Chapter 55 I will say something nice to you in front of the Grand Priest

“It’s not.” Luo Tian shook his head again, and then covered the flat computer on the instant noodles.

Vados: “…”

Vados hangs his head, doesn’t know what to say

“Instant noodles covered by Pingguan tastes more ceremonial. Luo Tian said plausibly.

“Really?” Vados wiped his sweat.

I believe you asshole.

“How long does it take? 99 Vados asked.

“Three minutes is enough. 12 Luo Tian replied.

“So… how about you? Which one do you eat?” Vados found that Luo Tian only had one packet of instant noodles.

“I? I’m not hungry, I’ll eat later.” Luo Tian said.

“Okay.” Vados didn’t think much of it.

Three minutes passed quickly.

Luo Tian picked up Ping Kuo and opened the lid.

Immediately, the aroma of instant noodles came to the nostrils.

Vados’ eyes lit up after smelling the fragrance.

“Come on, Sister Vados, I’ll feed you, ah…” Luo Tian took a mouthful of instant noodles with chopsticks, blew on the instant noodles, and handed them to Vados’ mouth.


“Ahem! I’ll do it myself.” Vados wiped his sweat.

“Okay.” Luo Tian nodded and handed the chopsticks to Vados.

Vados took the chopsticks and silently took a sip.

After taking this sip, Vados felt the deliciousness brought by the taste buds at that time.

What is this made of?

Is this too delicious?

Vados widened his beautiful eyes, and his saliva was almost drooling.

In less than a minute, this package of instant noodles was eaten upside down by Vados.

Even Vados drank the soup clean.

“Not bad?” Luo Tian smiled.

“Let’s be so-so, hee hee.” Vados smiled happily.

“Sister, you have drunk all the soup.” Luo Tian smiled.

“Really? Maybe I haven’t eaten in a long time.” Vados laughed.

“You went to Sister Kesi, didn’t she entertain you?” Luo Tian asked.

How about that…that braised beef flavor?” Vados hurriedly changed the subject and looked at the braised beef flavored instant noodles.

“Another pack?” Luo Tian smiled slightly and tore open the braised beef-flavored instant noodle package.

“Hmmmm.” Vados clucked.

I didn’t expect this to be so delicious.

I don’t know if our sixth universe has something so delicious.

Luo Tian skillfully prepared another pack of instant noodles and handed it to Vados.

“What about you? Don’t you want to eat?” Vados was a little uneasy.

Such delicious food, I am the only one to enjoy it.

I feel so embarrassed.

Vados felt sorry for this little brother.

“It’s okay, you eat, you eat more. Luo Tian said, “Isn’t there more here?”

“Hey, then I’m welcome.” Vados nodded lightly and took a sip.

Braised beef flavor, instant noodles.

“Ah, 107, it tastes completely different from the one I just wrapped around… braised beef… um, it’s delicious. Vados commented briefly while eating.

Soon, the braised beef-flavored instant noodles were also eaten clean by Vados.

Vados was still unsure.

Anyway, Angel couldn’t get enough to eat.

Eat just to enjoy.

Of course, no matter how you eat, you won’t get fat.

“Another pack?” Luo Tian smiled and ripped open the instant noodles with red oil and hot pepper beef.

“Oops, how embarrassing this is.” Vados smiled.

“What’s so embarrassing, isn’t it just a few packs of instant noodles?” Luo Tian said with a smile, “I’m the younger brother who can’t even entertain such a thing? Anyway, I’m the world master of this world. Woolen cloth.

“That’s right… well, then I’m welcome.” Vados showed a look of anticipation.

The old sauerkraut beef and braised beef taste completely different.

I don’t know how the beef with red oil and peppers tastes.

Soon, the instant noodles with red oil and beef flavor were also brewed by Luo Tian.

Vados starts eating.

Sure enough the flavors are different.

But it seems to have a taste, it seems to be somewhat similar.

As for what it tasted like, Vados couldn’t say for a while.

“There are still three packets left, let’s eat them together.” Luo Tian said.

