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The old shopkeeper ran with three swordsmen.

In the wilderness of the wilderness, these days of wind and bread were sleeping and guarding the stone. The hard work is self-evident. It is this old shopkeeper who has been bumpy all the way and transported the stone not far away.

"Several people worked hard."

Raylow apologized.

The old shopkeeper is a bitter face.

"Boss Xiao Kang told me to tell you that the stone transportation process is very difficult. In addition to the Mecca Prairie during the transportation, the gray date encountered the shadow hand thieves, the lords and nobles on the way were also very unfriendly to us, and the tolls It is several times that of other business groups, and the reason seems to be related to you. "

Raylow's face was slightly ugly.

The old shopkeeper glanced at Lei Luo secretly, and said, "In addition, the villagers here also often come to make troubles, and they are not allowed to build the lord's house here. The workers are scared. I was temporarily arranged to the neighboring town, you see ? "

Lei Luo quietly took out a few gold coins, distributed to the old housekeeper and three swordsmen.

"The villagers have already contacted you. You will immediately call back the workers and continue to work. In addition, you told Xiao Kang that the construction time of the laboratory cannot be delayed. The materials must be delivered according to the plan at any cost. I will solve the extra costs later. Now, Take the lead in solving this situation. "

"Got it."

After receiving the gold coins, the bitter water became sweet water, and a few people couldn't help but a smile appeared in their mouths.

Lei Luo gazed at the sparkling Crescent Lake not far away.

As the Lord of Redridge Ridge, for the time being, the only resource in the territory is this Crescent Lake.

The population in the territory has only a group of barbaric people. The village scale should look like a thousand people. It is almost whimsical to want to collect taxes from this group of poor people.

It seems that if no new resources are found in the territory, it will be difficult to replenish the gold coins in your hands.

"In the future, if the territory wants to develop and expand the laboratory, it seems that it is necessary to plan well how to transform scientific academics into productivity. Fortunately, with the destruction of the Finnish capital, a large number of alchemists died with the catastrophe. The price of guide items is rising, and as an alchemist who masters the star-core alchemy, at least maintaining the laboratory's minimum standard should be no problem, but this is not a long-term plan after all. "

I can't think of that much for now.

Get up.

After circling in the sky, Lei Luo flew to Chiyan Mountain.

This is the only active volcano in the territory's volcanic group. It is said that it erupted once a few decades ago, but it was small in scale and did not cause a large-scale natural disaster.


The legendary dragon-slayers are almost all thousands of years ago.

At that time, most of the land of the star screen was undeveloped, savage and barren.

Due to the civilization level, the Golan fairy civilization failed to produce creatures of the true **** level. Therefore, it did not support the eye of the star screen, but instead formed a mini wind eye supported by the magic eye pyramid, so it once perched in the land of the star screen. There are many legendary creatures, even the kings of ancient times, ancient dragons, there are still a few.

Legendary creatures can mate and multiply each other, but due to the great changes in the environment, the dragon can only pass down the blood veins in a dragon way by mating with other powerful creatures.

It is said that the pure ancient creatures produced by the mating between the ancient creatures are far less concentrated in the air than the ancient times, so once the pure ancient creatures were born in this environment, it is almost equivalent to the dwarf grown in malnutrition. .

This way.

The few giant dragons left in the land of the star curtain were slaughtered by the powerful humans in the ancient times. These dragon slaughterers, who were regarded as legends, later became the gods of the Principality of mankind, and were believed by all peoples.

after that.

With the continuous development of mankind for the land of star screens, especially the birth of scholars in the past millennia, the land of star screens has been continuously explored, and legendary creatures have been killed as specimens.

After only a few generations of changes, the legendary creatures and the Yalong species were almost extinct, so that the ruler of the Magic Eagle Forest was actually a group of third-level creatures.

The only remaining wisdom is the Yalong, which also exists in the land of the star curtain in the form of higher mounts.

At the foot of Chiyan Mountain.

Bian Jiansheng Cang old eyes deep, staring at the top of the mountain, he took a deep breath, looked down at the sword in his hand.

When he was young, he once joined the mercenary regiment like many swordsmen and took risks everywhere. Later, with the passage of time, his partner gradually died. The younger generation grew up, and he finally became the most powerful swordsman in human eyes. , Sky swordsman.

This is the highest state of use of grudge.

The so-called earth fighters and sky fighters are like the extraordinary scholars and royal academicians. The essence of life has not changed, but because of the skillful things, there are some differences from people of the same level.


The sky fighter is also the culmination of the swordsman.

Going one step further is just a change in mounts, weapons, or combat skills, unless ... the law becomes god!

He has searched countless classics and communicated with other powerful people.

The history of the gods' eulogy almost all have one thing in common, that is, after doing an earth-shattering event, they become the object of admiration of all peoples, so the path of God opened.

This road is quite mysterious to ordinary people, but it is an open secret to the existence of the sky fighter peak like Bion.

Master the power of the law!

What could be more respected than a dragon slayer?

Think about it, the evil dragons lead to the charcoal of the souls, the dragon slaughterer is in trouble, the symbol of strength and justice, is this not the story version of all hero biographies?

in this way.

Beyond feeling the dark disease that was left in his body when he was young, he was gradually affecting himself, and he was no longer hesitating when he was increasingly letting his body function towards twilight.

For more than 20 years, he has traveled almost everywhere in the Principalities of mankind.

Wherever there might be a dragon, he did not hesitate to go, but in the end it was just empty. Even the legendary creatures had been killed by the royal academicians of various countries.

His body is decaying day by day, and his power is no longer as strong as it was at its peak.

This is the sorrow of the fighter, unable to become more and more powerful as he grows older, like a scholar.

Now, he is not so eager to get the title of Dragon Slayer, but he is actually more eager to get the blood quenching body of the dragon, so that the body cell function can repeat youth, prolong the peak period of life, and wait for the opportunity.

call out!

The grudge is like the magic energy of a scholar, which is continuously released.

The air beneath him was swaying like waves, flying on the air, and he rushed to the mysterious cave at the top of the volcano.

"Roar! Who is disturbing my deep sleep !!"

A giant with wings spread for more than ten meters, flew out of a sulfur-filled cave, and in the crackling thunderstorm, a huge shadow shrouded the Bion sword saint who released the majestic ~ ~ Human ? "

the other side.

Bion stared at the strange thunder giant bird.

Although it is powerful, it does not have that dragon dragon power. This seems to be a mutant Thunder Phoenix?

I can't remember how many times this was the disappointment. He was used to it.

With a sudden burst of energy, the body was cast into a gold man more than ten meters high on its surface. It looked as strong and powerful as a gold cast, just like substance, and has the same effect as the real body of the scholar.

"I am a saint of Biion, die!"

boom! boom! boom……

The two behemoths battled into a mass. Many legendary creatures in the former Star Curtain were mostly killed by humans in this way.

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