Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 5496: : Unaware of God and ghosts

In the next period of time, Ye Yun stayed close to his heart.

In the previous process, he has used the power of immunity to completely adapt to the environment here.

And Zibaru told him: "The closer you are to this thing, the higher your concealment will be. That guy will only think that there is something wrong here, that guy will wake up, and will not regard your existence as a possibility!"

"Okay, I understand. Thank you very much. I will force you to rest in the critical state of another dimension for the next period of time."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. With eighteen children as companions and a lot of delicious food to taste, it won't be boring at all."

Ye Yun: “·······”

Ye Yun also didn't expect that Ding Shiba would become the adjuster. When Razbalu entered the critical stage of another dimension, the two of them got along very well.

Of course, there are risks in letting them come into contact, and Ye Yun has weighed it.

A few hours later, Ye Yun fully adapted to the erosion of his heart, and finally pressed a hand on it. In an instant, his heart beat, and a surging force wanted to kill it instantly, followed by a terrifying adsorption. and the power of communion.

And a familiar feeling came over me.

"You want to eat me with just one heart? Oh, no, it's you!"

With a thought in his mind, Ye Yun activated the power of the crown, and the blessings of all the divine objects such as the phantom, the crystal artifact, and the Rubik's Cube, adjusted his condition to its peak.

The leaves of the world are withering, and it itself takes the initiative to face the attack, entering a vast and boundless spiritual world.

The place is filled with the violent power of Ohra, and two hurricanes are faintly formed.

Ye Yun felt that this was the spiritual collision between the first and second term.

Both of them once wielded Ohra's power!

But facing Ye Yun, a more powerful existence, they chose to speak out unanimously!

Two mental storms struck, Ye Yun shouted loudly, turned into a giant star beast and swung out his claws!

The space collapsed layer by layer, and the mental storm was cut through with one blow!

His eyes seemed to penetrate the entire spiritual world. With a glance, he keenly captured two afterimages, one beast and one person!

The first one is a strange beast!

Ye Yun went directly towards him to kill him! The other party also came with a counterattack, a head-on attack!

At the moment when they were about to collide, the opponent also turned into an Ohra star beast, and the two huge heads collided, causing a powerful impact and splash.

The sputtering energy knocked back another force of will, but it soon came back.

Ye Yun swung out his claws, and the opponent also launched a timely attack, with tentacles and tails suddenly launching sneak attacks from different directions.

Both sides exchanged injuries for injuries, and the fight was particularly violent!

Ye Yun once again withered the leaves of the world, and when he bit it down, a large amount of Ohra's power was swallowed up by it.

The strange beast was horrified when he saw it, but he immediately gathered all his soul power and bit it in one bite. Ye Yun felt huge pain.


Before he could recover, the other side also started biting him!

Faced with a double attack, Ye Yun immediately changed his strategy.

The whole body gathered a powerful supergravity, and a force of confinement exploded. Combined with the blessing of the formation and enchantment, both sides were suddenly pushed back. The body twisted and appeared on the side of the alien beast, and it opened its huge mouth to bite it again!

The strange beast was in pain, and half of its body was suddenly missing.

The alien beast was frightened and activated its special ability, and the spiritual world was instantly filled with fog, but a pair of beam eyes that penetrated the void came, making it impossible to hide.

These are the pupils of this strange beast, and they are connected as if they were its own body. This is why Ye Yun chose to deal with this guy first.

No matter how the beast tried to escape, it was useless, Ye Yun followed him like a shadow.

On the contrary, the parasite of the Dak tribe could not find its target at all.

In less than half a minute, he felt that the powerful soul confronting him was rapidly declining, and correspondingly, the newly added soul was growing crazily.

He knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely be doomed.

He immediately wanted to escape from the constraints here, and he did not hesitate to hit the restrictions in an attempt to attract the attention of the outside world.

Indeed, the God Worm kept twisting its body. If it were in the past, this situation would definitely attract attention, but now all these monitoring data have been tampered with by Maruboshi, and they cannot be fed back to the inspectors correctly at all.

At the same time, on the side of the great prophet Cuban, he used his precognitive ability again, but the result was still the same.

"That thing seems to be awakening and wants to get out of trouble. Let the technical department step up vigilance and report any changes at any time."


During this period of time, Ye Yun had completely devoured another soul and became the true owner of this heart.

Gudong, Gudong!

This heart is extremely powerful, and Ye Yun plans to use it.

Of course, it is not to replace his own heart. First, he no longer has a heart, only trillions of tissues and cells.

Secondly, once this heart is formed, it will become his weakness, so the best way is to fully integrate and digest it!

"Become my nourishment..."

In the next few days, Ye Yun devoured the heart bit by bit until it was completely consumed.

I did this not because I felt uncomfortable eating, but simply because I was afraid of causing a huge reaction from the worm of God.

While eating, Ye Yun asked Crewe to mimic the shape of a heart, providing some of the power of Ohra to the God Worm. Although it was a bit dangerous for Crewe, it could completely isolate it from outside prying eyes.

After devouring the last piece of heart tissue, Crewe returned instantly, and the entire worm became Although this thing has no soul, huge changes made it keep twisting its body.

"Did you feel the earthquake?"

"It must be the Worm of God."

"Well, there was a bit of movement."

"Then why the detector didn't react at all."


"Ah! Oops! There seems to be something wrong with the detector!"

"No way?!"

Several monitors looked dumbfounded. This has never happened before.

"It's been really quiet lately, this! Damn it, something is really wrong!"

"what to do?"

"Report immediately!"

The alarm sounded immediately, and a group of managers rushed to inquire about the situation.

After learning that something was wrong with the God Worm, everyone rushed over.

"what's the situation?"

"You are all dismissed! Tell the truth before you leave!"

"We, we."

"Not good! There is an unknown intelligence intervening in the system! And it has been five days!"

"What did you say?! Who did this?!"

Several monitors immediately shook their heads.

"Is there an intruder?"

"You're crazy! How is that possible? There's no reaction at all from the Great Prophet."

"No! Does the Great Prophet seem to you lately?"

"Report quickly!"

Cuban: "What did you say? Huge riot? It looks like what I guessed."

"Great Prophet, do you know what's going on?"

"It should be that guy has awakened and is planning to escape..."

"But, but what about the invasion of the mechanical brain?"

"Ah? Mechanical brain invasion? Isn't it the riot of the worms of God?"

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