Greatest Martial Artist Recarinated In The Future

Chapter 16 - Forging/Mysterious Feelings??



Qi Ying looked at the time and started doing his morning quick workouts, and went for a l.a.p, took a shower and ate while reading the forums of -{[Legendary-Fighter]}-.



Everyone was awake, the sky completely white, like it would snow at any time or rain.

The three talking about how Q Ying met with her, they were very surprised. But Qi Ying didn't tell of how much was making and anything considering money.

Qi Ying did say to quit their jobs, of course they denied but Qi Ying kept persuading them and they said they will think about it.


Back in the game...

He spawned in the safezone, and his body equipments durability was very low, so he quickly went to a blacksmith.

Qi Ying was now starting to think to try those dungeons, and starting a guild. But Qi Ying just brushed it off his shoulder and thought i'll do it later in the game, this game is to easy anyway.

Qi Ying wanted to do the dungeons cause he needed a full set of a armor, and more coins and more xp cause it took very long to level up killing wolves now. This steeless armor is good but it's not that good, cause he only had the c.h.e.s.t part.

So he didn't get the full effect and the peakness of the armor, and it was just common. To get the full effect and peak power of the armor your wearing, is you need all the pieces the bracers, the armor, pants, helmet or mask for some armor.

And what even makes the armor more powerfuller is that if you have the same weapon as the armor is made out of, your power and attack damage will skyrocket!


Blacksmith Rental...

It was very smoky night, a lot of people talking, lots of lines, some doing business, some pkers in top of buildings.

Qi Ying knew how to forge he was the best forger there ever was in his world, not even god forger, demon forger, any race best forger couldn't match him by the slightest, he could still remember the first time he started to forge cause he was very bored.

He could remember everything, one of his talent was that he could learn and remember anything with one glance.

Back in the cultivation world, in this world he had to read it couple of times to memorize it, but he was still a very good memorizer, he could be called a genius.

Qi Ying thought why should i pay someone just to get my armor fixed when i can fix it myself.


Rental Rooms...

Qi Ying rented the advanced room for 10 Sliver per hour because he had heard that it gave better chances of success than the Basic room.

Qi ying regretted not letting another blacksmith repair his equipments cause he paid almost all his coins for the room.

Qi Ying couldn't afford the master room, it was 2 gold per hour. And Grandmaster room was 10 Gold per hour, there was no way he could get that room as of right now.

But Qi Ying was kinda mad, cause the room had a hammer and a furnace, chairs, table, and was big as Qi Ying room in real life.

But knowing he only had 1 hour he started to work, but he was once again surprised of the way to forging, and it was more funner.

Qi Ying had to have perfect hits, perfect force put in the hit, perfect position the armor had to be in. But Qi Ying thought it was to easy.

Qi Ying looked at the success change after like the 2 hit and notice it said 100% success rate. He was surprised because he had heard that forging even the common armor would be hard for beginner and started to have doubts to the mans words.


40-54 minute later....

Qi Ying had repaired all his equipments and now he was getting ready to leave. Qi Ying checked out and not he was heading to the dungeon called The Pythons Cave.

This dungeon was the dungeon where even the high guilds couldn't get passed the 3rd boss, the attack patterns were very unpredictable, a lot of expert couldn't even try to avoid it.

As soon as it moved there was no time to avoid. That's all Qi Ying had heard about the dungeon on the forums.


Entrance Of The Dungeon....

There were many people trying to invite people to parties. People talking about the share of the loot.

But Qi Ying was probably the only one that knew that there was pkers waiting hiding behind those huge rocks.

But Qi Ying really didn't care, he now just started to invite people, he just needed 1other player to join with him. He would have done it alone but he thought he would be bored.

"NEED 1 MORE PARTY MEMBER!!! DON'T MISS THE CHANCE OF GETTING THE FIRST KILL!!" Qi Ying said that yelling like other people.




And then after the 3th yell, a player came up, and when he saw the face of the player, again he started to have sorrow feeling rise up inside deep inside his heart, he started to get flashbacks in his memories.

Laughing and playing in a beautiful beach, a little girl and another boy playing with Qi Ying, jumping and smiling, laughing, there parents taking photos but Qi Ying couldn't really see their parents face neither could he see the boys face.

He could only see the girls face, and that was his sister Qi Qenixeng.

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