Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 596: Remains of Glory (End)


The corpse, who did not perceive any breath of life, made a hoarse and melodious sound, and stood up in the sway, slowly turning over the terrible and terrible face, his dry eyes stared straight at Lei Luo.

Ordinary people suddenly saw this scene, I am afraid they have been scared crazy.


Lei Luo is no longer a former elementary school student. After continuous accumulation of knowledge, he has been involved in many advanced academic and historical knowledge.

among them.

Corpse puppetry is a bizarre academic developed by ancient scholars who destroyed the ancient country called "Rosie" in the Principality's land more than 2,000 years ago.

Just like practical scholars will transform their bodies, put energy spar in their hearts as igniters

To learn corpse puppetry, you also need to transform yourself, that is, to transform yourself into a corpse and hide the mystery of the soul of life into a deposit called "Life Box"!

From then on, the corpse scholars will also become monsters between life and death.

Only because this academic is too grotesque and contrary to the Holy Scriptures, so after the witches of the Black Dead Big Witch fleeing, the scholars who developed this grotesque ancient academic, together with this country, were criticized by the Crusader Knights Suppressed.

In history, such extermination is not limited to Utoran's practical techniques and Rossi's autopsy.

In the Principality, in the history of the growth of scholars, too many academics were annihilated in the course of history under the trial of the Holy See, and became a forgotten forbidden technique.

The corpse looked at Lei Luo, and there was an evil in his voice.

"Now, how dare you break into my dungeon? The greedy guy, your despicable body, will become my dry drink of recovery, and your ignorant soul will become my loyal slave..."

call out.

It's amazingly fast!

Almost instantaneously, the corpse turned into a residual image and appeared in front of Lei Luo. The black nails of the thin fingers, like the sharpest blade in the world, staggered across Lei Luo's body and cut into four segments!

The corpse showed a stiff, cruel bloodthirsty smile, but his expression quickly solidified.

I saw Lei Luo, who was cut into four sections, his body gradually faded into a residual image and disappeared.

The ultra-integrated Lei Luo, the speed is also amazing, this is a spiritual ghost image left behind in the spot!

"It is said that this ancient scholar between life and death not only has an unusually long life span, but the oppression of the law has almost no effect on it..."

Curious, Lei Luo released the rule of oppression!

call out!

Sure enough, Relo's law of oppression did not play any role.

The black shadow of the corpse flashed again, and the shadow appeared in front of Lei Luo. Although Lei Luo was easily turned away from the claws by the superbody, he saw the sharp wind flashing silently, and the wooden frame of the school was neatly arranged. Into three paragraphs.

At the same time, Lei Luo also shot a boxing gun out of thin air.


The back of the corpse suddenly burst into a clear fist print.

The next moment, it will fall uncontrollably to the ground!

Before the person arrived, the ground slammed first, and a clear fist print of more than ten meters in diameter was recessed, and then the corpse fell to the center of the fist print.

Calmly, Lei Luo's figure drifted towards the corpse.


The words of the corpse are ambiguous. Obviously, they have been hit hard with just one blow.

But for the injuries that are fatal enough for the average person, for this corpse puppet, as long as the life box is intact, it can slowly recover through time, or directly **** the blood of other creatures to recover quickly.

The corpse seems to be embedded in the floor.

He struggled, looking at the huge, clear fist that was centered on his body, his pupils with an indistinct horror.

"Senior seniors...Academics are not like those gods. The older they are, the more likely they are to have powerful powers. Unfortunately, you haven’t experienced the two golden explosions of knowledge in the outside world to baptize you. You may have reached their peak more than a thousand years ago. , Standing at the pinnacle of academia, but today, you have already been surpassed by too many young scholars."

Lei Luo overlooked the corpse in the fist pit.

"Let me guess that you haven't left here for so many years, maybe because... your life box is sealed here? So, you don't want to leave, but there is no way to leave?"

Lei Luo's condescending glance looked like a frivolous examination of the specimens of the test bench, evoking some of his painful memories.

White masks, weird glass-framed eyes, kind words under the scalpel, the man who seemed to hide the blade in the smile!

"Angrie Sass!"

"Angrie Sass? Who is that?"

Lei Luo frowned slightly and shook his head. He hadn't heard of the name, and he was obviously not a modern scholar.

But this corpse seemed to be so, anger overwhelmed fear, made a beastly hysterical cry, struggling in the mosaic floor.

Seeing this, Lei Luo was condescending, his hands pressed down.

Click, click, click, click...

No matter how the corpse is struggling, he still can't leave the ground, and he is bounded by a huge gravitational pull, which is the strong binding gravitational force produced by Lei Luo when he gathers the gravity of the star screen world in a radius of one kilometer!


The hysterical struggling corpse, spit out a sphere at Lei Luo.

However, after the sphere just flew out of Mi Xu, it fell to the ground under strong gravity.

With a bang, a strong thunder magnetic storm covered the surrounding area of ​​more than twenty meters, and the air was filled with a pungent smell.

"Unnecessary struggle, let's say, where is your life box?"

Faced with Leroy's overlook, the corpse was indifferent, still struggling desperately.

