Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 914 Professional Cutting Off

Xu Chunliang said: "We have known each other for so long, have I ever lied to you?"

Ye Qingya said: "Okay, what preparations do I need to make?"

Xu Chunliang looked around and pointed to the yoga mat in the exercise area: "How about we go over there and I will use my energy to help you get rid of the cold."

The two of them came to the yoga mat and sat cross-legged opposite each other. Xu Chunliang let Ye Qingya's arms fall naturally, with the palms facing up and resting on her knees. In fact, helping Ye Qingya to fight off the cold was also based on the principle of yang and yin, but It is not as direct and in-depth as with Xiahou Mulan, so the effect must be compromised.

Of course, this is a minor problem for Ye Qingya. If he really gets a serious illness, Xu Chunliang is willing to sacrifice for his god-sister. He suddenly realized that since he learned to use yang to deal with yin, he has become unselfish and dedicated to benefiting others. This kind of sacrificial spirit It's also quite great.

Xu Chunliang guided Ye Qingya to close her eyes and relax her body and mind, to have complete trust in herself, and to avoid being defensive and confrontational during the treatment process.

Ye Qingya adjusted her breathing according to his rhythm. Because of her nasal congestion, her breathing was relatively laborious.

Xu Chunliang waited until she completely relaxed before grabbing the Taiyuan point on her wrist.

The lungs face the hundred meridians, and the pulses meet Taiyuan. The lungs govern qi and breathing, and qi is the commander of the blood. Taiyuan acupoint opens at Yin, and it is the first to gain qi. Tai: means extremely large, abyss, abyss, deep cave. mean.

Taiyuan point is located on the lung meridian of the hand, on the radial side of the striated muscle of the wrist.

Xu Chunliang found the location of the Taiyuan point on Ye Qingya's hands, and injected an innate energy into it.

Ye Qingya felt as if a small hole had been opened on her wrist, and then two streams of warm air entered it. After the airflow entered the meridians of Ye Qingya's hand and lung, it immediately divided into two directions, upward and downward.

Go down through the thenar and rush towards Shaoshang point. Shang is divided according to the ancient five tones and six rhythms, Gong, Shang, Jiao, Hui and Yu. In traditional Chinese medicine, it belongs to the root of the lung meridian. Shaoshang point means that yin generates yang.

Massage or acupuncture at Shaoshang point can relieve symptoms, clear away heat, clear the throat, and relieve symptoms.

Xu Chunliang's Yang Dao Yin method is different from ordinary treatment methods. He wants to use innate Qi to help Ye Qingya expel cold. If he wants to eradicate wind and cold in the lung meridian, he chooses to start with Taiyuan point, but first he must start with the lung meridian. Starting from the root Shaoshang point, the wind and cold air will be dissipated in the shortest possible time.

Because Ye Qingya was exposed to wind and cold, the cold air accumulated in the lung meridians of her hands, preventing the yin from generating yang in the Shaoshang point. Xu Chunliang first cleared the cold air from the Shaoshang point.

The ascending innate Qi goes all the way along the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the Hand. The Taiyin Lung Meridian starts from the stomach in the middle burner, goes down to the large intestine, comes back along the upper mouth of the stomach, passes through the diaphragm, and belongs to the lungs. It runs from the lung system and throat to the armpit meridian Zhongfu and Yunmen, down along the inner side of the upper arm, along the hand Shaoyin, before the hand Jueyin meridian passes through the Tianfu and Xiabai points, down to the middle of the elbow and beyond the Chize point, along the forearm The entrance hole is the most point on the edge of the medial radius, enters Cunkou, passes through Jingqu and Taiyuan, goes up to the thenar part, along the thenar, and exits at Shaoshang point at the end of the big finger.

Xu Chunliang's innate energy circulates back and forth in Ye Qingya's hand and lung meridians, sweeping away the wind and cold. His current method is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, and the wind and cold are immediately wiped out wherever he goes.

For Ye Qingya, this feeling was like a breath of spring breeze. It didn't take long for the aversion to cold in her body to completely disappear. Her breathing became more and more free. Unknowingly, the symptoms of nasal congestion were relieved and she no longer needed to use it. The mouth assists in breathing.

Her throat no longer itches and she no longer coughs.

Before Xu Chunliang treated her grandfather's illness, she did not believe that qigong could cure diseases, and even thought that qigong was a scam. However, after seeing Xu Chunliang cure her grandfather's stubborn illness with her own eyes, her views were shaken.

Now that she has experienced Xu Chunliang's use of Qigong to heal herself, she has completely believed in the magic of Qigong.

Xu Chunliang also made a gratifying discovery while treating Ye Qingya. As the innate energy entered Ye Qingya's meridians, he actually felt a little innate power from Ye Qingya's meridians.

In fact, everyone has more or less retained some innate power in their body. These innate powers do not disappear, but they enter a dormant state after you are born, or you cannot sense them.

Or this common innate power of the public can be understood as immunity. Xu Chunliang's innate power awakened Ye Qingya's autoimmunity. While killing the virus, this immunity also began to fight against Xu Chunliang's innate power.

After Xu Chunliang noticed Ye Qingya's changes, he quietly withdrew his innate power. He saw Ye Qingya sitting there cross-legged, with sweat on her forehead.

Ye Qingya opened her eyes and felt very good. It seemed that her cold was completely gone. Xu Chunliang asked her to take a hot bath and change clothes as soon as possible to avoid catching a cold again.

When Ye Qingya came out of the bath and changed clothes, she smelled the smell of ginger tea, but Xu Chunliang had already brewed the ginger tea.

