Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 283: Imperial Swordsman

In the view of the five elements, the elders of the Yinshen realm are all pale at this moment. Only the Yuanji Daoist of the Pure Yang realm has no change in expression, but the expression is also slightly unsightly.

"After the three plagues, the master who can enter the realm of the soul at any time, Daochang Mo of Qingmei, I am afraid that this time it is too bad." Yuanji said in a low voice while looking at the elders around him. .

"It's a pity, Mo Daochang didn't know when he broke through the pure sun realm. He actually provokes such a big enemy, a talent who can become the ancestor of a party, I am afraid that he will die soon." An elder of the five elements view points. Nodded, and then said a little sorrowfully.

"Mo Daochang and I have always been close to each other, and we are neighbors. I'll wait...!" Another elder of the Five Elements concept next to him also took the conversation, but he just couldn't speak halfway through the words. Now, several people around also kept silent.

This elder of the Five Elements View was the one who went to Xuelieguan with Mohe at the time. He has been in contact with Mohe for a long time, and he has some friendship with him. That’s why he said this sentence, but as soon as he said it, he felt that Some untimely.

If it’s the kind of help that can be helped, the people of the Five Elements View have been thinking about the friendship with Mo He over the years, and will not be stingy to help, but a master who has survived the three plagues and can enter the ranks of the original spirit at any time, then They have to weigh it up, even if they are the master of the master, they can never be the opponent's opponent.

Several people were silent for a moment, and Dao Yuan Ji suddenly said, "The breath on that person seems to be the practice of the former royal family. It is very likely that it is a master of the former. I will inform the palace in advance and let him immediately Report to the dynasty. If the dynasty responds quickly, Mo Daochang may be able to turn the crisis into peace."

The other five-element elders glanced at each other, and then all nodded. There was nothing they could do. After all, although they had some friendship with Mo He, it was impossible to go to rescue without any scruples.



Another explosion sounded, and Mo He was rushed out of the air for hundreds of meters by this powerful force.

"The place is almost there!"

Mo He glanced down, and his current position was already a distance from Wangyue Mountain. The surroundings were also inaccessible, and he could completely let go of his hands and feet, and one of his backhands was just below.

Mo He's body fell from the air, a purple-golden light flashed, and the hook also fell not far from Mohe. He had taken away the dragon bow in his hand, because he found that the dragon bow was powerful, but With this magic weapon alone, there is no way to kill Mohe in a short time.

This dragon-shooting bow is cultivated by the refining method of martial arts of the gods, and the warriors who refined this dragon-shooting bow were mainly aimed at the water-veined dragon clan. Now this bow is in the hands of the hook. Did not exert the greatest power.

Putting away the dragon-shooting bow, the gong slowly drew out a purple-golden long sword. The body of the sword was purple-gold, and the hilt was inlaid with a purple-red gemstone. It looked very luxurious. This sword, It is the magic weapon that Gouzun himself can practice.

Mo He felt the sharp aura from the sword's edge, as well as a sense of coercion after the goudial took out the purple-golden long sword.

"Here is the place where you were buried!" A grim voice sounded, and at the same time the long sword in his hand was raised, a purple-gold sword light seemed to be able to cut through the void and head towards Mohe.

"Small magical power-Shuimu Qinghua, open it!"

"Get up!"

The purple-golden sword light was extremely sharp, and instantly tore through the layers of blue energy protecting him in front of Mo He. Before the sword light hit Mo He, Mo He activated his own little magical powers, and his figure instantly Disappearing in the same place, at the same time, the ground under the feet of Mo He's hook also lit up with colorful light.

When the light was on, Gou Sun noticed that the ground under his feet was actually covered with various runes, which formed a vague formation.

"Kill the spirit formation, open!"

Mo He's voice came to Goudal's ears, but the voice made him unable to distinguish the location.

Accompanied by Mo He's voice, a large tree suddenly grew beside Goudi, and after just a few breaths, Goudi felt that there was nowhere to stay around.

He wanted to fly into the air, but just as he rose up, he felt a heavy force pressing on him, restricting the range of his escape from the formation.

"No space."

Gou Sun's eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that this was the effect of the formation, which made it impossible for him to easily escape the range of the formation. Gougong himself also knows some ways of formation. From just a glimpse of the rune under his feet, he can also tell the difficulty of the formation under his feet. But with such a formation alone, he wants to survive from his own hands. Some of them are too simple.

When the sword in his hand turned, a circle of purple-golden light spread out. As the light flashed, the big trees that had just grown around the crown and had not had time to show their might, were all accompanied by this purple-golden light. Cut it off.

"The Emperor's Swordsmanship-Sword Suppression, Rebellion, Kill!"

