Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 297 Registration Date

The next day is Saturday. Generally speaking, students go to have breakfast very late.

However, Harry was not the only one who got up much earlier than usual on weekends. Ron and Hermione were not the only ones. When they went downstairs and entered the foyer, they saw more than twenty people gathered around, some of them still eating bread. .

But Tiera didn’t appear——

To be precise, Tiera had a rare stay in bed today. No matter how Harry yelled, Tiera was unwilling to leave the Gryffindor common room.

After Harry, Ron and Hermione left, Tiera picked up a book and leaned against the window of the dormitory to read carefully.

Last night, after he returned to the dormitory, he found a note on his bed——

"Don't go to the auditorium again before dinner, and don't go to the secret room."

There is only a simple sentence on the note, and the handwriting is my own handwriting——

At that moment, combined with her previous experience in the corridor, Tiera understood what happened.

Obviously, her future self had something to go back to, so Tiera decided to follow her future self's instructions and stay well in the dormitory.

"Alas, it's such a shame." Tiera sighed sadly -

Tiera actually wanted to hold a camera and record the scene of the Weasley twins fighting after they turned into two old men.

In the future, if one of the twins really dies, and Tiera releases this video then, the remaining expression will be particularly interesting.

"Oh, forget it, I'd better be a human being." Tiera sighed sadly again, and then continued to read the book at hand.

At the same time, Hogwarts Banquet Hall.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan hurried down the stairs, all three looking extremely excited.

"It's done, it's done, it's done!" Fred whispered to Harry, Ron and Hermione in a proud tone, "Just drink it."

"What?" Ron asked.

"Age-enhancing drugs, you idiot," Fred said.

"We each drank a drop," George said, rubbing his hands together happily. "We only have a few more months to grow up."

"If one of us wins, the one thousand galleons will be divided equally among the three of us." Li Danni said with a happy smile on her face.

"There's no way this will work." Hermione said arrogantly toward the camera——

But Fred, George and Lee ignored her.

"Are you ready?" Fred said to the other two people, trembling with excitement, "Then, come on, I'll go in first -"

Harry watched with fascination as Fred pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket with the word "Fred Weasley" written on it.

Fred walked right to the edge of the age line and stood there, swaying on his tiptoes like a diver preparing to jump from a fifty-foot platform.

Then, with every eye in the foyer watching, he took a deep breath and crossed the line.

For a moment, Harry thought Fred had succeeded -

George must have thought so, as he shouted triumphantly and jumped forward after Fred——

But then there was a hissing sound, and the twins were thrown outside the golden circle, as if an invisible shot putter had thrown them out. They fell painfully to the cold stone ground ten feet away, and they suffered humiliation beyond the physical pain. With a loud popping sound, identical long white beards sprouted from the chins of the two men.

The people in the foyer roared with laughter. Even Fred and George couldn't help laughing when they saw each other's white beards.

"I warned you." A low voice. An amused voice said, and everyone turned their heads to see Professor Dumbledore walking out of the auditorium.

He looked at Fred and George, his eyes shining happily, "I suggest you both go to Madam Pomfrey. She is already taking care of Miss Fawcett and Hufflepuff in Ravenclaw. Mr. Summers, they are also determined to make themselves a little older, but I must say, their beards are far less beautiful than yours."

Fred and George set off for the hospital, accompanied by Li Jordan, who was still laughing non-stop. Harry, Ron and Hermione also giggled and went into the Great Hall for breakfast.

Dumbledore also walked into the auditorium and came to his seat.

Before taking his seat, Dumbledore raised his head suspiciously and scanned the glass around the auditorium with some vigilance, but——

Dumbledore didn't notice anything, so he could only stroke his beard and sit down in his seat.

This morning, the decoration of the auditorium changed again. Because it was Halloween, a swarm of live bats flew around the enchanted ceiling, while hundreds of little pumpkin figures leered at everyone from every corner.

This was a very noisy environment, so it was difficult even for Dumbledore to observe with his naked eyes the white light like human figures flashing from time to time on the towering glass windows of the banquet hall.

When the time reached three or four o'clock in the afternoon, which was close to dinner time, it began to rain lightly in the sky, and Tiera finally walked out of the Gryffindor common room under the half-pushing and half-coaxing of Harry and Hermione. , followed the crowd and came to the banquet hall.

Students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang also walked out of their respective residences and came to the banquet hall.

When they entered the candlelit auditorium, it was nearly full.

The Goblet of Fire had been moved and now stood in front of Dumbledore's empty chair on the staff table.

Fred and George's chins were bare again—

They seem to have embraced their defeat.

"I wish it was Angelina," Fred said as Tiera, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat down.

"Me too!" Hermione said breathlessly. "Ah, we'll find out soon enough!"

"As a prophet," Tiera said, taking the opportunity to show off her "prophetic ability." "I can tell you responsibly that we in Gryffindor will definitely have a warrior, and you know him. people."

Halloween dinner seems to be taking much longer than usual.

Perhaps because there were banquets for two consecutive days, Lian Ron didn't seem to like those elaborately prepared sumptuous dishes as much as usual.

People in the auditorium kept looking up, with anxious expressions on every face.

Everyone was restless, standing up from time to time to see if Dumbledore had finished eating.

Harry was just like them, he couldn't wait to finish what was on his plate quickly and find out who was chosen as the warrior.

Finally, the golden plate returned to its original spotless state, and the voices in the auditorium suddenly became much louder.

Immediately, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium suddenly became silent again.

Karkaroff and Madame Maxime on either side of Dumbledore looked as nervous and expectant as everyone else.

Ludo Bagman was smiling and winking at the students from various schools, while Mr. Crouch looked uninterested, which could be said to be a little bored.

Thanks to xiaotang246 for the 100 starting coins

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Thank you Xiacao195 for voting in January

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