Chapter 150: The Importance of Zefa.

Not long after, the first sailless large ship in the pirate world was officially tried on the sea, and many people gathered on the coast, and even when they smiled they didn’t know when they came.

In other words, can you see it with a smile?

Well, he should be able to perceive his domineering appearance.

Everyone saw behemoths without sails speeding over the sea, and their maneuverability was unknown how many times better than sailboats.

And the hull of the ship is still made of steel, which is much stronger than the wood of the sailing ship.

The ship was also equipped with cannons, and the soldiers tested the sea and firing, which was a lot of fun, but everyone who was very familiar with sailing ships could see that the sailing ships were only crushed in front of the ship.

Even if the warship comes, it can only be the younger brother!

When the ship’s sea trials ended and landed, the citizens and soldiers watching from the shore all applauded excitedly, happy that there was such a steel ship on the ground.

Everyone knows that only the stronger the territory, the better life will last.

Just imagine, when the local territory forms a steel fleet, I am afraid that the navy is not an opponent, who else need to be afraid of by then?! But Lindbergh was still not satisfied,

“Chief, if you modify it here and here and here, I think it can get better, and then the ship will be absolutely invincible on the sea!”

Zhuo Lin’s face was full of helplessness,

“Okay, I’ll help you change it in the next few days, let’s eat first, how to work without filling your stomach!”

Lindbergh was stunned, and his stomach immediately cooperated with the grumbling, but Lindbergh couldn’t help but be shy.

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

But not ridicule, but think scientists like Lindbergh are respectable and cute.

Since the scientists were hungry, no one could refuse to open the meal, so in order to celebrate the birth of the first steamer, everyone naturally held a banquet.

It doesn’t cost too much food, just like the usual big pot of rice, everyone eats happily.

Zhuo Lin found a smile, and Burr and they talked about things.

“Now that the territory has expanded to the Gu Magnetic Kingdom, has not..?”

Zhuo Lin asked.

“Soon, I’m going to do it when Valpo gets back!”

A murderous look flashed on his face with a smile,

“With Valpo’s tyranny, he should be judged by the people and then publicly executed. When the kingdom of Gu Magnetic is included in the territory, it will be able to officially negotiate business with Alabastan, and the oil plan will be carried out smoothly. ”

A smile is still so jealous as hatred.

Since learning about Valpo’s brutal rule, Yixiao is eager to hit the kingdom directly.

However, Yixiao clearly knew that Valpo’s scourge could not be retained, so he decided to wait until Valpo returned home before making a move.

In addition, before that, Zhuo Lin also needed to go to the Gu Magnetic Kingdom to do some things, such as getting Rosinandi and Zefa away, otherwise it was estimated that there would be unnecessary trouble.

Rosinandi is the righteous son of the Warring States, and Zefa is the former general of the Navy, once the coup d’état in the Gu Magnetic Kingdom, it will definitely attract the attention of the Warring States With the wisdom of the Warring States, with the wisdom of the Warring States, with the analysis of the Grand Staff Lieutenant General He, it is likely to dig up what Zhuo Lin did, and the secret will not be kept at that time.

This is what Zhuo Lin He Yixiao does not want to see.

Zhuo Lin naturally knew the importance of this matter, and quickly said,

“I will go to the Gu Magnetic Kingdom again soon, Zefa should be almost awake, I want to talk to him.”

A smile naturally guessed Zhuo Lin’s thoughts,

“Do you think Zefa can be won over?”

“Good! Zefa, a former admiral, should know the rotten nature of the world government, but he was originally dedicated to the navy, but now he has been betrayed and abandoned, and his heart has long been cold. He should hate the world government in his heart, and he also hates pirates, and he is a person with real righteousness in his bones, which is worth fighting for! ”

“If that’s the case, then it’s up to you. Once Zefa joins our camp, it may be much easier for us to rebel against other navies in the future. ”

Although Yixiao is blind, his brain is excellent.

He can see the value of many things for the future, otherwise he would not be able to be the commander-in-chief.

It is precisely because of the wisdom and strength of Yixiao that everyone in the territory respects Yixiao very much, and Yixiao is actually equivalent to the number two leader in the territory.

And it is precisely because of a smile that Zhuo Lin dares to wave everywhere.

It’s just that it’s really not easy to persuade Zefa, and Zhuo Lin has been thinking about it for a long time, and now he is very distressed.

But this is really something that only he can do, and it must be done, because it is too valuable for the future, too big to measure.

If one day the two see the essence of the world government and navy, and Zefa suddenly invites the two to join the camp here, it is very likely to succeed.

Far from it, let’s say Smog and Tina.

That would give you two more powerful combat powers!

By analogy, many righteous sailors in the navy are Zefa’s disciples, and their respect for Zefa exceeds many people’s imagination, and once Zefa personally rebels, I am afraid that a small half of the navy soldiers will follow.

Therefore, Zefa this person must not give up!

Zhuolin wants to let the world government and the navy know that it is foolish to abandon Zefa!

For the next two days, Zhuolin was doing coolies for Lindbergh, who operated as he pleased, striving to make the ship more perfect.

For example, the construction of shipyards and gasoline and diesel refineries, many machines also need to be built, and various technologies must be taught to the newly formed technical team, in short, Lindbergh is absolutely not idle.

After the ship style was really decided, Lindbergh was busy.

Zhuolin simply arranged for Roman to be in charge of docking with Lindbergh.

Lindbergh wants materials for materials, people for people, anyway, Roman actively cooperates.

If you really can’t decide, just contact a smile, and a smile will definitely know how to do it.

As for Zhuo Lin himself, he quickly flew towards the Drum Magnetic Kingdom.

Now the world conference has been going on for several days, several topics have been published in the newspapers, and it has also attracted heated discussions in the whole world, and the sea can be described as very lively.

Zhuo Lin, who was flying, also bought a newspaper to read, and only glanced at it and threw it aside to eat.

Basically, the issues of those allied countries fighting for their own national interests, without any discussion for the benefit of ordinary people, are not worth watching at all.

Princess Otohime really raised the issue of allowing the people of Fishman Island to move to the sea to live, and few people agreed.

Many people are actually not stupid, Fishman Island wants to live on the sea, wants to enjoy the sun, in fact, is fighting for equal rights, it is strange to agree.

Draco regarded fish people and mermaids as slaves or ornamentals!


In order to please Draco, these kings naturally could not agree to the demands of Fishman Island, and in the end, Princess Otohime’s issue naturally did not exist

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