Xu Chunliang said: "You are just fine with the cold, but you still need to consolidate."

Ye Qingya said: "If I hadn't experienced it myself, I really wouldn't have thought that Qigong could have an immediate effect in treating colds."

Xu Chunliang said with a smile: "You know this and I know it, please don't spread it to others, otherwise I will be exhausted from helping acquaintances treat colds in the future."

Ye Qingya smiled and took the bowl of ginger tea from him. After drinking the ginger tea, she remembered if Xu Chunliang had come over for something.

Xu Chunliang said: "If you didn't ask me, I would have almost forgotten it." He told the story about the disappearance of monk Tonghui.

Ye Qingya said: "Yesterday I was fine when I asked him for calligraphy lessons. Why did he suddenly disappear? Could it be related to yesterday's lightning strike on the spiritual pagoda?"

Xu Chunliang nodded and said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. After the pagoda was destroyed by lightning, the clay pot inside shattered and the things sealed in the pottery pot were scattered on the ground. I suspect that those things were used by Monk Tonghui back then. Yes, maybe he regained his memory after seeing it."

Ye Qingya said: "Who is Master Tonghui?"

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "Ask me, who should I ask? I only know that the previous abbot of Duyun Temple picked him up under the cliff. He has forgotten everything that happened before. Judging from his age, he He was about thirty years old when he fell off the cliff. If everything in the clay pot belongs to him, his family must be quite well-off."

Ye Qingya said: "No matter what, I hope he is safe and sound."

Xu Chunliang secretly thought that Mo Han was the one who took him to Duyun Temple in the first place. Based on his understanding of Mo Han, this girl would not do good deeds for no reason. Maybe Mo Han knew something. At present, Pu Jian has not told Mo Han about Tong Hui's disappearance, mainly because he is worried that his balance payment will not be settled, but this matter cannot be hidden for too long.

While the two were chatting about Tong Hui, the doorbell rang.

Ye Qingya stood up and opened the door. She looked at the screen of the video doorbell and found Wang Jiancheng standing outside.

Ye Qingya opened the door, and Wang Jiancheng smiled and handed her a bouquet of flowers: "Sister Qingya, I passed by your studio, so I came up to take a look. I wanted to ask you for a painting by the way."

Ye Qingya had no choice but to let him in. She had just taken a shower, her hair was still wet, and her pretty face was as red as a hibiscus.

Wang Jiancheng looked at the incomprehensible Ye Qingya with some trepidation, but when he entered the studio, his heart suddenly sank because he saw another person in the studio.

Xu Chunliang was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. Xu Chunliang had actually heard his voice. Out of politeness, he got up and said hello: "Mr. Wang, what a coincidence."

Wang Jiancheng smiled at Xu Chunliang, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. This is Ye Qingya's studio. If he can come, Xu Chunliang can naturally come too. However, it seems that Ye Qingya has just taken a shower, so this matter cannot be taken seriously. Thinking about it, the more I thought about it, the more awkward I felt.

Ye Qingya said: "Jian Jiancheng, you sit down first and I'll pour you a cup of tea. By the way, do you want tea or coffee?"

Wang Jiancheng glanced at the tea cup in Xu Chunliang's hand and decided to drink coffee. Why should I be like you?

Xu Chunliang greeted Wang Jiancheng like a male host: "Mr. Wang, sit down, you're welcome."

Wang Jiancheng is so depressed, why should I greet you? You didn't know where you were when I met Ye Qingya. This guy is too familiar. This is Ye Qingya's studio. Why do you think you are the master of the house?

Thinking of how he met Xu Chunliang, he became even more depressed. At that time, the elders of the Qiao and Wang families wanted to marry him and bring Mei Ruxue together. Although he really liked Ye Qingya in his heart, Ye Qingya was already a woman. He could only suppress this thought in his heart. For the benefit of the family, Mei Ruxue was a realistic choice.

He originally planned to accept it, but Xu Chunliang suddenly appeared and shattered the marriage plan of the two families. Wang Jiancheng did not hate Xu Chunliang because of that incident, because his true love was not Mei Ruxue, and he did not like marriage for political purposes. The love between Xu Chunliang and Mei Ruxue made him feel relieved.

Not long ago, Qiao Rulong and Ye Qingya divorced. He was ecstatic, thinking that he had finally waited for the opportunity, but he never expected that Xu Chunliang and Mei Ruxue also broke up. It is okay for a man to be unmarried and an unmarried woman to break up, but Xu Chunliang He actually also targeted Ye Qingya. Could this guy be a professional beard cutter?

Xu Chunliang drank tea calmly.

The aroma of coffee came from the operation room, where Ye Qingya was grinding coffee.

Wang Jiancheng thought of Ye Qingya's appearance just now, and muttered in his heart. She had just taken a shower. When did Xu Chunliang come? They won't wash together, right? He quietly looked at Xu Chunliang. Xu Chunliang's hair was dry, which proved that he had not taken a bath, but not taking a bath together did not mean that he had not done other things. Wang Jiancheng reminded himself not to think wildly, so as not to affect his mood, but his brain was not at all Disobedience to instructions resulted in a mess.

Xu Chunliang said: "Mr. Wang, what was the final word on the China-Korea Industrial Park?"

Wang Jiancheng was stunned for a moment, and then returned to reality. Not long ago, he went to Dongzhou to talk to Xu Chunliang about the land for the new hospital of infectious diseases. But looking back now, that conversation was meaningless. The problem was not Because of Xu Chunliang, even the eldest brother did not support them.

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