“Well, for the next three packs, I have to soak it myself.” Vados suggested.

Just saw Luo Tian making bubble noodles, Vados felt very enjoyable.

Especially with a flat computer on top of the instant noodles.

It felt like… no one else.

It seems that pressing a flat-screen computer on top of the instant noodles tastes more soulful.

“Okay.” Luo Tian did not object.

Vados tore up the instant noodles with spicy beef flavor.

“By the way, do you really not eat?” Vados asked.

“If elder sister likes it, elder sister will eat it first.” Luo Tian shook his head.

Eating instant noodles with wool?

It hurts to eat too much…

It’s okay to eat it once or twice every now and then.

When Vados brewed noodles for the first time, he was so excited that he even hummed a tune.

Luo Tian: “…”

Just make a pack of instant noodles, are you so intoxicated?

Soon, the instant noodles prepared by Vados opened the lid.

Vados took a sip.

The taste is still so delicious.

In the next half hour, Vados ate all the remaining packets of instant noodles.

“It’s so fun.” Vados patted his stomach.

“Delicious, right? 1 Luo Tian smiled.

“Well, delicious, thank you for your hospitality, brother Luo Tian.” Vados quickly thanked.

“You’re welcome.” Luo Tian waved his hand.

I just ate a few packets of instant noodles, what’s there to thank?

“Right… This kind of food called instant noodles is delicious, but there is one question that I don’t understand. 1 Vados asked slightly in surprise.

“What’s the agef question?” Luo Tian asked.

“Look, what I eat is Lao Peng Beef with Pickled Cabbage, Braised Beef, Beef with Red Oil and Peppers, Spicy Beef, Beef with Spicy Red Peppers, and Spiced Beef. There are 6 kinds of instant noodles in total, and there are two beef in the back. Word…” Vados said, “The question is… what about beef? I don’t think I can’t eat beef.

Beef “Yeah…here?” Luo Tian said, and tapped the large hand-painted lightly.


Luo Tian has 6 more small bowls in his hands.

These 6 small bowls are suspended above Luo Tian’s big hand.

Vados was startled.

What is this?


Luo Tian gently placed the 6 small bowls on the dining table.

“This is…” Vados leaned forward and looked.

I saw that the contents of the 6 small bowls looked a little familiar.

It seems to be very similar to the instant noodles I eat.

However, it is much more refined than those instant noodles.

For example, there are three pieces of beef in each bowl.

The beef was sliced ​​and diced and looked tempting.

“This is the essence of those 6 instant noodles.” Luo Tian explained.


And the premium version?

won’t you bring it sooner?

“The so-called essence version needs to be specially prepared, it takes a little longer, and it is not as convenient as the instant noodles. Luo Tian smiled.

Vados stopped talking.

It takes longer….

That’s when I finish 6 packs of instant noodles…

Your elite version is up.

“Well, how about I try the essence version? Is it delicious?” Luo Tian said, and took a bite of the old seam sauerkraut-flavored beef noodles with his chopsticks.

In fact, the so-called essence version of beef noodles was specially prepared for him by the chef Luo Tian found on earth.

Vados sniffed.

I go!

Why does your essence version of beef noodles smell so good?

“Yeah, delicious.” Luo Tian nodded with satisfaction.

The beef noodles made by this chef are still good.

Look for opportunities to reward her.

EAW: “…

“Sister Vados, how about you try this essence version of Laoxi Sauerkraut Beef Noodles?” Luo Tian said, holding a chopstick and handing it to Vados.

“I’ll do it myself!” Vados snorted, but he didn’t dislike it. He directly took Luo Tian’s chopsticks and tasted the beef noodles on it.

Under this taste, compared with the instant noodles that were just wrapped, it was a second kill.

Vados felt bad for the whole person.

How bad is your brother!

If you have the essence version of the noodles, don’t take them out sooner.

You have to wait until I finish eating and serve it up…

Fortunately, I am Angel, and my belly is infinite.

No matter what I eat, I don’t feel suffocated.

