Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 146: Smile

Mo He remembered that there was a well-known saying in the writings of the Taoist school in the past, which was called "Heard the Tao in the morning, and you die at night"!

Every cultivator may have a different understanding of what Tao is. No one can give a standard answer. Tao can refer to many things. No matter how you understand it, you can't use right or wrong to make the next conclusion.

Seeing that elder at the Yinshen realm had that satisfying smile on his body, Mo He was willing to believe that he had attained the Tao at the end of his life, and the satisfaction of getting what he wanted was the Tao he pursued.

After the elder of the Spirit Boat Sect was seated, the disciple of the Riverside Spirit Boat Sect stepped forward and put away the body of the elder, then put away the big ship, and then left the river.

The people around saw that there was no excitement to watch, and they left one by one. Many people were discussing what kind of power the new magic weapon-class ship had, and some people lamented that Yin God realm. The elders have practiced for hundreds of years. At the end of his life, all his cultivation skills are scattered, and he will eventually end up in reincarnation.

However, being able to reincarnate is already very good for cultivators. The vast majority of cultivators, especially casual cultivators, if one day encounters an accident, waiting for their fate, it is likely that their body and spirit will be destroyed, and they have not reincarnated at all. Opportunity.

That night, Mohe did not leave the city and went to the opposite bank. Because of the death of the elder Ling Chuanzong, the ships on both sides of the river will not send out today and tomorrow to show respect, even the one on the opposite bank and the spirit. The same is true for another sect that has many competing boats.

One night later, when Mo He was in the restaurant in the city and tasted the fresh fish in Cangzhou again, he accidentally heard a news from the restaurant's friend.

"Yesterday, the elder He of the Lingchuan Sect was sitting down. As a result, this morning, a master who flew over from the river brought a message that the opposite elder of the Xuanchuan Sect. Zhao also sat down last night after knowing that Elder He was sitting down. It’s gone. Hey, it’s said that these two elders have been tit-for-tat against each other for hundreds of years, and they are completely dissatisfied with each other in making ships. Unexpectedly, they feel sorry for each other. One is gone, and the other also goes with it!" After that, he took a jade coin that Mo He handed him, and then left with joy.

Seeing this guy leaving, Mo He felt a little emotional. He didn't expect that he was just asking the guy to introduce himself to some of the situation in Yingjiang Mansion, but he knew the news and felt a lot in his heart.

Coupled with the contented smile on the face of the elder's body yesterday, Mo He felt vaguely enlightened, sitting in his seat, his consciousness sinking into the visual map, and turning into a towering tree again. .

Only this time, Mohe didn’t have too much desire to grow. Instead, he stretched out his branches and leaves very leisurely, looking at the environment in which he grew, the monotonous boundless waters, and the top of his head. The few stars seemed to become interesting at this time.

He could feel the gurgling water washing his trunk, the root system seemed to be nothingness, no matter how deep the roots were, it seemed that he could not touch the bottom.

Mo He did not insist, allowing his root system to grow freely. No matter what he explored, it was a pleasant surprise to him. There was no need to rush to grow higher, to touch the blue sky at a high place, just to enjoy the moment leisurely. The tranquility, and immersed in this tranquility.

He didn't deliberately grow, but Mohe's body is still growing slowly, and new leaves are drawn out of the branches, which appear more vibrant.

I don’t know how long Mo He’s consciousness left the visual map again. He came back to his senses. He was still sitting at the table in the restaurant. The leaving man’s footsteps could still be heard faintly, everything was just fleeting. Just time.

However, in this instant, Mo He's spirit has grown a little bit, although there is still a gap in the distance to be able to impact the Yin God realm, but it has once again pushed the cultivation base forward a lot.

"Tao, Dao is Dao, very Dao!" Mo He remembered the first sentence in the well-known Taoist classics in his previous life, he couldn't help but flashed this sentence in his mind, and then a smile appeared on his face.

With the continuous improvement of his cultivation base and the deepening of his understanding of Tao, he gradually unearthed some of the treasures of his previous life.

It's a pity that in his previous life, scientific concepts have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. For the wisdom of the ancients, everyone just looked at it as philosophical thinking. Mo He hadn't read many Taoist classics in his previous life, and only remembered the few words that almost everyone was familiar with.

After tasting fresh fish in a restaurant, Mohe discovered that the chef of Yingjiang Mansion did not seem to have as good craftsmanship as the disciples of the restaurant in Wancang Mansion. Although the food made was quite delicious, it was still poor. A little bit.

After the meal, Mo He was just about to leave, and when he was about to walk out of the hotel, the three monks who came in faced him, causing Mo He to pause slightly.