However, in terms of his strength, at the level of modern scholars, at most, it is the level of three-level extraordinary scholars.

This kind of power was more than a thousand years ago, and before the first golden age was opened by the three major pioneers, it was clearly regarded as the pinnacle of academia, but judging from the strength of academia today, especially under the power of Rello at the moment , It is really difficult to rank.

The other party did not respond, and it was also expected by Lei Luo.

For the corpse scholars, the fate is not only their strong foundation, but also their weakness, which is very similar to the media partners of modern scholars.

Lei Luo looked around this underground laboratory, except for rows of wooden racks, there was no discovery.

"So, try this."

Crossing his hands, closing his head and closing his eyes, Lei Luo in the air, as if praying for a certain power, in the strange and inexplicable color of the corpse, when he opened his eyes again, he growled silently.


With Raylo as the center, this underground laboratory covering an area of ​​about 200 meters is filled with amazing light and heat.

That's the devastating power of a fission-level radiation weapon!

Affected by it.

With Raylo as the center, where the strong light spreads, the wooden frame instantly ignites!

With the spread of strong light, all items were burned out in a short time, leaving only a residual image on the ground.


The corpse screamed.

A layer of black smoke came out of his body, attempting to hide the terrifying glare of radiation, but still unable to stop the flames violently ignited by the high temperature on his body.

In just a few seconds, this sealed underground laboratory has become a terrible high-temperature furnace, and Raylo is the core of Radiant Jinghua!

The slate murals on the walls are distorted and softened by the intense high temperature, forming a layer of flowing gel-like glass body. The high-strength and strong floor of the ground is cracked by dense cracks due to the thermal expansion effect.

545 degrees.

627 degrees.

855 degrees.

927 degrees.

1128 degrees.

1489 degrees!

The high temperature continued to rise until after the twisted air around Raylo exceeded the 1500 degree terror energy intensity, all the debris in the huge underground laboratory had been burned out, and Raylo stopped the expansion of the radiation law and looked at the air. Twisted furnace-like hot laboratory.

There is still nothing!


Eventually, Lei Luo's eyes gathered on this stone test bed.

Having experienced the terrifying heat of radiation law, where is it still intact?

He stretched out his right hand, a bubble formed in an instant, and blazed with a blast.

boom! ! !

After the blast shock wave, an amazing scene appeared, and the test stand was still intact!


The color of curiosity.

Lei Luo walked across the burning mummy and came to the experiment table.

There is no star core hint, and no special organs are found. This seems to be just an ordinary stone platform. It was only a surprise that Lei Luo tried to reach out and touched his right hand, and realized that this was an illusion!

Lei Luo fumbled for a while.

With a click, something was pulled out.

This one eye.

Strangely, the vertical pupil of this eye is actually alive, expanding and contracting continuously, and Lei Luo grasped with his thumb and index finger, carefully discerning and admiring like observing gems, and as this eye disappeared, Shi The illusion of the table also disappeared.

"Hehe, hehehehehehehe..."

Seeing this, the puppets with so many holes and holes made a desperate grieving laugh.

"We will all die here, we will all die here, we will all die here, we will all die here..."

He repeated the words again and again.

Rello was indifferent.

After thinking about it, he flashed a treasure in his hand, and it was a crystal skull with a crystal clear crystal. After holding this psychedelic eye for a while, he put it in the eye socket of the skull perfectly. Inside.

Looking at the crystal skull, it seemed that because this eye had finished its finishing touch, Lei Luo couldn't help but look into its other empty eye socket, and then put it away again.

At his level, ordinary magic treasures have been very limited in his help.

Only the remains of ancient civilizations, or holy artifacts, are his goals.

"Huh? Come out!!"

Rello turned suddenly, looking at the empty laboratory behind him, his eyes constantly searching.

Just now he was absolutely right about Yu Guang. A woman in white suddenly appeared behind her, seeming to appear out of thin air, staring straight at her, accompanied by a creepy coldness and unknown.

"Did you finally feel it? We will all die here, we will all die here, and the devil will come out soon..."

The corpse is still repeating it over and over again.

Rello looked back suddenly, but still didn't see what he felt.

This ridiculous feeling of helplessness, like the night in childhood, seems to be full of ghosts and unknowns, full of helplessness and fear.


Rello snorted, releasing the terrifying law of high temperature again.

This is the power of the law that even the wall demon must be able to The large underground laboratory is illuminated again, and the just-cooled jelly begins to soften again.

With the increasing temperature, the air around Relo also twisted layer by layer. After the high-temperature resistant floor "click" and "click" burst under the feet, the soil below was exposed and a metal box was found.

Taking out the metal box, Lei Luo walked towards the corpse step by step.

"Speak, what secret is hidden here? It seems that you are not the master here, just the guardian imprisoned here! To be honest, otherwise you should know the consequences of the life box in my hands."

Weird things are still interfering with Rello's perception.

Rello didn't think it was an illusion.

Even in the field of radiation law, these strange things cannot be shielded, it is not an illusion and it is difficult to make sense!

"Here is... Glory Lab of Uncle Sass!"

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