As you descend from the first floor of the fort into the basement, you will hear a sarcastic water noise. Humid cold air flowed through the basement of the fort because of a waterway.

Sewage is going another way, not that it's unclean, but this cold air will make inmates put in jail.

- Before I go any further, from the end of the passage along the waterway, I hear the sound of something like a stick ripping through the sky and the sound of bitterness.

Mr. Rendle is following me from behind a little bit, but tension is making me feel stronger. When I turned around and asked him with my eyes, "Are you okay," he nodded back.

As I approached the cell where I could hear the sound, a strong female knight appeared from the inside. He seems two times older than Mr. Presha, but when he comes out, he bows his head.

"Dear Presha, I've been waiting for you. The prisoner I captured the other day still didn't open his mouth..."

"Yes, then I'll do it later. If you push for another breath and still don't talk, I'll let this doctor treat you."

"Yes... your man, the other day Chief Raquel said..."

"Yes, he says it's called Glass Weed. He's a young man, but don't look at him like that."

Mr. Presha smiles bitterly, but the strong side - rude, so sharp-eyed - the middle-aged knight looks at me and dyes her face red.

"You're not a child face, but you're young, and you're not a bad face. If you're not as helpful as a doctor, I'll get you some help. I'm a good man, but I'm not as hungry as you are."

"Yes, no, I'm not here to do that..."

"So you're saying that if it helps, it'll change how you treat everyone. Even I can give the scary ladies a proper story. Good luck, honors."

There was no such thing as an honorary student in college. I take it as sarcasm because I'm too used to an environment where I'm not appreciated?

Mr. Presha goes to jail first - with a three-forked spear. When she differs from a middle-aged female knight, she puts her hands on her chest to hold back the upset.

"... in a cage full of women, boned meat... that's what Dean Millenia said. I feel a little different."

To Mr. Rendle's whisper, I didn't know what to answer - the absence of a man also means that many knights are not immune to men. It's not everything that people eat right away just because a man comes.

But now more than that, the question is what Mr. Presha is going to do to the prisoners.

(Depending on what reason the prisoner was caught, it would sometimes be a death sentence... then it wouldn't be strange to inflict any blame bitterness)

"Ha... Ha..."

There were two men in the cell, and one woman wearing blubber clothes. Was the woman ever flogged, sitting on the floor, and still roughing her breath?

The two men don't move while falling on the floor. They didn't just whip me - they seemed to blame me for using the waterway we came through, that water. My whole body is wet, I have been deprived of my temperature, and my blood is lost from my skin.

"Chip... because you always pass out from a guy. It would be a big mistake if you thought it would be easier without throwing up anything. Look, wake up. If you don't wake up, you're gonna ask this girl alone."

The men do not reply. I'm not fainting - I could see them lurking their breath and not moving.

The two of them have already been pushed to the extreme physically and mentally by torture. Still, I can't talk about anything, and now I'm trying to sacrifice my fellow woman with all my heart to avoid further blame.

A metal table placed in a cell - it was prepared for further torture. Mr. Presha puts the woman's hand on the table with the bitter tannins on her face.

"You betrayed our country and passed to the enemy. I have crossed the canal in a canoe in the darkness of the night and have done something on the 'other side'. I've already got my back up there. I'm not trying to delude you."

"... kill me... nothing from me..."

How many times have I overlapped that reply - that would have been obvious if I had seen a violent reaction like Mr. Presha's fire.

"Me too... I don't want to do this either! How can Master Astina imitate plain betrayal beside all the knights fighting to defend their country! Who took a hand, say eh! I need to tell you... Huh!

Mr. Presha gets furious - but screaming and bumping her voice, the woman doesn't move. His eyes beneath his lost luster brown hair look up at Mr. Presha powerlessly, "Kill me" and move his lips again.

"Enough... ok. You don't have to treat me anymore... as you wish..."

Mr. Presha's hand with a trident spear has power. With a renunciation, the captive woman closes her eyes.

- Then we're losing sight of our purpose. If you can't extract information through torture, you'll have to use other methods.

"Mr. Presha, please wait"

"... you shut up. Opinion. I didn't say anything. If we treat the two men that way to such an extent that they don't die, the source will remain."

"No... still wait. The two men are trying to kill this man. And this guy doesn't crack his mouth in addition to betraying his country... and I think I can't forgive him, either. But if you kill him, that's where it ends."

"Don't be ridiculous...... if these guys leak information to the enemy and the enemy tries to violate the border, my people will be in danger. So you can't forgive me......!

But if you kill him, you'll know nothing. There is no certainty that the two men will confess to the information.

That's why I want to give the three of you equal opportunities. I'm not convinced that a person who's been neglected dies first - it's not for justice or anything, it just feels unreasonable.

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