Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 201: Night hunt

As soon as Mo He said what he said, the pure-yang realm masters in the tent all looked at Mo He and suddenly smiled.

No one laughed at Mo He. On the contrary, everyone felt that they understood very well. A cultivator in the realm of Yin God, in a place like Xuelieguan, should be careful. Only those who have a clear understanding of themselves can live. Take longer.

To be honest, Mo He would also like to see such a hunting ground, but it is a pity that his strength is not sufficient. When a few practitioners of the Pure Yang Realm were talking, Mo He heard that the masters of the Pure Yang Realm were fighting. Dead, a monk in the realm of Yin God wanted to join in the fun, I was afraid it was too dangerous.

   "Haha, fellow daoists don't have to worry, there will be an exquisite immortal expert to lead the hunting ground tonight, and I will participate later. If you just want to see it, then tonight is really the best opportunity."

"Just now I waited for the conversation, and fellow Daoists might have misunderstood a bit. In this battle, although there are monsters in the realm of pure Yang, there are also monsters in the realm of Yin and God." The pure Yang realm monk who asked just now, Smiled and explained to Mo He in detail.

   Hearing his explanation, Mo He and Yun Su next to him realized that the confrontation between the masters of the demon race and the human race is not only the masters above the pure Yang realm, but more in the Yin God realm.

   "That's right, if it's a clash of masters above the Pure Yang realm, why should the dynasty call on the casual repair masters to come to the front line of the human race." After listening to the other party's explanation, Mo He thought to himself in his heart.

Another expert at the Pure Yang Realm also spoke to Mo He, "Fearful Daoist, it's a good thing to be cautious, but since you have come to the Xue Lie Pass, you will sooner or later participate in the battle. The journey of cultivation requires brave and diligence sometimes. "

   "Thank you Jinyang Taoist for your advice, in that case, please take care of some people on the way!" Mo He nodded to another Chongyang master.

The Jinyang Daoist who spoke just now is one of the few pure-yang realm cultivators present. When I heard Mo He introduced himself just now, he only said that he was a Daoist official, and did not mention it His own sect, let him know that Mo He is also a casual practitioner.

   are also casual repairs, and Daoist Jinyang doesn't mind to mention it.

There are masters of Linglong Immortal Gate, plus so many masters of Pure Yang Realm around him, and Mo He is not a soft persimmon himself, unable to beat a master of Pure Yang Realm, but if he wants to make a few moves, Mo He feels that he can still If you do, you might as well go and see, after all, you have come to the front line of the human race, and you will have to experience these sooner or later.

  Mohe decided to go and take a look. Naturally, Yun Su on the side is naturally a master of the Pure Yang Realm, and she originally wanted to go.

   The people in the tent chatted for a while. The night was getting deeper and deeper, and there was not much time before dawn. At this time, the tent was opened again and the three female practitioners walked in.

Seeing these three female cultivators coming in, everyone present immediately stood up, Mo He also stood up. These three female cultivators are masters of Linglong Fairy Clan, and their costumes have already shown this. .

Mo He carefully looked at the three female cultivators in front of him. As the two great immortal gates of the Taisu Dao, Linglong Immortal Sect was not inferior to Jingmiao Xianzong. Jingmiao Xianzong was the most widely known apart from its own cultivation inheritance. , Is the mirror-like magical artifact they refined, and the one that everyone talks about most about Linglong Immortal Gate is the female cultivator of Linglong Immortal Gate.

   This is because Linglong Fairy Gate is a sect that only accepts women. The entire cultivation world only accepts women. Apart from Linglong Fairy Gate, there is only Taiyin Fairy Palace.

   The three exquisite immortal masters in front of me have all reached the Pure Yang realm, and in Mo He's perception, these three exquisite immortal masters are definitely better than everyone present.

   And compared to the pure-yang realm masters present, there seemed to be an inexplicable aura on their bodies, which made Mo He feel a strong threat.

   "I have dealt with some things, so that fellow Taoists have been waiting for a long time, let's set off now." Walking into the tent, the three exquisite immortal masters did not procrastinate, and the leader said directly.

   "It didn't take long. Since the three Daoists have arrived, I can leave at any time." Upon hearing this, a master of the Pure Yang realm said with a smile.

   Everyone walked out of the tent, Mo He also followed behind them and came outside the tent. At this time, from the other tents around, some people walked out one after another and joined the team that went out together.

Almost all of these people's cultivation bases are in the Yinshen realm. Those with higher cultivation bases have reached the peak of the Yinshen realm. They are only one foot away from the pure Yang realm. The lowest cultivation bases are about the same as Mohe. similar.

   Seeing these people joining, Mo He felt a little more at ease. With so many masters of the Yinshen realm joining, presumably the situation introduced by the previous pure Yang realm master should not be different from the facts.

   A group of people quietly left the third hurdle. After walking for about ten miles, the three exquisite celestial sisters stopped.

