This afternoon,

It’s about two or three o’clock

Bai Chengze’s door was knocked open again by a rapid knock.

Randomly put on a short sleeve on the body

Bai Chengze hurriedly came to the door

Pulling open the door, there was another young girl with white skin and beautiful appearance standing outside the door.

She was about twenty-something, and her appearance looked a little frivolous and mature.

A black tight slip dress gives a clear view of its delicate figure.

Her long hair is slightly purple, and she looks very foreign and fashionable.

A face is even more charming and enchanting, giving people a feeling of “bad sister”.

The girl is Yuki’s good roommate Xina,

Seeing the sleepy-eyed Bai Chengze, she ruffled the hair around her neck and asked

“So, have you seen Youxi?”

“Youxi?” Bai Chengze scratched his head, “No. ”

Xi Na’s face was full of doubt, she tilted her head slightly, and quickly glanced inside through a narrow crack in the door that Bai Chengze opened.

On the floor of the apartment, there were two intimate clothes scattered messily, and a pair of high heels were upside down, which looked like a scribbled scene.

She nodded thoughtfully, ran a finger around the hair on her chest, cleared her throat, and raised her voice a few decibels:

“Then, if you see Youxi, please let her come back early and tell her that the apartment is still busy with work.”

“Understood.” Bai Chengze nodded.

Xi Na also nodded, and looked Bai Chengze up and down again.

She turned around, took two steps, turned back again, and said with great interest

“We are going to have a celebration party in the evening to celebrate moving to a new house, are you interested in coming over?”

“I’m okay with that.” Bai Chengze shrugged.

“Seven o’clock in the evening.” Xena held out a hand and gestured.

“OK。” Bai Chengze agreed.

“If you see Youxi,” Xena instructed again, “let her come back early.” ”

Bai Chengze nodded repeatedly.

Then he gently closed the door and returned to the bedside of the apartment

He picked up the clothes scattered on the ground one by one and threw them into Yuxi’s arms.

Yuki took a white suspender T-shirt, put it lazily on her body, and yawned, “What…”

Bai Chengze said, “People are looking for you.” ”

“Cut~” Youxi stretched a lazy waist, stood up on the bed, and her smooth body was in full view, “She just can’t see me better…”

“She said let me attend some celebratory party in the evening,” Bai Chengze felt a cigarette in the box on the table, filled it in his mouth, and lit it with a click, “I agreed.” ”

Youxi shook her head, “You better not come.” ”

“Why?” Bai Chengze frowned, a little puzzled.

Youxi smiled wickedly, revealing two cunning tiger teeth, “Because they are all great evil.” ”

“Evil than you?” Bai Chengze knelt on the bed on one knee, gently hugged Youxi’s legs, and exhaled a mouthful of smoke.

Youxi was a little dissatisfied, and patted the top of Bai Chengze’s head, “I’m obviously very simple, okay?” ”

“You said yes.” Bai Chengze did not refute.

“You have to pay attention,” Youxi gently pushed Bai Chengze’s head away, bent down to pick up a piece of clothing, “Especially Sister Xi Na, she likes to rob my things the most.” ”

Bai Chengze slowly lay on the bed, looked at Youxi on the side, took a puff of smoke, looked at the ceiling and said: “What are you afraid of, if it is yours, it will not be snatched away by others.” ”

“Is that so?”

Youxi was suspicious and frowned.

“Then I’ll have to leave a mark on you,” she knelt down on the bed with lightning speed, “so I can feel safe.” ”

When the words landed, she had already turned over Bai Chengze, ripped off his clothes, and viciously bit on his left butt.

“Ahhh!!” Bai Chengze didn’t expect Youxi to come to such a hand.

He slapped Yuxi’s head with a palm, “Relax! ”

Youxi was like a murderous hyena, biting and not letting go.

Bai Chengze threw away his cigarette butts in pain, grabbed the sheets with both hands, and his expression was distorted, “Are you crazy?!” ”

After a few seconds, Youxi straightened up her waist and let out a long breath.

She wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, pinched her waist with both hands, looked at Bai Chengze’s “mark”, felt a burst of satisfaction, and a smile appeared on her face.

“It’s much better that way.” Youxi nodded.

“Are you sick?”

Bai Chengze rubbed his butt and felt a wetness

Looking at the palm, I couldn’t help but be taken aback

“Are you a dog? It’s all biting and bleeding for me! ”

Youxi turned around, “Na, if you are not satisfied, you can bite it back.” ”

Bai Chengze pushed her away fiercely, “Neuropathy! ”

He shook his head and came to the bathroom mirror

Tiptoe, turn around and look in the mirror

The tooth marks on the buttocks are deep and meaningful

There was also a bright touch of lipstick, as if mocking his embarrassment.

Bai Chengze shook his head helplessly

He would never have thought that he was a white on weekdays, but today he planted such a big heel.

The most critical question is,

How do you explain this thing to Yichen and them?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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