Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 222 The Man in the Mirror

Harry and "Tierra" left in good spirits and returned disappointed.

Harry didn't know exactly how he got back to Honeydukes' cellar, and how he drilled the tunnel to re-enter the castle, like a walking dead.

All he knew was that the return trip didn't seem to take much time, and that he barely noticed what he was doing because his mind was so full of what he had just heard—

Why didn't anyone tell him? Dumbledore, Hagrid, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Cornelius Fudge... His parents were betrayed to death by his best friend, why has no one ever told him about it?

Ron and Hermione had been watching Harry and "Tiera" uneasily throughout dinner, afraid to talk about what they had overheard, because Percy was sitting next to them—

And "Tiera" also had a gray expression on his face, as if his mood was more depressed and heavy than Harry's.

After dinner, they returned to the crowded common room. Harry wanted to be alone, so he said goodbye to Ron and Hermione, quietly went to the empty dormitory, and went all the way to his bedside table—

"Tiera" looked at Harry worriedly, thought for a while, and followed silently——

Harry came to his bedroom, took the Firebolt off his bed, and gently put it aside, as if even the Firebolt broom couldn't make him happy

Harry pushed the books neatly stacked on the floor aside as if venting, and quickly found what he was looking for from the messy pile of books——

A leather-bound photo album Hagrid had given him two years ago, full of enchanted photos of his parents.

He sat on the bed, drew the curtains around the bed, hid himself in a closed space, and started flipping through the photo album page by page——

Until, he stopped at the photo of his parents' wedding day. His dad was waving at him, grinning, his messy black hair Harry had inherited bristled in all directions.

There was also his mother, glowing with happiness, standing arm in arm with his father, and—

That must be him. Their best man, Harry had never thought of him before.

If he didn't know it was the same person, he would never have guessed that it was Blake in the old photo—

The face of Sirius Black in the photo is not sunken and sallow, but handsome and smiling.

Was he already in Voldemort's service when this picture was taken? Was he already planning to kill the two people around him? Did he know he was facing twelve years in Azkaban, twelve years that would make him unrecognizable?

But those dementors hadn't bothered him, thought Harry, staring at the handsome smiling face. He doesn't necessarily have to hear my mother scream if they get too close, and Harry snaps the photo album shut, reaches into the bedside table, takes off his robe, takes off his glasses, lays down on the bed—


"Tiera" carefully touched Harry's bedside, opened the curtain and sat beside Harry—

"Tiera" patted Harry on the shoulder lightly. But he didn't say anything after calling Harry.

Sirius Black had been by Harry's side in the tavern, with him, hiding under James' old invisibility cloak.

Of course, Sirius, like Harry, listened to the conversations of McGonagall, Cornelius Fudge, Hagrid and Ms. Rostamo verbatim—

Sirius got his first taste of being misunderstood.

Sirius Black, the man of heaven, never cared about these misunderstandings, these rumors—

Until now, he has finally tasted the bitter fruit for the wild and unrestrained behavior of his youth.

"I hope he finds me," said Harry. "I'll be ready when he finds me."

There was a hatred running through Harry that he had never known before, and it was like poison—

"I'm going to kill him!"

Harry said.


After completing the transaction, Tierra slowly exited the temple, and honestly took the moon beast's multi-oared sailboat to the Cold Plateau instead of teleporting directly by relying on her own space authority——

There are countless unborn Outer Gods and Outer God cubs lurking in the cosmic void between the moon and the Dreamland. Tierra cannot predict what this starry sky full of Outer Gods will do to his space authority. kind of impact.

So Tierra still felt that being cautious was the most important thing, there was absolutely no need to save so little time and face unknown dangers.

After arriving at the Cold Plateau, Tierra returned to Central Asia through the cave along the way the expedition team had come.

But before returning the spirituality of Pettigrew Peter and the "parasite" to the body——

Tierra first modified the memory of the scientific expedition team to prevent exposure.

In the latest version of the memory of the scientific expedition team, they found that cave and entered that cave, but found nothing. It was an ordinary cave with some dangerous unknown creatures living in it——

While exploring the cave, former Soviet KGB agent Sumarokov Romanov was attacked by a giant purple spider.

Fortunately, Sumarok Romanov is a former KGB agent with rich experience in field survival, and with the help of the medicine he carried and other teammates, he quickly suppressed the spread of the venom.

After obtaining the consent of the sponsor's father Gilderoy Lockhart, the scientific expedition team decided to stay in the local hospital first, and then set off for the UK after Sumarok Romanov recovered from his injuries.

After dealing with the affairs in Central Asia, Tierra asked the "inheritor" to bring the flowing silver and pillar copper to directly open a door of light and return to the underground chamber of Hogwarts.

The Gryffindor bedroom in the Hogwarts tower at this time.

Harry didn't fall asleep until dawn, and Sirius Black stayed up all night. He stayed with Harry until he heard the sound of steady breathing from Harry's side. Sirius Black got up and walked quietly to Granville. Findo's common room, and then walked out of the common room through the portrait of the fat lady——

Today will probably be the last night I stay in Hogwarts. At 6:30 tomorrow morning, all the little wizards who leave school will leave Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express train from the Hogsmeade village platform. Hereby——

"Tierra" is the group of wizards who left the school. Sirius must leave the school whether it is to complete the unbreakable spell or to eradicate Tierra.

So although it seemed unlikely, Sirius wanted to try again, to see if he could find Peter Pettigrew on his last night away from school.

"Looks like you're enjoying your campus life?"

Sirius suddenly heard Tierra's voice——

He looked around vigilantly. Next to Sirius, there was a large floor-to-ceiling window. The empty night outside the floor-to-ceiling window turned the window into a mirror——

Tierra's reflection in the mirror was smiling and slowly approaching the mirror.

"Today is the last day." Tierra in the mirror said with a smile, "Remember to keep your promise."

"I... I will."

"Tiera", or Sirius, outside the mirror responded.

"After getting off the train tomorrow, go directly to No. 12, Grimmauld Place." Tierra said, "I will meet you halfway."

"Good." Sirius replied.

"Then good luck." Tierra in the mirror bowed and took a few steps back, "Enjoy the last few hours of being a student."

After saying that, Tierra in the mirror changed back to a normal image.

Sirius, who had been tense all the time, heaved a sigh of relief, but what he didn't notice was that cold sweat had already wet the clothes behind him.

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