present situation, it is at least the existence of an ancient biological level!

"You are responsible for all stowaway energy?"

Lei Luo questioned: "This space node, the most recent coordinate is between the Principality of Finland and the Principality of Utoland, and my laboratory will be built in the Principality of the Grand Principality. ~ This is not a small number! "

"rest assured."

The Tree of Truth confidently said: "My reserves here are enough for you to consume hundreds of years."

After Raylow briefly stunned, his eyes suddenly lighted up.

"Many large laboratories are divided into surface and inner layers, similar to the Corleone Institute of Biology. On the surface, it is an ordinary biological specimen research institute, but in fact it is the study of the evolutionary system of species and the theory of the storm continental civilization The laboratory captures the horror legendary creatures traveling through the continent through the seal, and develops a map of the storm continent in the secret laboratory. "

"So, can I build this place into my own secret laboratory? Put some starry sky academic research that can't be externally located here?"

Lei Luo looked forward more and more.

"Respectively constructed as ... Raylo Solar Energy Research Institute, and Lola's Secret Garden!"


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