Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 25: beauty storm

  Chapter 25 Beauty incident

  At this time, another patient came to the door to defend his rights. Zhou Wenbin habitually avoided this kind of thing, and asked Cheng Xiaohong to receive him on the pretext of having a meeting in his hospital.

  At present, there is an unwritten rule in the medical office. When male patients complain, Xu Chunliang receives them. When female patients complain, Cheng Xiaohong is in charge. Lao Zhou is still in charge of meetings.

The patient who came to complain was Tong Meili, a cashier at a gas station in the city. She came to complain about the Medical Beauty Center of Changxing Hospital. Last month, she had a double eyelid surgery at the Changxing Medical Beauty Center. She was not satisfied with the postoperative results. Thinking it was a surgical accident, he was disfigured.

This is not the first time Cheng Xiaohong has dealt with her. The last time she participated in the consultation in the medical beauty center, the cosmetology department thought that the effect and recovery of the operation were good. During the recovery period, let her be more patient and wait for the final recovery effect.

Tong Meili expressed her understanding at the time, but after she went back, she kept calling the 12345 hotline and complaining about Changxing Medical Beauty Center, which had a very bad social impact. Later, Cheng Xiaohong personally accompanied her to the Dongzhou City Doctor-Patient Dispute Mediation The center conducted mediation, but Tong Meili refused to accept it, thinking that the municipal mediation center and Changxing Hospital were in collusion.

   Cheng Xiaohong invited Tong Meili to the office with a smile on her face, and poured her a cup of tea: "Sister Tong, what are you doing here today?"

   Tong Meili pointed to her eyes and said, "Look carefully at my eyes."

Cheng Xiaohong stared at her with wide eyes. To be honest, Tong Meili's appearance was a bit untrue. She was already tired at the age of forty, her skin was dull, and there were many crow's feet in the corners of her eyes. In order to improve her appearance, she came to Changxing Hospital Cosmetology Department performed double eyelid surgery.

  Honestly speaking, her double eyelid surgery was very successful and looked natural, but she didn't think she looked better than before. After all, the foundation is there, and double eyelid surgery cannot completely improve a person's appearance.

  Cheng Xiaohong has also undergone the same operation, so she has a certain right to speak in this regard.

"pretty good!"

   "I'm telling nonsense without conscience, can't you see that my eyes are big and small? Can't you see that I'm not as good-looking now as before?"

Cheng Xiaohong stared at it for a while, but she didn't notice that her eyes were one big and one small: "Sister Tong, I think I'm recovering pretty well." can not tell.

Tong Meili sneered and said, "Of course you are talking to your own people in the hospital, but you can't open your eyes and tell nonsense. I used to have single eyelids, but my appearance is pretty good. After you finished double eyelids in your medical beauty center , the eyes became big and small, at the beginning you said that you need a recovery period, now it has been more than a month, not only have I not recovered, but my eyes have become uglier, even my man is not willing to look at me anymore .”

   "Sister Tong, it's not that serious, is it?"

   "Why is it not serious? You must give me an explanation today, otherwise I will announce this matter to the whole society, and I will expose you!"

  Cheng Xiaohong advised her to calm down first, and planned to invite the person in charge of the medical beauty center to explain to Tong Meili.

Tong Meili said: "Okay, you call them all, Cai Rongjuan was the one who operated on me, by the way, don't think that I don't know that the cosmetology department of your hospital is privately contracted, cheated me of so much money, and made me lose People are not people, ghosts or ghosts, I will never end with you."

Xu Chunliang took a look. This Tong Meili's appearance is not flattering. She has double eyelids that have never been seen in the past. Her parents, who are physically and skinny, can easily use a knife. , he was a little puzzled, isn't it all natural? It has to be transformed the day after tomorrow. Isn't medical cosmetology just a fake human body project?

  Cheng Xiaohong asked Tong Meili to go to the mediation room next door to sit for a while, and she immediately contacted the relevant person in charge of the medical beauty center to come over. After all, it is inconvenient to say some things in front of the patient.

Cheng Xiaohong first called Cai Rongjuan, the director of the Medical Aesthetics Center. Cai Rongjuan was in the process of undergoing surgery, and she would not be able to step down for half an hour. The Medical Aesthetics Center of Changxing Hospital was a contracted department, and the contractor Zeng Hongwen was from southern Fujian. Departments have become industries.

   Zeng Hongwen said that it was not convenient for him to come here, so he asked the medical office to talk about it first, and Cai Rongjuan had to come forward for this matter.

Cheng Xiaohong hung up the phone, a little depressed, and complained that the group of people in the medical beauty center were very troublesome. They were the ones who complained, and they didn't take it seriously. The center is a cooperative business model, which is more difficult to deal with.

  Xu Chunliang said: "The woman who made trouble is not good-looking either."

Cheng Xiaohong looked out the door and asked Xu Chunliang to come over. There were photos of Tong Meili before and after the operation on the computer. Xu Chunliang compared it and confirmed that it was a little uglier after the operation than before the operation. The phenomenon is not obvious.

