Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 149: :the Avengers

Super Flash 47! He didn't find the seller to settle the account. He found that he was also injured, but because there was no pain, he didn't know that the laser had penetrated his body and hit Runai.

He had to heal himself first. He returned to the house and took a look. He found that many people were also ambushed here. He stole a black robe and wrapped his head, opened a manhole cover, and entered the underground city along the sewer.

Ye Yun and others have not yet arrived at the waste C-44 star. They have encountered some troubles. Because the dark cloud galaxy group has a lot of star robbers, they have encountered several times. They are just blindly running away because they are worried about their whereabouts. As for the moment, it was forced to land on a desolate planet.

At this time Linger searched Ye Yun for new news.

Ye Yun surprised: "Oh? Wanted by the world? What did he do?"

Ling'er said: "It is said that the intention is to murder the master, and is being wanted as a rebel."

Ye Yun pondered for a while: "It seems to be speeding up, but these star robbers are so annoying, I really want to kill them directly!"

At this time Linger said: "They have entered the planet, as long as Crewe and Wolf Race put the signal blocking device to wipe them out."

Ye Yun et al.'S intention is to introduce the enemy into the planet to solve it. This planet belongs to a lifeless planet and can be destroyed extensively.

Krue said to the communicator: "The signal blocker has been placed."

After a while the wave track: "I'm done on this side."

Ye Yun said right to fist: "Okay, wait for them to enter this mountain area and you can start."

Ding 18 said: "Meow Meow is in place!"

Eknaido said: "Let me start this time, I need to experiment with a dark particle."

Everyone nodded immediately to understand that if a silly rush rushed up and was accidentally injured by Eknaido, they would lose money.

The enemy starship entered this mountain area, and sent a large number of fighters to search for Ye Yun and others.

However, the Flying Fire Meteor is in a valley, and the radar stealth mode is turned on, and they are difficult to find for a while.

Eknaido flew up and came to a high mountain. His left hand protected his right hand, and the right hand opened mechanically, turning into a small shaped cannon.

This time, instead of blue energy, a black energy ion condensed in her hands.

The energy just started to gather, and the distant starship immediately received the warning from Zhinao.

"Straight ahead 60 ° left, special energy gathering found 30 kilometers away, suspected of dark particles!"

"What! Dark particles? Hurry away!"

A captain said: "It seems that there is not much energy, what about fighters? Quickly destroy that energy source!"

"It's the captain!"

Eknaido was charged, and after three seconds, he shot a black beam in his hand. This beam was directed toward the starship!

The surrounding fighters immediately set fire towards Eknaido, but they were blocked by her energy shield.

At the same time they heard the violent explosion behind them, turned their heads and found that the main ship had actually exploded, and a black fire was ignited at the bow of the ship!

"what happened?"

"The signal is disturbed."

"The shield of the starship is weakened!"

"Damn it, it's a trap, withdraw!"

It was too late when the strange werewolf captain reacted. A shock wave spewed out from underneath the main ship and directly penetrated their energy cabin, followed by a violent shock on other starships.

The crews in the command room were frightened one by one. A pair of huge iron hands penetrated the command room and turned along the wall of the command room. Then their starship broke into two parts!

This is naturally the handwriting of the Meow Meower tearing the starship.

Krue and Wolves are responsible for guarding the signal jamming tower. Linger controls a large number of interplanetary fighters and starts to attack enemy planes. The ambushing fighters hit them by surprise.

Plus the destruction of the main ship, their fighting will soon disappear, most people just want to escape.

How could Ye Yun let them escape, leaving all living bodies here under the scanning of Ling'er, the robots and electronic equipments were destroyed and all useful materials were taken away.

Ten minutes after the war, it took three hours to clean up the battlefield. After returning to the command room, Linger immediately updated the information.

Ling'er said to Ye Yun: "I already know the information of this star robber and belong to the fierce Martian robber group."

Ye Yun asked: "Is the Martian Robbery? How about the forces?"

"According to the display, they control 1.8% of the power of the dark cloud galaxy group, which is a super power and as powerful as the star crocodile organization."

"Oh, it seems to have provoked another enemy. Have the signals been intercepted?"

"All intercepted, they tried more than 500 times, and no more messages were sent after you destroyed the wisdom brain."

"Very good, but this group of people is so poor. The three starships are only 40 million, which is not enough for our energy consumption."

Linger said: "The energy is quite good."

Ye Yun smiled and said, "You've eaten enough, and you're done. How far is it from the waste C-44 planet?"

"Arrive in as little as 2 hours at the earliest, space jump is required, and the degree of danger is unknown."

Ye Yun said: "Then let's go ~ ~ Notify our warlords of our plan."


After a full half hour, Ye Yun discussed the feasibility of the plan with Grey Crystal during this period. Grey Crystal said that there was no problem and they could be used as bait.

Ye Yun smiled and said: "It will be up to you now. Let's go to designate the planet first and wait for us to make some movements before you start to reveal whereabouts."

Gray Crystal asked: "What if they go directly to you?"

Ye Yun said: "Then it would be better, anyway, there are gravel star rings in these two places."

"Okay, wait for your notice."

The two parties hung up the communication, and Ye Yun let Ling'er open the space to jump towards the C-44 star.

At the same time, the C-44 star was abolished, and an avenger healed his injury and crawled out of the ground with a lot of anger.

Wearing a combat uniform, a star-blade scimitar in his hand, and a flash of 47 above his head! The word was scratched diagonally by him.

This means that he does not want the name, and is completely hostile to the star crocodile organization!

He sneaked into the city where the ruler was, intending to attack him in the dark.

Is super fast, and he has known the terrain here. After diving in, he dodged back and forth between houses several times, avoiding the patrol guards and searchlights.

Half an hour later, he finally saw the master gasparon!

He walked over carefully, watching Gasparon in his sleep raise his star blade scimitar in his hand!

Cut it off with a knife, and the sizzling of metal friction sounded, super flash 47! Startled: "Robot!"

At this time, Gasparon on the bed opened his eyes and smiled: "Accurately, it is a mechanical stand-in. You have been super-47!"

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