Gundam Seed System

Chapter 37: Undercurrent

While the "Archangel" and "Dawn Desert" were exchanging information, Sun Jin's father, Sun Xuan, was in the hangar to visit the newly developed mass-produced MS in the remote Yongning City Military Region of the Republic. Orderly arrangement

  Republic mass production type ms

  Kirin type 1

   Height: 17.8 meters

   Weight: 56 tons

   Energy: Battery Energy Pack

  Armor: New composite alloy

  Weapon: beam rifle alloy shield beam sword waist armor tactical dagger X2

   Optional weapons: sniper beam gun reconnaissance antenna backpack

Under the influence of Sun Jin, the mass-produced ms designed by the R&D department is similar in appearance to Goddess of Justice Gundam. The back backpack is similar to the Jim modification. The color scheme adopts a black body, a gold joint painting, and the left shoulder is painted with the logo of the Republic. The winged golden dragon has its body number painted on its right shoulder. The body is divided into three types, general-purpose type, sniper type and reconnaissance type.

And now the mass-production model has been piloted in the Yongning Military Region, with a total of 300 ms, three units and a team, a total of 10 teams and one MS team have been recruited. Each team has five people, mechanics, doctors, correspondents, and snipers. Hand, captain, with a Type 75 armored electric vehicle, a small team is complete.

After the "Heliopolis" incident, the intelligence of ms developed by the Republic has been known to all parties. The Eurasian Federation tried to obtain ms information on the grounds that the "Umbrella of Artemis" was attacked and collapsed due to the ms being hosted by the Republic. Of course, the development materials were rejected decisively. Since then, the Eurasian Federation has been unwilling to give up. A large number of troops have been deployed near the border of Yongning City, which is located on the northeastern border of the Republic. This is also today Sun Xuan came to watch and prepare. The reason for the ms, in addition to the second and fourth squad remaining in the military region, other squads will also rush to the border in cooperation with the first division.

Looking at the new weapons in front of him, Sun Xuan was a little bit emotional that the current situation is getting more and more severe. As a neutral republic, there is not much time to enjoy peace. The Eighth Fleet, which was almost destroyed a few days ago, was the recently fallen Victoria Space Harbor. The guilty Republic and Orb will surely become the new targets of the alliance. For this reason, it is not difficult to guess what Eurasia will do this time, in order to test the strength of the Republic.

Thinking of this, Sun Xuan sighed. In such a severe situation, where did his son and his daughter-in-law go? According to the intelligence, the "Archangel" the two children were riding in was separated from the remaining troops of the Eighth Fleet when they landed. I don't know how it is now.

   After spreading the camouflage net on the "Archangel", Kira walked down from the "Strike Gundam" and saw the girl approaching him. She seems to be called Kagali.

   "I was so sorry just now."

She glanced up at Kira, and whispered like anger but anger, "I wasn't..." Halfway through, she suddenly noticed something and changed her words, "...I didn't want to beat you, but just now. I accidentally hit it. Forgive me."

   Her tone is stern, but her attitude does not seem to be an apology at all. Kira couldn't help but grinned, and then she gave a slightly annoyed look.

   "What's so funny!"

   "What is there..."

   She doesn't seem to think how funny she is at all. Maybe his personality is too serious. This alone made Kira laugh uncontrollably. Although she was angry, she was kind of cute like a small animal.

  Kagali quickly reduced her anger, don't look at her eyes.

   "...I always wanted to know. After that, I don't know what happened to you..."

   She is still that angry but not angry. Kira only noticed that she was hiding her embarrassment.

   In "Heliopolis", thanks to Kira's phrase "Just accept one", Kagali was squeezed into the already full air-raid shelter. Kira thought she was the adjuster, and the other party was a girl, but Kagali didn't know Kira's background. If there is a person who has never met who only helps himself to be saved, and then gets involved in the terrible situation where the colonial satellite is almost destroyed, Kira understands Kagali's feelings.

   "...I'm sorry."

   Kira unknowingly made up for it, but after thinking about it carefully, the apology is actually quite weird. But Kagali's interface seemed to be taken for granted.