After Yijian cut off the surrounding big trees, the hook did not stop. The long sword in his hand was horizontally in front of him, and his left hand was the finger of the sword. He quickly brushed the blade and then pierced forward.

The moment the sword came out, the entire space seemed to freeze. Mo He, who was within the scope of his small supernatural powers, only felt that the movement of the formation seemed to have stopped. The formation change that was originally intended to be launched was under this sword. It was interrupted abruptly.

The goudial sword pierced out, and at the top of the blade, there was a bit of cold light that seemed to be solidified, as if a spring with sufficient strength had been accumulated, and it exploded at this last time.

A ray of sword light pierced straight out, tearing apart everything that was blocking in front of him, breaking Mo He's formation, and even piercing Mo He's little supernatural power in an instant.

At this moment, Mo He came up with a sentence in his mind, "One sword breaks ten thousand tactics." This is the reputation of the sword repair of the Taiyi Sword Sect. It belongs to the sword repair of the Taiyi Sword Sect, and the others are affected by the Taiyi Sword Sect. A monk who also pursues the way of sword cultivation can never match this sentence.

Only now did Mo He know that the Go clan, who was closely connected with Taiyi Sword Sect, could also break ten thousand magic with one sword.

The formation that Mo He arranged, without exerting its power at all, had already been torn out a gap by this sword. Although the formation had not completely collapsed, its power had been reduced a lot.

With the gap opened by this sword, the dagger flew out quickly, and flew into the sky again, with the purple-gold long sword in his hand, flying around him, imagining sword shadows.

"The Emperor's Swordsmanship-the world is subdued!"

The hook stretched out his hand and pointed to the bottom. The illusioned sword shadows quickly revolved and condensed together. Around the real purple-gold sword, they gathered into a huge sword hundreds of meters high, and crashed downward. .

Looking at the falling giant sword, Mo He manipulated the broken formation while activating the power of his own little supernatural powers, turning it into a sturdy stream of water that surged upwards, rushing up from below, and greeted the fallen giant sword. .

The thick water flow is like a dragon flying up into the air. After rising up, it immediately turned into hard ice, but the huge sword that fell from the sky was a sharp blade to kill the dragon. After the two contacted, the sword was as sharp as a broken bamboo. The ice broke open from it and eventually fell to the ground.

The moment the sword's edge touched the ground, the giant sword suddenly shattered, scattered again into sword shadows, flying horizontally and horizontally on the ground below.

Mo He was hovering with the magical orb of Mu Yuan, and it flew quickly from the ground. The whole person did not look very embarrassed, but if you look closely, you will find that there are fingers on the back of Mo He’s left hand. Sword mark of the sword, but the wound is healing quickly.

"You're good. With a mere casual cultivation body, it is really good to hold it in my hand for so long when the cultivation base is not as good as mine." The purple-gold long sword flew back to Gou Sundial's hand and held it. Holding the long sword, Gou Sun did not rush to launch the next attack, but spoke to Mo He.

"I can give you a chance to survive, work for me, and then give your disciple to me, you can live today."

When saying these words, the gem inlaid on the hilt of the long sword in the hand of the shackle exudes a crimson light, and the light flows through the entire body of the sword, giving this luxurious long sword an extra wave. Breathtaking killing intent.

Mo He could already feel that the killing intent was completely on his body, only the answer he gave was not satisfactory to the other party, then the next sword of the shackles was definitely a sword that must kill.

Under the lock of this murderous intent, a smile appeared on Mo He's face. He looked at the hook without fear and said, "Since he has worshipped under my door, he is my ~There is no reason for a master to hand over his disciples to others, besides, if the outcome is undivided, you really feel that you are going to take me?"

"Well, if that's the case, let me see what you can do, the Sword Classic of the Emperor's Dao-no sins are forgiven, punish!"

Hearing Mo He's answer, the conjugation long sword slowly raised, the long sword condensed with scarlet light, like the mighty wrath of the emperor, exuding a strong coercion.

Mo He now has a feeling that he is like the wicked wicked person who is guilty of the sky. The sword that the opponent is about to come is like a trial of his own sin, entraining the radiant power of the sky, encumbering the righteous way of the world, and wanting to judge himself.

And he shouldn't avoid this sword. Only by accepting it calmly, without making any resistance, it is best to surrender his life, in order to wash away his sins.

Under this pressure, Mo He felt that his body seemed to be a little stiff, and some were unwilling to move, but at this time, the innate immortal aura in Mohe's sea of ​​consciousness was shining brightly, instantly dispelling this feeling.

The sword of the hook was pierced at this time, without any fancy, it was so ordinary, but it contained a powerful killing intent and coercion, and it pierced Mo He's eyebrows.

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