Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 640: Capricorn Mask

"With your strength, even if you can't live in the underground world, it's enough to gallop in the storm of death. Why do you need to come to me? Don't tell me, you are because you have been with me for a long time and have feelings with me. I just came back."

Canary raised her head and looked at Lei Luo solemnly.

"I figured it out clearly!"

Leiluo frowned, puzzled: "Think clearly?"

"According to what you said, the main power of those superhumans is in the seal, but it is only a small part of the fish that slipped through the net, and then across time and space, a part of the superhumans that descend here, jerky human flesh can easily destroy the underground world, forgive me I bluntly, from the perspective of my long life, I maintain a pessimistic attitude towards this world. One day, all lives will face the destruction we once faced, so..."

Canary said word by word: "I want your ticket, a ticket to borrow your fleeing before the end of the end in thousands of years!"

Leiluo narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and did not answer.

Canary naturally knew Leiluo's concerns, and it said sharply: "No matter what the cost!"

There was silence in the room for a while.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lei Luo finally slowly said: "In your body, there is indeed something I want. After I responded to your Aurora Space-Time Fortress message, I have been longing for something."


"Life as long as you."

Hearing the words, the canary was startled slightly, then smiled bitterly: "Didn't you already have it?"


Lei Luo frowned, looking at the canary in incomprehension.

"If I'm not wrong, your true body originally had a long life far surpassing the devil gods because of its special nature, enough to maintain immortality for thousands of years, or even longer. But your true body has been sinking for a long time. Sleep state, acting with this projection clone, talking about the length of life, even me, I am afraid it is difficult to match you, after all, if my real body does not sleep for a long time, I am afraid that if I live for a thousand years, it is already old. It's the limit."

"So... In addition to believing in becoming a **** and establishing the kingdom of God, and placing the kingdom of God on the edge of the world, the subject's dormant avatar action is the key to longevity? In fact, to some extent, it seems that the establishment of the kingdom of God comes through the gods It is also a way for the subject to fall asleep and act through the clone."

Leiluo looked thoughtful.

"Hey, otherwise, there is no slumber of clone, how do we differ from death during slumber?"

Canary's words made Leiluo nod his head, agreeing with its truth.

And from the situation of the tree of truth, it seems to be true.

And speaking of the clone, Lei Luo thought of another expert, no matter he, the tree of truth, or the canary in front of him, I am afraid that he is hard to reach... the curse master.

He pondered slightly for a moment.

After careful consideration, Leiluo firmly said: "I was born in this world, no matter how powerful the superhuman is, as long as I am not dead for a day and there is no complete despair, I must save the world and save my home! Of course, if one day is true When I have a last resort, I will consider your words. It is not impossible to give you a ferry ticket. The price is that you have to send it for me. How about?"


Canary stared down at Lei Luo, saying every word: "I was the same as you now. You will have such a day."


Lei Luo's voice was low and he waved his hand and said: "The first task, I want you to spy on a person secretly. I always feel that this person is not that simple, and even I can hardly see his true face, so I think he There may be some terrible secret hidden. If anyone can see his true face, you are probably the closest person, and I want you to find his true body."


Now that Leiluo said so, the canary couldn't help being dignified. This person must not be easy.

Lei Luo took out the crystal ball, and a figure appeared on the projection light screen, it was [Nightmare Devourer] Nightmare, the Dark World Sorcerer Great Sorcerer King judged by Lei Luo.


When Canary saw this man, her words condensed, and she seemed a little surprised.

"what happened?"

Lei Luo asked inexplicably.

"It's nothing……"

The canary's eyes flickered, as if he wanted to say nothing.

Leiluo frowned, and the Canary soon sighed: "The picture from the death of one of my clones is that this person was killed, and the most important thing is that it seems very scared and helpless. You know, even after the other clones were killed, I never felt this way before, so I suspect..."

Lei Luo squinted, waiting for Canary's judgment.

"I suspect... he encountered something terrible before he died, similar to the helplessness and despair of the multi-eyed king in the underground world controlled by his brain."


The Canary soon left the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

The reconstruction plan of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, after Lei Luo dispatched some scholars to study the laws of nature, progressed quite smoothly. The reconstruction of the main structure has been initially completed, and the third-generation energy source has been embedded into the top of the tower, and the reconstruction has begun. Paint the exterior walls.

During this period, Lei Luo completed an experiment.

Lei Luo used himself to discover the Capricorn body, which is more than 99% superconducting, and developed a secret alchemy amplifying formula following Solvent X.

Lei Luo named it Aurora Magic Liquid.

Since the making of this magic liquid requires the remains of Capricorn as the raw material, its non-renewable characteristics determine its preciousness. Therefore, after making this liquid, Lei Luo only carefully conducted an experiment. On this X mask, deep rune etching was carried out with this magic liquid.

As a result, this mask has undergone an amazing mutation!