   "That's right. If you dare to try that again, I won't forgive you."

   said that, if the same situation happens again, Kira thinks she will probably do the same. Ignoring Yu Kira's secret dilemma at the moment, Kagali's tone became angry again.

   "Then-why did you show up with that thing again? You actually joined the Earth Army!"

   She has no right to accuse herself like that, but Kira vaguely feels that she has a reason to be angry with you, so she bowed her head and said nothing.

  Really, why did things become like this...

   But, because Kira can only do this. Probably it was like he would once again give up the space in the air-raid shelter to Kagali, both based on the same mood.

   "Because a lot of things have happened..."

   Kira whispered. At this moment, the faces of his companions flashed across his mind, Aslan's cry of grief, Sun Jin's suggestion, and his own determination.

   "...really, too much..."

  Perhaps he heard the tiredness in his voice, Kagali didn't ask any more, just couldn't help but look at him curiously. Her expression at this moment seemed a little worried, she suddenly looked like a girl.

   "By the way-why are you here?"

   Unconsciously, Kira suddenly remembered the question.

   "Aren't you from Orb? Are you originally from here?"


   Kagali turned her head away with a bewildered look. At this time-"Wait a minute, don't squeeze, what should I do if I am found."

   "That's right, now is the key."

Kira’s familiar voice came from behind a rock not far away, and she made a silent motion to Kagali, and walked quietly. Millia, who was wondering why there was no movement, suddenly found that the sun was blocked, and squatted halfway. She looked up while Kira was staring at them

   "Ah, Kira, what a coincidence."

   Miria was found greeted, and Thor pretended to be a chance encounter. Next to them, Frei and even Sun Jin, who still needs to rest now, sat in a wheelchair and laughed at her unkindly.

   "Fu Lei, even Sun Jin came to eavesdrop, how boring you guys are."

   helplessly covering his forehead, Kira was completely defeated by these good friends. "Because I'm really bored. It happened that Thor came to see me and said that you met a girl again, so I must come and see." Sun Jin was not embarrassed to be caught eavesdropping at all, and even smiled. He teased Kira, and Frey's face behind him also showed helplessness, "I stopped them, but all three people except me are full of interest."

   "That's right, Kira, have you met a new girl again, is it the peach blossom period?"

  Milia’s eyes were full of gossip, and Kagali came over too, "Kira, are they?"

"They were my friends. They were with me when I was in the Dawning Society." After re-introducing one by one, Miria took Frey and Kagali to the ship’s cafeteria for a female secret conversation, and the remaining three boys Kira pushed Sun Jin back to the infirmary with Thor, pushing the wheelchair, and Thor said earnestly on the way to Kira, "I said, you can’t change your mind. It’s not long after Miss Lux went back. Although Miss Kagali is also very attractive, don’t do anything to her." It’s better to stare at Sun Jin. You know now that there is not only Frey beside him, but also Miss Eunice." Kira was defeated by Thor's serious expression, and directly transferred the topic to Sun Jin. Sun Jin, who had been ambiguous with Si, could not refute, and his silence made Thor see something, and he hooked Sun Jin’s neck directly, "You kid, did something happen with Miss Eunice." "Let go, let go, Violence against me is still a patient, I was just thinking about things."

   Sun Jin slapped Thor's arm and found an excuse, but it can’t be regarded as an excuse. He is really thinking about it.

"We are in this place now, how can we return to the Alaska base." As soon as this was said, Thor also had a headache. Yeah, the place where they landed now is obviously an enemy zone. A lot of effort.

"Yes, and in the previous battle, the beast-type MS "Baku" is really difficult to entangle. Compared with the human-type "Strike Gundam", they are more suitable for combat in the desert. Sun Jin, if you face them later Be careful too."

   Kira also put forward his own opinions.

On the temporarily safe "Archangel", everyone except the person on duty got a holiday. The girls gathered to chat, Kira and Thor led him to the training room at Sun Jin’s strong request. , In the training room, Eunice is in a simulated battle with Mu, surrounded by many people. After all, as the trump card, Eunice still has many fans, and Eunice, the adjuster, has stayed here. The crew members who made her quickly accepted her, Eunice's mature temperament also attracted a group of young men, so the two-person simulation battle attracted many crew members on vacation.

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