Vados directly ate this bowl of beef noodles with the essence of old sauerkraut, and even drank the soup.

The same soup, the essence version tastes many times better than the instant noodles.

After eating the essence version of Lao Peng Sauerkraut Beef Noodles, Vados went to get another bowl.

Luo Tian didn’t fight her either.

Is this called food?

Just a few bowls of noodles.

There are more good things you haven’t eaten yet.

so poor!

As Angel, one of the greatest gods in the universe, actually eating instant noodles…

Just when Vados started tasting the essence version of the noodles.

Luo Tian directly set up the barbecue.

Vados looked at it and didn’t know what Luo Tian wanted to do.

Various barbecue materials and tools such as hook charcoal appeared in Luo Tian’s hands.

“Brother Luo Tian, ​​what are you doing?” Vados asked.

“You have eaten all my noodles… I have to eat some police food. Luo Tian said.


“Oops… I accidentally gave all these to Bao Xiao…” Vados said a little proudly.

Do you think that if you bring the essence version of noodles to Yun later, I can’t eat them?

I just want to eat it all.

“It doesn’t matter, you are my sister Vados, come to my world, can I not let you have a good time? 11 Luo Tian smiled.

“Good brother, when I go, I will definitely say something nice to you in front of Grand Priest.” Vados said.

“Thank you sister.” Luo Tian thanked.

“You…is this charcoal?” Vados glanced at Luo Tian’s barbecue and asked.

“Yes.” Luo Tian replied.

“Charcoal? What do you want to do?” Vados asked curiously.

“Suddenly I want to eat wild silver ornaments.” Luo Tian said


“Wild Cannon? What are you doing?” Vados was slightly taken aback.

“It’s enough to eat, why are you asking so many questions?” Luo Tian said, raising his big hand again.


A bowl of wild silver ornaments appeared in Luo Tian’s hand.

“This…what is this?” Vados was stunned, “this thing with meat inside…is it the wild wonton you said?

“Mmmm.” Luo Tian took a sip.

Well, the taste is ok.

“Let me taste it,” Vados said hastily.

Luo Tian picked up the spoon, filled a wild silver ornament and handed it to Vados’ mouth.

This time, Vados was not so pretentious, and ate it in one bite.

“Huh? It tastes… very special…” Vados thought thoughtfully, “Is this the meat wrapped in wheat flour? How does the meat in this rhyme?”

Vados did not mean to be polite to Luo Tian, ​​and ate the bowl of wild silver ornaments.

After eating.

“Oh, I’m sorry, brother Luo Tian… I’ve finished eating your food again.” Vados apologized a little this time, “Your food is so delicious that I couldn’t hold back.

“What did the elder sister say? I said it right after sewing, this is my world, why should I let my elder sister enjoy enough?” Luo Tian said, the charcoal fire was ready.


Luo Tian tapped lightly on his big hand.

A piece of meat was suspended in Luo Tian’s hands.

Luo Tian put the meat gently in the air.


Immediately, the piece of meat was divided into small pieces in the air.

“Mimi Mi!”

Bamboo sticks appeared in Luo Tian’s hands.

The bamboo skewer penetrated the diced pork directly.

The next moment, Luo Tian dressed up the bunch of barbecued meat just like that.

“Brother Luo Tian, ​​what are you doing?” Vados asked.

“Grilled skewers.” Luo Tian said.

“Grilled skewers? What’s that?” Vados felt that Luo Tian’s food was really good.

I don’t know if this kebab is good or not.

“You’ll know in a while.” Luo Tian smiled slightly.


Luo Tian put a handful of skewers directly on the charcoal fire.


It didn’t take long for such a bunch of barbecued meat to be roasted by Luo Tian.

Luo Tian is sprinkled with cumin and chili noodles.

Roast meat without cumin and chili noodles is soulless.

Luo Tian took a sip.

The taste is ok.

Afterwards, Luo Tian generously distributed a skewer to Vados.

Vados took the roast and ate a piece.

Vados: “…”


How is it so delicious?

Vados’ eyebrows danced uncontrollably.