These three people, two monks in the realm of Yin and God, and one physical training were the same people who had chased Yuan Kun before. The three entered the hotel, chatting and laughing while walking, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

"...It's really great to be able to kill this thief. I really don't know how to thank the two fellow Taoists!"

"It's just a few trivial things, that person is entangled in fate, you can see at a glance, he is not a good person, you need not be polite!


When passing by each other, Mo He heard the conversation of the three people. From the content, it can be judged that the Daoist Yuan still failed to escape and died in the hands of these three people.

When he walked out of the hotel, Mo He glanced back, then shook his head in his heart, not paying attention to this matter.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed. The big boat on the Wanjiang River that could go between the two sides of the river began to pass again. Mohe came to the riverside and boarded a big boat to the other side of the river.

I have seen the bridge across the river before, and now I have experienced the big boat that can travel between the two sides of the river. Mohe can experience both of the two ways of crossing the river.

Standing on a big boat, Mohe looked at the river water under the boat, and could clearly feel the bumps coming from the boat.

Crossing the river through a large boat, this feeling is not stable at all. There are water monsters constantly hitting the bottom of the boat. Although I know that there will be nothing under normal circumstances, the feeling for Mohe is still not very good. If one comes from upstream A powerful water monster can shake a big ship, so I am afraid that the people in this ship will eventually be buried in the mouth of the monster.

When the big ship finally arrived on the opposite shore, Mohe disembarked along with the flow of people. When disembarking, Mohe glanced at the bottom of the big ship, but found that the monks manipulating the big ship were busy around the bottom of the big ship.

Sweeping with his spiritual sense, Mo He raised his eyebrows suddenly, because he found that there were some sharp thorns on the bottom of the big ship with barbs on them. At this moment, many water monsters were hooked. These barbs are on.

These water monsters were tenacious and were hooked by barbs, but almost none of them died. They were captured alive by the monks on the boat.

After a glance, Mo He continued to walk forward. Such a thing was not unusual, it was just some extra income for the monks who manipulated the ships.

When he came to the mansion city on the other side of the river, Mo He also went in and circled, and found that the mansion city on the other side of the river was not much different, and there was nothing more eye-catching. Mo He left the mansion city and continued on his way home.

The next city next to Yingjiang Fujiang is called Fenjiangfu, because within this city, there are a total of three Wanjiang tributaries, one of which is very small and is artificially excavated and only flows within the territory. To solve the problems of irrigation for the people in the territory, the remaining two tributaries eventually flowed through Cangzhou and reached other state capitals.

From Yingjiang Mansion on the side of the river to Fenjiang Mansion, Mohe spent another day without stopping on the road.

Arriving in the territory of Yingjiang Mansion, from here, to the junction of Fenjiang Mansion and Wancang Mansion, which is the bridge across the river, the road after that is to return all the way along the road when Mohe came.

"Finally here!" Sitting on the road of Fenjiang Mansion, Mo He secretly said in his heart. After arriving here, at his own speed, he could almost return to Zi'an County for about ten days at most.

Mohe didn't have any sense of urgency on the way back before, but after he got here, he didn't realize it and felt like an arrow of home.

There is still some distance away from the city of Fenjiang Mansion. Mohe first saw the first tributary of Wanjiang in Fenjiang Mansion. The width of this tributary is much worse than that of Yuhe River, but such a tributary also attracted a lot of attention. The casual repair, hunting monsters here.

After seeing the demon hunting in Wancang Mansion, Mo He didn't have much interest in the demon hunting here, so he took out the small craft artifact he bought before leaving Yingjiang Mansion and left directly across the river.

Moving on, Mo He suddenly saw a small figure on the side of the road ahead. He seemed to be about eight or nine years old, walking towards his side step by step, very slowly.

The clothes on his body were dirty and could not be seen as they were. The left sleeve was empty, as if he had lost his arm.

Looking at this tiny Mo He felt very familiar, and approached him slowly. When he was about ten meters away, Mo He finally recognized this figure.

"No worries!"

This child, about eight or nine years old, is Yuan Daochang's disciple Wuyou.

Hearing Mo He calling out his name, Wuyou who was walking hard also looked up at Mo He, Mo He frowned, walked a few steps to his side, and asked: "Why are you here? Here, how did you make it like this again?"

Hearing Mo He's words, Wuyou raised her head and looked at him, as if she recognized Mo He, there were slight fluctuations in his eyes, and then suddenly a smile appeared on his face and said to Mo He in a very weak voice: "I can laugh now!"

Looking at his smile, what Mo He wanted to say suddenly got stuck in his throat and couldn't utter a word. It was a very clean and bright smile, but it gave Mo He a feeling Kind of sadness deep to solidification.

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