"Just leave here, fellow daoists, please don't resist!" a female nun from the exquisite fairy sect said. As her voice fell, three female nuns from the exquisite fairy sect simultaneously floated a white light on their heads. Everyone present was shrouded, and then, while the light flashed, the white light turned into three, and went in these three directions.

  Mohe only felt that he was a little dizzy at this moment, his body was carried by a soft force, the scenery on both sides quickly passed by his eyes, and the whole person was moving fast.

   After a few short breaths, Mo He felt that he had stopped, and the surrounding scenery had completely changed.

"Linglong fairy gate inherits the fairy treasure-Yu Linglong, the Yu Linglong escape method of Linglong fairy gate!" Mo He looked forward, and there was only one master of Linglong fairy gate, looking straight at the other person floating above his head. The light group.

   The method used by the female cultivator of the Linglong fairy gate just now is the famous escape method of the Linglong fairy gate, and it is also the unique escape method of the Linglong fairy gate.

This method of escape is very peculiar. It needs to be combined with the inheritance of the Linglong fairy gate. The fairy treasure and Yu Linglong can be used. This is the only one in the world, no semicolon, but the effect is very strong. When you take people to escape together , And the speed can be guaranteed, which is enough to show the excellence of this escape method.

   Looking back at the people around him, now only about one-third of the amount left, but among the crowd, Mo He saw Yun Su.

   "That's it!" When Mo He looked around, the master of the exquisite fairy gate released his spiritual knowledge, and then said softly.

As soon as   's words fell, Yu Linglong above her head radiated light again, covering everyone present. With a flash of light, Mo He experienced the feeling just now again.

   This time, however, the time was very short. Within one breath, Mo He stopped again. Before he could see the surrounding scene clearly, Mo He noticed a monster air, accompanied by a strong wind.


   There was a collision sound, and the strong wind that hit was blocked by a white light.

   After this short period of time, Mo He and others can also see the surrounding scene completely. This is a relatively open area, and the surrounding sight line is very open, but the ground is pitted and there are many traces of battle.

   In front of the crowd, there stood a group of strangely dressed figures, each of them in human form, but the strong demon spirit on them showed their identity.

   Mohe and others appeared, these monster races on the opposite side didn't have any nonsense and directly attacked.

   The first attack was blocked by the female cultivator of Linglong Immortal Gate. Everyone including Mo He also reacted. They all took out their magical weapons and looked at the monsters on the opposite side. They also launched an attack.

   Mo He held the Mo Yu bamboo stick in his hand, and looked at these monster races opposite, his thoughts running like electricity.

The number of these monster races on the opposite side is a bit worse than that of the human race, and the cultivation base is not as terrifying as Mo He imagined. Among them, there are only four monsters at the Pure Yang realm, and there are still seven or eight Yin Gods. Family monk.

   In terms of the number of people alone, it must be the monks on the human side that have the advantage. In this case, you can let it go.

   Thinking like this in his heart, a demon race had already approached Mo He's side, but before he could deal with Mo He, he was stopped by another human cultivator in the Yin God realm.

"Friends of Taoism, you have to work together to kill this demon. You and I will take half of the gain." The Yin God realm monk of the celebrity clan stopped the demon cultivator at the same time and his voice was in Mo The ear of the river rang.

"it is good!"

   Mohe simply agreed, and the battle with the cultivators of the demon clan requires no rules, just go up and fight and it's over.

   Mo He threw out the Mo Yu bamboo stick in his hand, and at the same time he squeezed the magic formula, a rain of needles condensed in front of him, shooting at the demon repair like raindrops, and instantly joined the battle group.

   The cultivation base of this demon cultivator is roughly equivalent to that of the human cultivator's mid-Yin God stage. He manipulates a horn-like magic weapon. As soon as he hands it over, Mo He immediately feels that the opponent is not weak.

   The Moyu bamboo stick that he threw out collided with the magic weapon of the demon cultivator, but it didn't take the slightest advantage, and it was directly bounced back.

   reached out his hand to catch the Mo Yu bamboo stick that bounced back, Mo He's spiritual power was running, the bamboo stick was lightly tapped on the ground, and vines emerged from the ground, winding towards the demon cultivator.

   Mo He joined, plus this monk in the Yin God realm, although this demon cultivator is not weak, but under the siege of the two, he fell into a disadvantage.

Mo He confronted the cultivator of the Yin God realm against the demon cultivator in front of him, while paying attention to the surrounding situation. He was worried that any demon cultivator who had solved his opponent would suddenly come out and attack, or might hide in secret. A certain demon cultivator who is good at hiding will suddenly attack.

Although the monster race has a wide variety of bodies, the largest number is that all kinds of animals become monsters. Their hunting instinct is inscribed in their blood. After listening to the conversations with several pure-yang realm masters just now, Mo He has already learned that During the fight, hide first, and then wait for an opportunity to sneak attack. This is already a trick used by the Yaozu, so I have to guard against it.

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