Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 219: Platforms and Altars

The target is dead!

Extract the target's soul energy and gain experience: 7500 points!

Through the perception of battle, get practice points: 700 points!


Seeing a pool of foul pus turned into by the strong demon, Thorne was about to take a break and continued to explore forward.

Suddenly, in the filthy pus water, a nearly invisible pale gray soul floated out, and after a shrill scream, it seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and couldn't leave, and finally all of it disappeared into the demonic imprint in his palm.

Noticing this strange change, Thorne's face changed, and he immediately sat cross-legged on the cold ground, stood his long sword in front of him, pressed his left arm tightly with his right hand, and activated the Steel Soul Sect's countermeasures without hesitation. , resisting the crazy invasion of the strong demon will.

Suffered by the will of the strong demon!

Will saving throw in progress...


The saving throw was successful!

You have successfully escaped the will of the Strong Demon!

The Soul Will of the Strong Demon has been successfully absorbed by you!

Gain 30 Demonic Power!



After a while, Thorne wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and let out a long breath.

"I didn't expect to be able to completely kill the demon body from the bottomless abyss, but the chaotic will of this abyss is a bit unbearable. If the challenge level of this demon is higher, it is impossible to resist so easily. .

It seems that there is time, and we must pay more attention to some equipment that can improve the will attribute. "Thorn raised his sword and stood up, looking at the endless darkness, and muttered to himself.

As long as it is outside the bottomless abyss, the demons are not afraid of death. Even if a demon is killed by luck, they will turn into filthy pus, and then after a certain period of time, they will accumulate enough energy to reshape themselves again. And their minds will not change in any way, only hatred will become more vigorous.

So if you want to really kill the demon, the only way is to enter the bottomless abyss and kill its essence.

However, what surprised Thorne was that after he killed the sturdy demon whose body descended to the main material world, in addition to greatly increasing his progress of "Demon Power", under the transformation of the demon's mark , actually killed the opponent completely.

This was something he had never imagined, so the main reason for this was obvious.

Thorne watched that the growth progress of "Devil Power" had reached more than half, and suddenly began to look forward to what special abilities he could obtain after upgrading to lv2.

Just one spell-like ability, "Fireball", has benefited him immensely, so what surprises will there be for other abilities?

Thinking of this, Thorne's footsteps to the depths of the underground space involuntarily sped up a little, because he firmly believed that in this unknown underground space, there must be other demon creatures entrenched in it. It is possible that it acts as a guard channel.

Thorne continued to explore the passage, walking alone in the dark underground passage. He didn't encounter any undead or demons along the way. Except for his slight footsteps, there was only a more quiet and eerie environment.

In such a strange environment, Rao, a person with a big heart like him, couldn't help but feel a little hairy in his heart.

In this way, after he walked for nearly 100 meters, a fork in the road made up of caves appeared in front of him. Standing at the intersection, Thorne could clearly feel the increasingly strong negative energy wafting from it, which made people feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

He looked at each other at the left and right intersections and saw nothing unusual, so he chose the road on the left casually, and walked in without hesitation with his long sword in hand.

The length of the passage in the cave is about 200 meters. When Thorne reached the end, a trace of light appeared at the exit, so he looked around vigilantly and accelerated his pace.


Thorne stood at the exit of the passage on a relatively high terrain, and found an underground dark river running in the distance in this underground passage.

"Have you reached the Underdark?" Thorne's first thought popped into his heart.

In the end, under his careful inspection, he found that it was not what he imagined. If it really could lead to the Underdark, it would have been occupied by a large number of dark elves or gray dwarves long ago, and it would not be preserved until now.

As he walked along the way, he found that there was no trace of any biological activity in this passage.

Then Thorne immediately locked his gaze in the direction of the source of light. There was a wide stone platform about 500 meters ahead, and a dozen ghost fires floated in the midair of the platform.

Through the light of the ghost fire, it can be found that more than a dozen stone coffins are neatly arranged on the platform, and in the center of the stone coffins, there is a large sarcophagus.

"Is it a ghoul? Or a mummy?" Thorne frowned, because he didn't find the demonic creature he hoped to see.

So he began to look around the stone platform carefully, and found a large number of undead creatures wandering unconsciously in this space, including skeletons, ghouls, zombies, corpses...

There are even some demons and corpse witches with humanized soul fires beating in their eye sockets, holding the skull holy emblem in their hands, and wearing cloth robes, obviously possessing the priest professional level.

"Is this a secret base for cultivating undead." Thorne once again locked his gaze on the sarcophagus of the platform, and suddenly noticed a vague altar deep in the platform.

——“Shadow Hand School (Enhanced Skill): Shadow Cloak!”

So he thought, and a shadow energy instantly enveloped his body until it disappeared without a trace.

The moment Thorne left the passage, a breath of negative energy that almost suffocated him immediately filled his body, making him almost breathless.

Just as he was about to turn back the same way, the paladin's ring in his hand played its due role.

In the pitch-black space, the ring flashed an aura, and the built-in medium protection aura "Protection from Evil" instantly radiated an indiscernible divine energy that enveloped his whole body. , the breathing gradually returned to a steady state.

"There is such a strong negative energy atmosphere everywhere, this space must be surrounded by a huge blasphemy circle." Thorne looked at it and guessed secretly.

Then he moved his footsteps and began to walk silently along the edge to an altar deep in the stone platform.

"I seem to smell the breath of the living, and there is a little bit of the sacred smell. I hate this kind of disgusting... Damn, can't someone break in?" A corpse witch in a cloth robe The ugly face with wrinkled skin and bones, revealing the color of viciousness and frenzy.

"...I seem to feel it too." The fire of the soul in the eye sockets of the other corpse monster jumped: "Impossible, how is it possible for outsiders to break into here?"

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