【Ten updates will be released, usually 3 updates, and another update next Saturday.。】

Zhang Tian helped Wang Mengmeng open the car door: "Please。”

“This...where is this? It's so beautiful.。”

Now Wang Mengmeng is in Zhang Tian's private club, a small villa built by the lake, where his friends usually greet him。

“Don't worry, this is my place, relax and don't be restrained。”

After Wang Mengmeng walked into the house, Zhang Tian outside the door couldn't help laughing.。

The little yellow hair came over and said flatteringly: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, I can casually hook up with Wang Ya's sister. That's fine."。”

“Aren’t the women that I, Zhang Tian, like just casually hook up with? And let me tell you, girls after high school are not easy to deceive. The best ones to deceive are the little girls in the third grade of junior high school. They have the illusion that Prince Charming will come to pick them up when they are in love. This kind of thing is best to get started.。”

“After being taught, Zhang Shaozhen became a god. What's more, aren't you just Prince Charming driving a carriage? Ordinary little girls can easily be tricked into getting into the carriage by you.。”

Zhang Tian frowned: "Do I still need to lie? I just invited someone here。”

“Yes...yes, I'm too talkative, too talkative。”

Zhang Tian looked at Wang Mengmeng who was watching curiously in the club. What is his identity? As the son of the chairman of a large company, he had disdained the use of force on women since he was a child.。

Ever since I was young, no woman I liked could escape Zhang Tian's clutches.。

It's not like using force on women like in TV series. Zhang Tian never bothers to do that.。

Once, a very beautiful teacher came to the school. She had just graduated and came to do an internship.。

The other party is aloof and self-effacing. In the end, Zhang Tian used a series of methods such as being promoted to a regular position, and worked very patiently for several weeks to get the new teacher to sleep with him.。

The other party was still obedient and still maintained a relationship with Zhang Tian. He married a male teacher in school and still had contact with Zhang Tian in private.。

Not only does this kid have money in his family, but he also has contact with many women. He is not as brainless as the rich second generation played in TV series.。

Zhang Tian, who has been around a lot of women, has a good way of picking up girls, and he has more tricks than those losers who have never even held a woman's hand.。

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, plus he has a good skin and a rich family, Zhang Tian is quite confident in picking up girls.。

Zhang Tian at the door smiled charmingly: "Let Wang Mengmeng taste some sweetness, I think she will be devoted to me.。”

Zhang Tian entered the house, asked the chef to cook a few dishes, and then started chatting with Wang Mengmeng。

Zhang Tian is very talkative. He talked about everything from school to Wang Mengmeng’s favorite TV series.。

If you want to seduce girls, you have to do what they like. Zhang Tian does this very well.。

The two of them had a very happy chat, which lasted all morning。

Zhang Tian saw that it was almost done, and slowly put his hand on Wang Mengmeng's shoulder: "Mengmeng, I...I...like it……”

“Oh no! "Wang Mengmeng sealed Zhang Tian's mouth with her hands. She blushed and lowered her head: "I...I'm not suitable to talk about these things now, forget it.。”

“Mengmeng, I really found that I can't help myself, really. i really like you。”

Wang Mengmeng took a deep breath, stood up and said: "I'm going to the toilet, let me... let me calm down for a while, I……”

Zhang Tian was secretly proud and did not refuse directly, which meant that there was a chance。

“Well, if I don’t force you, we can’t be together all of a sudden, right? I can wait!”

When Zhang Tian watched Wang Mengmeng enter the bathroom, Xiao Huangmao came out。

“Mr. Zhang, you are awesome. I learned it today. You are really good at playing.。”

Zhang Tian picked up a glass of wine on the table and took a sip, and said with a proud smile: "That's right. But to be honest, Wang Mengmeng is really a very pure girl. Even if she is not Wang Ya's sister, I will definitely pick her up. She is so innocent now There are fewer girls。”

“Mr. Zhang, you... do you like Wang Mengmeng?”

Zhang Tian drank another glass of wine and was in a very good mood: "Hey, if possible, I would almost marry her. She speaks softly and feels comfortable listening.。”

But after a while, Zhang Tian felt something was wrong. Why did Wang Mengmeng go to the bathroom for so long?。

“She just drank some wine. Could it be that she passed out drunk?”

The little yellow hair next to him winked and encouraged: "Master Zhang, opportunity, opportunity!”

Hearing this, Zhang Tian began to have evil thoughts in his heart. What if Wang Mengmeng fell drunk in the toilet?……

After swallowing, Zhang Tian quietly took out the key and opened the toilet door.。

“Cute? Mengmeng, are you drunk?”

Zhang Tian touched the back of his head after entering the bathroom. It was strange. No one was outside? It's not in the toilet, is it?

When he thought that Wang Mengmeng might be drunk while sitting on the toilet, Zhang Tian became excited. This was the first time he fucked him directly in the toilet, so why not?……

Zhang Tian opened the toilet door, but the scene he expected did not appear!

“Cute? So cute! ?”

Zhang Tian opened his eyes wide, looked around, then ran out and looked at the living room: "Where are the people?”

“Mr. Zhang, the toilet window is open. Wang Mengmeng...couldn't he have climbed through the window and left?”

“Climb the window? No reason! ? Why did Wang Mengmeng... run away?”

Cold sweat broke out on Zhang Tian's forehead, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.。

At this time, there was an engine roar in the garage, and Zhang Tian's beloved sports car drove directly out of the garage and left the club.。

Zhang Tian was confused, so confused!

He had no idea what was happening and just watched his Lamborghini being driven away.。

“This this……”

“Mr. Zhang, your car……”Xiao Huangmao also came over stupidly。

Zhang Tian was immediately furious: "Chase him! Chase him for me!"”

“But...can't catch up……”


After kicking Xiao Huangmao away, Zhang Tian was furious。

This is a sports car that he just bought and hasn't warmed up yet. What happened? Could it be that Wang Mengmeng drove away?

This is absolutely impossible!

Zhang Tian covered his head, feeling like he was going to explode.。

If this car is lost, why not play with it!

In the past few days, one car has been destroyed and another has been lost, which adds up to more than 60 million. What a fool!

At this time, Zhang Tian immediately picked up his mobile phone: "Hey, Uncle Liu? I lost my car, my Lamborghini! Hurry up and contact the traffic police to block the riverside highway. Yes... the driver should be a little girl, or there is a little girl in the car. Junior high school student, we are in trouble, we must find him!"

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