How can there be such delicious food?

Vados looked at Luo Tian in disbelief.

Brother Angel, the food he made for me is getting better and better.

I’m really looking forward to what better food to come.

Trance time and space.

Eleventh Universe, Destruction God Realm.

Toppo drew an arc in the air and landed on the ground of Destruction God Realm.

Immediately afterwards, Toppo is now at the gate of Vermut Palace.

“Internship God of Destruction Toppo, meet Vermut-sama!” Toppo bowed and saluted.

However, Toppo waited for a moment without seeing any reaction inside.

Toppo was taken aback.

what’s the situation?

Isn’t Lord Vermut at home?

Toppo looked up and looked inside the palace.

Seems like no one really.

Well, Lord Vermut must have gone to work.

Toppo didn’t think much of it.

It didn’t take long for Angel Marcarita to come out of the palace.

“Lord Margarita.” Toppo saluted again.

“Oops, Mr. Toppo, you seem to be hurt.” Marcarita glanced at Toppo and said casually.

“Yes, I didn’t know which Universe’s intern God of Destruction came to challenge me on the Pride Planet, and I finally lost to him…” Toppo replied truthfully.

“So, which Universe’s intern God of Destruction is that?” asked Marcarita.

“This…I don’t know…” Toppo shook his head awkwardly.

“Didn’t he say it?” asked Marcarita.

“It seems…he doesn’t even know which Universe he is from…” Toppo laughed dryly.

Margarita: “…”

“Right, Lord Vermut?” Toppo asked. “Are you out to work?”

“Uh, Lord Vermut has disappeared.” Margarita said.

Toppo was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, Toppo laughed.

“Lord Margarita, you are really joking…” Toppo laughed dryly.

“I’m not kidding.” Margarita sighed, “Lord Vermut has indeed disappeared, in other words, he is dead.

Toppo’s smile froze.

Lord Vermut dead?

Are you kidding me?

Lord Angel… we don’t take such a joke…

“Cough cough…Lord Margarita, did you guys quarrel?” Toppo asked hurriedly.

“What do I have to quarrel with the God of Destruction?” Marcarita shook her head, “Look, why don’t you believe me when I tell the truth?”

Toppo’s heart sank, and his face changed again and again.

Is this true?

“Accurately speaking, Supreme Kai of our Eleventh Universe was killed Akatsuki, so Lord Vermut also disappeared along with it. This is what happened.” Marcarita replied.

“What? Lord Kay… was killed?” Toppo’s eyes widened with disbelief on his face, “Was it murdered by Qiu Xiang?”

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter anymore.” Marcarita obviously didn’t want to talk about this in detail, but looked at Toppo and said, “Mr. Toppo, you came just right, you want to take over the new destruction of this universe. God?”

The new God of Destruction? Toppo hasn’t fully recovered from the news of God of Destruction’s death.

“Yes, Lord Vermut has disappeared, so I need to find a new God of Destruction.” Marcarita sighed, “Since you are the replacement for the God of Destruction, it is normal to become the new God of Destruction. .

“I’m fine…” Toppo nodded, “The question is… can’t Lord Vermut be resurrected?”

“This kind of thing… Let’s see later.” Marcarita shook her head.


see later?

Do you mean to ignore Lord Vermut after seeing it later?

Toppo wipes sweat.

“The most troublesome thing now is that our Universe’s intern Supreme Kai has also been killed, so we need to find a Supreme Kai to continue.” Marcarita said to Toppo, “The Supreme Kai candidate will be handed over to Mr. Toppo, after all, this person is closely related to your life. Once either of you dies, the other will disappear with you. I hope Mr. Toppo chooses carefully.

“Am I picking the new Supreme Kai?” Toppo’s eyes widened.

“Does Mr. Toppo have an opinion?” Marcarita asked with a smile.

“No comments…” Toppo nodded immediately.

It’s also good that I picked the Supreme Kai.

I should have picked a stronger Supreme Kai.


I don’t know if Jiren wants to be Supreme Kai?

If Jiren could be Supreme Kai….

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