Up to four levels, the color of the sunset was dyeing the area.

His Royal Highness goes out into the crossing and crosses the walls. Never look back, keep walking - she stopped on the castle wall on the east side of the fortress. It was a place where people could see the town they lived in.

A swarm of white birds flew out of the sky over there, passing near the fortress. Ahead is Zirconia's territory.

"... until today, I thought that if I just endured, if I didn't offer from myself that I wanted the throne, I would someday be able to lift my temper"

A rectangular window, for shooting a bow. I wonder how many arrows were released from here and shot through the soldiers General Alejandro led the other day.

With the square cut sky on his back, Your Highness looked back at me.

- It's like you're not a person. Beauty as God created without making a single mistake. The deep grief in those eyes was magical enough to stop my body from sewing on the spot.

I can't move one fingertip. I'm also going to forget how I usually breathe.

"My real mother... First Queen Amneria has not been strong since she was young. The First Prince… My brother also tended to lay low from a young age, and from that moment on, His Majesty wanted a 'strong inheritance' from the nobles around him."

One of the most important things that the king wants is to inherit.

The kingdom of Lazennaia has always inherited the throne by the blood of a royal family of kings from the founding kings.

If the First Prince, who is supposedly weak in body, becomes king, his courage becomes weaker. It is inevitable that a stronger inheritance is required in order to lay the foundations for the royal power.

"... but then all three were princesses. In this country, where only the prince, the son of the king, has inherited the throne, we, the princess, also have the right to inherit the throne, but because the order of succession of the first prince is at the top, he was seen to be king."

"The situation has changed… with the Second Queen becoming His Majesty's sideroom"

Taking over Her Royal Highness's words, she nods back.

But at the same time, I was thinking about another possibility. I wonder if Her Highness Astina's accomplishments as a soldier have brought out her eyes to inherit the throne - in fact, because she contributes to the kingdom to such an extent that it does not seem strange to do so.

"His Majesty did not want to make the First Queen's position worse. Even after welcoming the Second Queen, His Majesty had shown compassion for Her Highness Lady Amneria. I volunteered to enter the Knights School and was educated as an officer, also to protect my mother and my brothers and sisters. That's because I wanted to reassure His Majesty that he would show us about us."

And His Highness Astina blossomed his classic swordsman at the Knights School.

- One thing I care about. The fact is that His Royal Highness received the 'Spirit Selection Rite' at an early age, and that was interrupted.

His Highness Astina did not become a 'magician', but by becoming a 'demon warrior' unconsciously gained the strength of 10,000 injustices - but was constantly consuming a great deal of magic, leaving her in a state of instability.

"I was becoming a soldier, using my magic without consciousness, to exert my power as a demonic warrior… I continued to fight on the frontiers of the Eastern border to protect my country. At first, I went to countless battlefields from the platoon leader who kept the five soldiers and commanded them… until I was assigned as attack captain in six months."

His Highness lays his hands on the sword that is on his hips. Instead of gripping the pattern, try to wrap the patterned head area around it, and she closes her eyes without saying anything for a while.

When I found out I was praying, I was closing my eyes, too. She is praying for so many enemy soldiers who have slashed her with that sword.

"... I went to the East and it was about my second spring. With the fall of a general who was commanding an army to an enemy arrow, I took over the title of 'General' from that time on. Raquel has been my man since before that. I've been walking with her since the Knights School."

His Royal Highness looks at his own hands. Staring at her sunset hands, she continued her words.

"I thought I had no such thing as human feelings. No matter how strong the knight, if he slashes people, he will have nightmares and soften his heart...... I wasn't. If it was necessary, I could slaughter any number of people. I just thought I was scared from around me."

"... Raquel was different, wasn't he?"

"Yes... she is a nobler and stronger woman than I am. That's what she told me. He wants to be a knight like me."

For Mr. Raquel, His Royal Highness's very existence was nothing short of pride.

She's not the only one, everyone in this fortress thinks so. Even I just got here, I can tell you without hesitation. I respect His Highness Astina.

"It must be a shame for me to say this, having slain so many enemy soldiers. Glass... you take the fortress soldiers... no. Ever since I saw him treat the owner of a ranch with goblin arrows, I've been thinking. If it were to come true, he wanted power like yours."

"... I... ask His Highness to say that much..."

All this time, they didn't need me.

Only spirits useful in war can be recognized for their value. Even in such a college, I swore I would never break my heart alone with my fellow 'detached' men.

It's not 'off' or anything, it's got to be worth something. Even if you can't admit it now, one day...

I wanted enough to get my hands out of my throat. that someone will need it.

I got people to watch what I learned not to fight, but to heal people. His Highness, who at first thought he hadn't seen me, remembered me from the first encounter.

If you say something now, you're going to have a pitiful voice. Seeing me like that, His Highness smiled faintly - the wind flowing, shaking His Highness's hair, only for a very short while.

"I must question the will of His Majesty the King. Weisek was blind to the circumstances in which the dead were out in the Zirconia attack and was nervous about the provocation to break my legs. He has neither buried the dead with this hand nor prayed for them. Then those who risked their lives for this country will not be rewarded"

The angriest part is Mr. Presha - and I thought it was Mr. Raquel.

But it wasn't. There was no way His Highness, such a commander, could have allowed Weisek to insult himself by stepping forward and protecting his soldiers.

"The center is unwilling to help defend itself against Zirconia. If you want to kill this Knights soldier, I can't accept it."

"In the center, when you turn away... that's what you say"

"No...... not yet, stand out and show that will. From now on, we will free the prisoners. But I don't just give it back. Glass...... With your power you may be able to get a clue as to who is about to fall on us"

Let the captives have plants that serve as the medium of the Spirit. That's what I was thinking too - I can now embody Arlaune in remote areas, so if we're good, we can gather information via prisoners.

"And Zirconia doesn't expect us to attack. Take the stronghold across the river and use it as a material for negotiations with the prisoners. We have to upset our enemies a lot to make them think that hostility to us is not a good idea."

In order to do this, it will be necessary to defeat in some way the water magician - the noin - who has enabled a sudden assault from Zirconia.

"As for Weisek, I've already put on a secret detective. He's not trying to get straight out of western territory… If he's getting orders to inspect the situation in western territory, he's not going to be reported to me. I have the authority to blame unauthorized intelligence operations in my territory, even for military personnel outside my command."

If you ignore that provision and Weisek is going to defend you. Weisek must explain why he acted against the policy.

Perhaps he will remain silent. Until then, as we have done before, 'interrogation' by magic.

"... everything depends on your power. I've been told I'm good at military service, but it's only unreasonable, such as feeling signs and directions of an enemy attacking me."

"No... its power will always be that of the Knights. Now that you are connected to the Divine Tree, does it not mean that your Highness has more power to read ahead?"

"Right...... right. The Divine Tree whispers to me, I do have that feeling. When you should come, you will ask for a 'trust'"

What we need to know for sure. It is the location of such important enemies as General Alejandro and Noyne.

Let Zirconia decide you shouldn't fight us. That's not easy, but it doesn't start when you decide it's impossible.

Change the war situation before the enemy sends another army. One day we should move for that - as soon as possible, look at me thinking so, His Highness said.

"Infiltration into enemy strongholds, tonight. Determined in the middle of the night when vigilance diminishes most."

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