Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 46: lost keel

  Chapter 46 The Lost Keel

  Although the Dongzhou Museum is only a municipal museum, it has a large collection and has been selected as a national first-level museum, which is rare in prefecture-level cities.

  People in Dongzhou are not keen on ancient culture, and there are few museums with many collections. There is no ticket here, just show your resident ID card, and you can get an electronic ticket online for free.

  After Xu Chunliang entered the exhibition hall, he went straight to the Yinshang exhibition area. His purpose was very clear, which was to find the batch of oracle bone inscriptions donated by his grandfather. When he found the showroom where the oracle bone inscriptions were exhibited, Xu Chunliang looked through them from beginning to end, but found no documents related to the "Huangdi Neijing", and the label next to it did not show the donor. Basically, it can be concluded that the cultural relics donated by his grandfather are not displayed here.

   Coming to the lecturer, Xu Chunliang asked if there were only so many oracle bone inscriptions in the collection.

  The guide told him proudly that the oracle bone inscriptions on display here are only a small part of the cultural relics in the collection, which totals more than 3,000 pieces.

  Xu Chunliang knew that his grandfather had personally donated more than a thousand tablets. He thought the lecturer should know about such a large donation, but after asking, the other party didn’t know anything. I suggest him to ask in the reference room for details.

  Xu Chunliang went to the museum office area according to the guidance of the guide.

   Hearing that Xu Chunliang is the grandson of the original donor Xu Changshan, Liang Boxian, the person in charge of the reference room, specially received him.

Liang Boxian is fifty-seven years old this year. He was the one who handled Xu Changshan's donation back then. He still remembers this incident vividly. The specific time was 22 years ago. Introduced by Professor Bai Mushan, Liang Boxian accepted the donation on behalf of the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics and the Municipal Museum. In recognition of Xu Changshan's righteous deeds, he specially rewarded Xu Changshan with a bonus of 100,000 RMB, a pennant, and the honorary title of Guardian of Cultural Relics.

  100,000 yuan may not seem like a lot now, but in Dongzhou at that time, you could buy a house with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

  Xu Chunconscience said that apart from the contents of more than a thousand pieces of oracle bone inscriptions, it is already priceless. Grandpa really doesn’t know what to buy, but it’s not wrong to donate cultural relics to the country, which is in line with the mainstream of the current era.

  Xu Chunliang didn't care about the money, he really cared about the contents of the oracle bone inscriptions, so he proposed to Liang Boxian that he wanted to observe the donated cultural relics.

Liang Boxian told him with regret that after the donation, the museum and Dongzhou Normal University jointly established an ancient writing research studio. The main task of this studio is to decipher the oracle bone inscriptions donated by Xu Changshan. Rubbing photos were compiled into the file.

The project has not yet made progress. In the summer of that year, due to the short circuit of the wires and a fire, when the fire was extinguished, most of the cultural relics and materials had been burned, and the salvaged parts were incomplete, losing their original cultural relic value. The reason why the oracle bone inscriptions donated by Xu Changshan are not displayed in the exhibition hall.

At that time, some backup rubbings were indeed kept, but they had not had time to digitize. In the same year, a robbery case occurred in the museum. The stolen cultural relics included those rubbings. Although the case was quickly solved, most of the cultural relics were also chased. When they came back, the thieves didn't know the true value of those rubbings. When they stole them, they used them as wrapping paper, and then discarded them casually, and they didn't know where they threw them.

Liang Boxian was also quite guilty and deeply regretful when he talked about this matter. They donated the cultural relics with the intention of wanting to better protect the cultural relics, but they did not shoulder this responsibility. In order to prove everything they said, He also specially found out the list of cultural relics from that year.

  Xu Chunliang didn't say anything, but he always felt that this happened a little strangely. It seems that the real answer can only be obtained after seeing Bai Mushan.

The fact that Xu Chunliang treated the dean Gu Houyi was not known to outsiders. Xu Chunliang didn't say anything, and Gu Houyi wouldn't say anything. The only one who knew the inside story was Gao Xinhua. Things, he will not reveal it.

   Zhu Mingyuan, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been a little depressed recently. Gu Houyi's attitude towards him is obviously different from the past. Although he recovered on the day of the onset, Zhu Mingyuan is very clear that he has no credit for it.

  He also discussed with Zhao Yongsheng in private, whether he should find an opportunity to express his apology to Gu Houyi, but Zhao Yongsheng secretly told him that there was no need, and that Gu Houyi would probably leave soon.

  Although Gu Houyi's transfer has not yet been made public, the news has spread quietly, and it is rapidly brewing and fermenting inside Changxing Hospital.

  Gu Houyi made a special statement about this matter at the hospital's weekly meeting that he will not leave and don't listen to gossip.

Gu Houyi's clarification did not stop the rumors. The news about his going to the Science and Technology Association became more and more popular. The middle-level cadres in Changxing were most concerned about this matter. Excellent opportunity for replacement.

  After weighing the pros and cons, Zeng Hongwen finally chose to voluntarily terminate the contract.

The appraisal results of Tong Meili and Shi Zhiwei have also come out. Facts have proved that Tong Meili’s operation itself did not have any mistakes, but it does not mean that the Medical Aesthetic Center has been freed from responsibility. Zeng Hongwen faces a large fine for unreasonable charges.

   Now Tong Meili and his wife's claim mainly revolves around the smashed jadeite bracelet, for which they hired a lawyer.

  Once the matter went through legal procedures, it meant that it was coming to an end, and the atmosphere in the medical office became more relaxed. Zhou Wenbin has a good habit of conducting post-mortem reviews of every medical dispute that has occurred, learning lessons from it, and making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

  Cheng Xiaohong recently had a date with someone, and she was in a good mood, humming a song even at work.

  Zhou Wenbin coughed, reminding her to restrain herself during working hours.

  Cheng Xiaohong also realized that she had lost her composure, and blushed slightly. At this time, Mrs. Jiang knocked on the door and came in.

Mrs. Jiang did not come here this time to complain. She specially brought her steamed buns to Xu Chunliang. Since what happened last time, Xu Chunliang left a very good impression on the old lady. Help yourself, come here from time to time to give Xu Chunliang some food made by himself.

  Cheng Xiaohong quickly called Xu Chunliang.

  The medical office has been relatively free these two days. Xu Chunliang is reading in the library. Hearing that Mrs. Jiang is here, he hurried back.

   When he came to the medical office, he found that Mrs. Jiang had left. It turned out that the old lady's daughter and granddaughter came back to visit her and hurried back to cook.

  Cheng Xiaohong pointed to the steamed stuffed bun left by Mrs. Jiang: "Xiao Xu, you are so charming, even Mrs. Jiang treats you so well."

Xu Chunliang smiled proudly: "No way, I can't stop this **** charm." Everyone has good and evil thoughts in their hearts, as long as you know him enough and touch the good thoughts in his heart, then He will definitely reciprocate you.

   Zhou Wenbin stared at the computer screen and said: "Young people should not start to be complacent after a little work achievement, they should be modest and prudent, and guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

   Here comes the short one, the next one is zero!



  (end of this chapter)

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