Its superconducting characteristics, after fusing Lei Luo's super body mental power, it is actually a fusion of water and milk, producing an effect similar to the previous dream moon art, transferring some fatal damage that breaks through the super body mental power. , Avoid fatal injuries!

the difference is.

The Dream Moon technique is to help the superhumans collect moon spar, which is the fragments left over after the supernatural star collided with the star screen world, as a sacrifice, and transfer the damage to the moon through the siphon passage of the star.

And this mutated X mask transfers damage to itself, forming a stand-in effect.

In this way, Lei Luo named this mutation mask "Capricorn Mask".

Because Leiluo at this time is a clone of the real body projected onto the star screen world, even if the real body already has the strength of the fourth-level peak, this projection clone has only the power of the fourth-level mid-level god, at most it can pass Summoning the power of the true body, with the capital against the upper gods.

The role of this Capricorn mask is equivalent to this clone having a second life, and the significance is self-evident.

Otherwise, after the avatar dies, another avatar will come, although it is not impossible, but the price is not that Leiluo can bear in a short time, I am afraid that he will completely enter a deep sleep, and the next avatar will think within a few hundred years Don't think about it anymore.

With this Capricorn mask, with Lei Luo's current strength, he is not too interested in ordinary magic weapons.

Needless to say the tears of dawn.

These days, Lei Luo has basically analyzed the structure of this holy magic weapon and can manipulate it freely.

In this way, Leiluo's idea of ​​trying to refine the fifth holy magic weapon in the history of academia became stronger.

At least in terms of the quality of the materials that I have mastered, there is indeed this potential!

First refining the most basic obsidian of the magic weapon.

There is a 1000g piece of high-quality obsidian in Lei Luo's hand.

This obsidian was obtained when he was young when he explored the Pyramid of the Quran, and it was the most basic material for refining high-grade, treasured, and top-grade magic weapons.

Only this kind of high-quality obsidian can allow high-quality magic tools to shrink freely after successful refining. With the improvement of the master’s own strength, the limits of magic tools will also increase, otherwise the magic of ordinary quality obsidian It is difficult to keep up with the growth of the real body, and for pioneer-level scholars, it has become a tasteless existence.

With obsidian, the next step is to refine the wand head, body, rune etching, and sacrifice materials.

The head of the staff in Leilo's hand at this time was a crystal skull obtained from Windsor.

I don’t know the origin of this crystal skull. The material is surprisingly strong. In many battles, Lei Luo even used it as a throwing weapon without any damage, and this crystal skull is surprisingly smooth. There is no trace of water chestnut, so Lei Luo guessed that this is probably an artifact!

Most of it is a legacy after the destruction of an ancient civilization.

In addition, within this crystal skull, Lei Luo also inserted a mirage eye.

Judging from the fact that this mirage eye can easily cause Shadra to fall into the illusion, it is difficult for Leiluo himself to find the clues. Once the wand is successfully refined, it is enough to easily drag creatures below level 4 into the illusion. Without knowing it, destroying the enemy is invisible.

As for the other eye of the crystal skull, the one that Lei Luo desires most is of course the dark eye.

This dark demon eye is one of the most powerful demon eyes of the Quran civilization. Judging by its power to seal the Duke of Capricorn and the creator of light, it is indeed the demon eye that Lei Luo desires most.

But at this moment, this magic eye is in the temple of stargazing, that is, in the hands of the former pope, and how to obtain it has to be discussed separately.

If you take the second place, there are still some legendary materials that can replace the position of the dark eye, but it is not as powerful as this eye, but for the holy magic weapon to be successfully refined at one time, of course the dark eye It is the best choice, other materials are just the second best choice.

And the wand hasn't landed yet, so this matter is not in a hurry.

Refining sacred magic weapons is a major event.

How many alchemists who have been dedicated to forging magic weapons all their lives ~ but found nothing in the end. In the history of academia, only four holy magic weapons were born, so even Lei Luo obtained the most perfect magic wand material in his heart. , I don’t have the slightest certainty as to whether or not the holy magic weapon can be refined, let alone the material that is the second best thing.

But what is certain is that with the secret recipe of Solvent X and the secret recipe of Aurora Magic Liquid, the quality of this magic weapon will at least not be lower than the treasure-level magic weapon.

"What material should I use to make the stick body?"

After thinking about it, Lei Luo couldn't think of the right material, and finally shook his head helplessly.

This kind of thing really cannot be rushed for a while, it still depends on chance.

Radiation Jinghua Fusion Grade physical properties change, the law of gravity has broken through the 60-second limit, the refining of a handy wand, and the search for the seal containing the dark essence are the evolution of "Mithril Sealing Dust", no matter which one, it can be regarded as Lei Luo recent The most likely breakthrough direction.

Of course, at Lei Luo's current level, the so-called short-term time unit will be calculated in years.

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