  Cheng Xiaohong said: "Cai Rongjuan, the director of the cosmetology department, is Tan Guoliang's wife. The couple have been unlucky recently. Old Tan's matter has just been resolved, and his wife has another problem."

  Xu Chunliang heard about this relationship, and smiled disdainfully: "Tan Guoliang is so capable, let him solve it by himself, and let the medical office not get involved in this muddy water."

Cheng Xiaohong said: "You don't know the relationship. The cosmetology department is contracted by a third party. If the responsibility lies with the hospital, it is the third party who loses money. However, the reputation of our Changxing Hospital must be damaged. Xiao Xu, help me go to the doctor's office." Beauty Center."

   "What are you doing?"

   "Let's see if Cai Rongjuan is doing the surgery. She thinks she shouldn't take responsibility, and she is very negative about this matter. If she doesn't come forward, we can't talk about it."

  Xu Chunliang knew that Cheng Xiaohong had to stay to deal with Tong Meili, so he agreed.

   When I went there, I met the vice president Geng Wenxiu who was leading a group of administrative staff to patrol the hospital. According to the division of responsibilities, she was in charge of outpatient medical care, and there were routine inspections twice a week.

  Because he took a positive approach, Xu Chunliang greeted her out of politeness.

   "Hello Geng Yuan!"

  Geng Wenxiu didn't look at him directly, and walked past him with her chest up. She always had this superior look.

  Xu Chunliang is unavoidably depressed. An official with a bigger fart has a lot of authority. Gu Houyi, the big boss of the hospital, is not as arrogant as her. I think I was not as arrogant as you when I led a hundred thousand congregants.

   After walking over, Geng Wenxiu adjusted his glasses, and said to Li Qiaoyan, director of the conduct office beside him, "Who was that just now?"

  Li Qiaoyan said: "Oh, Xu Chunliang, the new medical officer."

   "Xu Chunliang?" Geng Wenxiu repeated the name. At this moment, she has not realized the influence of this young man on her future life. Cai Rongjuan is well-known in the beauty industry in Dongzhou City. A few years ago, she was sent by the government to study in South Korea, and she did learn some advanced beauty techniques.

  After Hokkien businessman Zeng Hongwen contracted the cosmetology department, he has been cooperating very well with Cai Rongjuan, and has invested a lot in building Cai Rongjuan's image.

  Cai Rongjuan is keen on social activities. She is also a member of the District CPPCC and a member of the Democratic Party. She is very particular about her clothes and has an arrogant personality.

Although Xu Chunliang has not been in Changxing for a long time, he has already discovered that there are distinct classes in the small Changxing Hospital. This class is defined by position and wealth. As far as the medical department is concerned, young doctors usually do not earn much. There are not many beds. If you can become the leader of the medical team, you will have a qualitative leap, and the income of the deputy director and director will rise steadily.

  In any era, wealth is the source of confidence, so it makes sense to say that you have a lot of money.

  Cheng Xiaohong knows Cai Rongjuan quite well, and she didn't go for surgery at all. Generally speaking, the beauty department rarely arranges surgery in the afternoon, and even if it is arranged, Cai Rongjuan seldom goes on stage in person.

When Xu Chunliang came to her office, Cai Rongjuan was chatting with a woman dressed as a noble lady. When she saw him push the door in, her delicately made-up face suddenly became serious: "Who told you to come in? Get out!" There are some directors who have a bad temper and think they are superior to others in the hospital.

  Xu Chunliang knocked on the door, but no one answered, so he pushed the door.

  Xu Chunliang was not shocked by her aggressive aura, looked at Cai Rongjuan and said, "Are you Cai Rongjuan?"

  Cai Rongjuan was stunned. Xu Chunliang was wearing the overalls of the hospital, so she thought he was a junior in the hospital. She usually doesn't look down on this kind of person. It is too courageous for a junior to dare to call himself by his first name.

  The noble lady who was chatting with her also felt that the atmosphere was not right, she smiled and said: "Director Cai has something to do, I'd better leave first."

  Cai Rongjuan was a little embarrassed. In fact, this embarrassment was caused by herself. If she hadn't been so domineering, Xu Chunliang would not have made the next move.

  Xu Chunliang doesn't care what beauty department director she is, aren't you arrogant? I'll let you know the consequences of your arrogance: "In my medical department, a patient complained about your surgical accident. Now the patient is waiting at our place. I came here to find you to solve your problem."

  Cai Rongjuan blushed, and she really didn't save any face for her. Doesn't this kid know that he is receiving a distinguished guest? Isn't this a blatant slap in the face?

  After hearing Xu Chunliang's words, the noble lady was even more unwilling to stay. She picked up her Hermes handbag and left.

  Cai Rongjuan wanted to get up to see her off, but he waved her to stop and left in a hurry.

   Cai Rongjuan said with a gloomy face: "What do you mean? In front of my patient, what do you mean by saying that?"

"I don't mean anything. I just explain the facts and let you know. Please make it clear that we are helping you to deal with the problem. If you don't go, I can understand that you refuse the coordination of our medical department and can only ask patients to go to the hospital directly. You communicate." Xu Chunliang walked away after finishing speaking.

  (end of this chapter)

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