Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 938: The thief Xiucai wants to make peace with me?

"The emperor doesn't have to worry, but if the Qing is here, Manchuria will be there. W≠The emperor must know that when Emperor Taizu did not have Manchuria, the eight banners at that time were all affiliated tribes, and there were all ethnic groups, and there were many of them. The Han people, until the time of Emperor Taizong, decided to call Manchuria, and the clan names were fixed, and each clan lived in Manchuria, so why did the emperor worry about it?"

Fan Wencheng's words dispelled Shunzhi's concerns. Yes, there was no Manchurian state in the past, and today's Manchurian state is not composed of ethnic groups that are not Manchurian. In the past, Han people could enter Manchuria and become the real Manchuria, but why can't we admit Han people in today. Taizu Taizong is not worried about things, why should he worry about the same, is Taizu Taizu not as wise as his younger generation?

Shunzhi laughed at himself.

"As soon as you enter Manchuria, it will become Manchuria! As long as the imperial court insists on taking Manchuria as the country's foundation and continues to support Manchuria with the flag and salaries, then there is no need to worry about the Han people mixing up with our Manchuria. The minister can conclude that in the future, we will safeguard our Qing Dynasty. The people who defend our Manchuria must be the Han people who carry the flag."

Ning Wan, I experienced firsthand how Jianzhou grew step by step, and how it took over the Ming Dynasty. He mentioned several examples of the merger of various ethnic groups outside the customs into Manchuria, and added some on the basis of Fan Wenzhe. He emphasized that raising the flag is not to relieve Manchurian privileges, but to enable the Han army to enjoy the privileges of the Eight Banners as well as Manzhou. , so that they can feel the pride of being a Chinese while getting more benefits, so they don't have to worry about breaking the roots of Manchuria.

"Turn Han into Manchu, and raising the flag is like shaving one's hair and changing clothes, so that all Han officials in the Han army are Manchus, not Han people. I have always thought that Manzhou is like a pool of water. The water in the pool will eventually dry up one day. Even if it does not dry up, it is like a pool of stagnant water, which is not good for the country or Manchuria. Only when the water flows into the pool from time to time can the pool water not dry up and not die."

After Ning Wan's persuasion, Shunzhi finally no longer hesitated and agreed to raise the flag on a large scale.

In the past, raising the flag was a very rare event. Recently, only the former Admiral of Guangdong, Tang Sanshui, was given the surname Manzhou by Shunzhi for his meritorious service in guarding Anqing. The Eight Banners of Manchuria, as well as a large number of Han officials and their families, was unimaginable in the era of Taizu and Taizong, and it involved a great deal, especially for the banner salaries, the expenses would be astronomical.

Another large number of Han people entering Manchuria will inevitably infringe on the interests of the original Manchurians. How to coordinate it so that the flags do not object will also be a very labor-intensive matter. Others, such as giving names to full surnames, garrisoning new officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners, etc., involve matters that cannot be handled by the yamen of all banners. The specific operation must be presided over by a competent person, and there are also harsh matters such as dismissal of enclosures and escapes.

Shunzhi wanted to set up a new yamen to be responsible for raising the flag and reforming the law, and let the more obedient Prince Kang Jieshu be responsible for this matter. Can carry out the flag raising in advance.

Right now, the Jianghuai war has ceased. Although the Taiping army is based on the Jianghuai territory, it is impossible to have the strength to advance north in the short term. The most important thing is the war in Shaanxi and Gansu. Ebilong has rushed to Tongguan from Shanxi, and was promoted to the governor of five provinces to defend against Wu Sangui's rebels. After Ning Wan, I suggest that the court should send an elite army to support Ebilong. After all, Wu Sangui's rebels are very strong. If they live there, there is a danger of erosion in the Central Plains and Hedong. Once the Wu army moves eastward, the issue of raising the flag and changing the law will be affected, so ensuring the safety of Tongguan has become the most important matter for the court at the moment.

The Eight Banners outside Guan Guan had just entered Beijing, and Shunzhi still needed Dunbai to pacify Gyeonggi for him. Since it was impossible to send the Eight Banners outside Guan Guan to Tongguan. But apart from the Eight Banners outside the customs, Shunzhi could not have much troops on hand. The Eight Banners soldiers who had withdrawn from Yangzhou had just suffered great losses and had to rest, and could not be dispatched. Ning Wan I timely proposed that the Han officials in each province should organize local regiments to cooperate with the main force. For the Han gentry who formed local regiments to train, the imperial court should reuse them, let go of power, and carry those with outstanding performances into Manchuria, so that the northern military power will be completely Manchurian bit by bit.

"The governor of Henan, Jia Hanfu, has quite a lot of experience in organizing group exercises. The minister thinks that the specific matters can be discussed with Jia Hanfu."

Ning had just mentioned Jia Hanfu, the governor of Henan, when Sony hurried in with a look of joy on his face.

"Your Majesty, the governor of Henan, Jia Hanfu, delivered urgently, the thief Xiucai has lost the hearts of the people in Jiangnan!"

Shunzhi was stunned for a moment, and when he took over Jia Hanfu's memorial from Sony, he was overjoyed. It turned out that Jia Han replayed the slurs saying that the details sent to the south recently stated that the Taiping army was wantonly clearing debts and levies in various places in the south of the Yangtze River, causing people's grievances to boil, and people gathered to resist grain from time to time. Another Suzhou Wuzhong scholar, Jin Shengtan, and others gathered in a crowd to cry at the temple. Originally, they wanted to ask the government to stop urging the expropriation and punish the evil officials. They didn't want to rob the scholars, but they set up a big prison. After waiting for more than 30 talents to ask questions, the remaining 87 talents were all sent to 3,000 miles away. As a result, after the incident, instead of shocking the people of Jiangnan, it made the situation even more chaotic.

The Dingwu court of the pseudo-Jiangning was also in an uproar because of this case, and the officials and gentry were outraged. Some officials even pointed out that Xiucai did the wrong thing in Jiangnan, extorting violent levies, causing local unrest and unrest among the people. The puppet Emperor Dingwu was furious, and he issued a decree to severely reprimand the thieves and scholars, ordering him to immediately stop clearing the debt and levying the bad government, to restore the peace of the people and the justice of the gentry.

Jia Hanfu also reported that he had found that the pseudo-Dingwu imperial court had successfully recruited people in the Enke Township test in Jiangnan, Jiangxi, and Hunan provinces~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was concatenating the intention to "carry a letter" and asked the pseudo-Dingwu emperor not to compete for profits with the people. There was a lot of uproar about this matter, and there was a tendency for the three provinces to jointly sign a letter.

"God helps me in the Qing Dynasty! The thief Xiucai finally lost his way under arrogance!"

Ning Wan, I was encouraged by this news, and said that the thief scholar started in the army. Although he had the name of a scholar, he was not a scholar, and he acted in the style of a warrior. It was only because the Taiping army occupied Jiangnan that he could do whatever he wanted, but he didn't. Considering people's will, so as to make such a big trend. Now he has shot himself in the foot with a stone, and it doesn't count if he lost the hearts of Jiangnan. The pseudo-Dingwu Emperor also fell out with him, let's see how he ends!

"The thief show has lost the hearts of the people, and it is when I am in the Qing Dynasty to attract people's hearts..."

Ning Wan, I was about to ask the emperor to seize the opportunity of the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River in time, and send someone to contact the gentry who were suppressed by the Taiping Army in the south of the Yangtze River, but Ao Bai came and brought a piece of news that surprised Shunzhi and Ning Wan even more.

"You mean the thief show wants to make peace with me?"

(To be continued.)

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