Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 435 Team Character Card

Tiera had already anticipated Umbridge's actions——

After all, I have already read the novel and the movie.

And having said that, as frustrated as the British Ministry of Magic is, they probably can't think of any other tricks.

What should I do if I can’t win again and again? I can only play dirty.

In addition, in order to prevent herself from being picked on by Dumbledore again, Umbridge brought Bartlett Catton, the curse-breaking master of the Department of Mysteries, and an Auror Sito Phelps, who had a similar affinity with her, as well as volunteering, Patsy Weasley, Secretary to the Minister of Magic, who is eager to be promoted——

"That's Percy?" Percy Weasley's speech caused a sensation, but Harry and Hermione asked Ron in disbelief——

"Yes, it's Patsy." Ron couldn't believe it. "Although he had his hair done, it's indeed Patsy. Wait, wait, I, I'll ask him."

After announcing the new rules of the Ministry of Magic, Umbridge strode towards the door again, and the three followers behind her also followed her, including Patsy Weasley of course——

Seeing that Patsy was about to leave, Ron ran over in a hurry, seemingly wanting to ask Patsy something, and then——

Ron came back in despair.

"What did he say?" Seeing Ron like this, Hermione guessed a little, but still asked.

"Alas..." Ron sighed, then shook his head and said, "I don't know if he is pretending."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Patsy reprimanded me very severely." Ron said carefully choosing his words. "He said you were a liar. He also said that Umbridge is a very cute and easy-going woman. He also said..."

"Alas..." Ron sighed again, "He is still Dumbledore, an old liar... Alas..."

Ron didn't continue speaking afterward, as it would not sound any better than the previous words.

Hermione and Harry looked at each other, seemingly wondering whether Percy was pretending or whether he was really on Umbridge's side.

But they quickly forgot about this matter, because they suddenly remembered that in addition to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that Umbridge took away in the morning, they were Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class this afternoon.

"This is the first time in my life that I am looking forward to the Transfiguration class so much!" After lunch, Ron took Hermione and Harry to the Transfiguration classroom early.

Just before lunch, Umbridge had already explained her authority——

Able to review and appoint Hogwarts professors.

Apparently, the Ministry of Magic is preparing to remove Dumbledore’s power at Hogwarts by expelling Hogwarts professors——

I don't know if Cornelius Fudge is really crazy or if he is simply instigated by fools around him such as Umbridge.

Cornelius Fudge seems really ready to take action against Dumbledore——

In Cornelius Fudge's view, Dumbledore may be powerful, but he will never be powerful enough to compete with the entire Ministry of Magic Aurors.

Dumbledore's power lies in his position in the British wizarding community.

The world's number one white wizard, defeated the Dark Lord twice, and so on.

Cornelius Fudge's plan is simple. First, discredit Dumbledore and chip away at Dumbledore's aura layer by layer.

Then use Umbridge to dismantle Dumbledore's power.

When the time is right, Dumbledore will be charged with rebellion, and then all the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic will be summoned to encircle and suppress Dumbledore.

Finally, Dumbledore was put on trial, and the Ministry of Magic announced to the world that the British wizarding community was still powerful and could even arrest the rebellious White Devil Dumbledore.


This plan... I wouldn't have been able to come up with this plan even after ten years of cerebral thrombosis.

At first Tiera thought that Cornelius Fudge was too scared to admit that Voldemort was back.

But I didn’t expect that Cornelius Fudge really didn’t think Voldemort was back!

So now Cornelius Fudge is determined to mess with Dumbledore.

So the Hogwarts investigators, just like the original, arrived as expected.

Even, because of Tiera's intimidation in the Wizengamot court, the Hogwarts Investigators became the Hogwarts Investigation Team——

"Haha..." Tiera, who was sitting behind the Hogwarts principal's desk, smiled.

When Dumbledore saw that Tiera had caused so much trouble for "Dumbledore" when he was in charge of Hogwarts, Dumbledore smiled, and then——

Turn around and run.

Just kidding, this Tiera is very bad. If I stay here any longer, I'm afraid I won't even be able to retire peacefully.

So the entire Hogwarts, as well as the principal's office, returned to Tiera's control.

Now Tiera has replaced Dumbledore's original office chair with a sofa chair. He is half leaning and half lying on the office chair. On the bird stand where Fawkes was originally standing, there is now Raven, the great raven.

Dobby was playing on the trampoline on Dumbledore's bed on the second floor of the office.

Although Tiera no longer needs to eat normal food, as a Chinese, he still likes to taste various delicacies.

So Dobby was responsible for Tiera's diet.

When there was nothing else, Tiera would either let Dobby go wander elsewhere, or let Dobby play around in Dumbledore's office.

Dobby is like a child, very reserved at first, but after he gets used to it——

I just fell in love with Dumbledore's trampoline.

Tiera leaned back on the sofa chair again and waved her hand in the air.

A playing card appeared in mid-air, and it said——

"Dolores Umbridge - Lead Investigator"

"Hypocritical, greedy, cruel, greedy for power, and likes to torture people."

"Having an incomparable curiosity about anything that can torture others and advance oneself."

"Magic items owned: short wand × 1, kitten portrait × 48..."




Because Umbridge was too ugly, Tiera didn't put a photo on her character card to avoid disgusting herself.

In addition to Umbridge's, there are also "Patsy Weasley-the ambitious new secretary", "Sito Phelps-the Auror who secretly practices dark magic" and "Batro Carton-like to watch These three character cards are "Master of Curse Breaking for Others' Punishment".

"Now Dolores Umbridge has decided to use her powers as an investigator to investigate the class of her teacher during her school days, who was also her least favorite teacher, Professor Minerva McGonagall." Tiera said with a smile. He said to himself, "Due to the experience of being punished by Professor McGonagall with the Transfiguration spell when she was a student, Dolores Umbridge brought along the Master of the Curse, Bartlett Carton and Auror Sito Phelps this time. , seems determined to regain face.”

"And Percy Weasley..." Tiera chuckled.

"Patsy Weasley took advantage of the fact that he had just graduated and was very familiar with Hogwarts Castle and the students living and studying here. He took the initiative to ask for help, hoping to find Dumbledore among the students. A handle for profit."

"Let's first take a look at the probability of Patsy Weasley, the new secretary acting alone, encountering a strange incident." Tiera took out a hundred-sided die and threw it on Dumbledore's desk - —

"Oops..." Tiera said with a smile, "What a misfortune, d100 (77), this is a big weird event."

At the same time, Percy Weasley, Umbridge and others parted ways and stepped onto the stairs of Hogwarts transformation.

Percy Weasley was going to go to Hogwarts' dormitory administrator, Fitch, first. He believed that this stern administrator would be willing to help him monitor every move of the students.

He had a hunch that his brother, the new Gryffindor prefect Ron Weasley, would not listen to his advice and break up with the deceitful and attention-seeking Harry Potter.

At the same time, his brother will definitely not cooperate voluntarily.

Just as Patsy Weasley passed by an abandoned corridor——

"Kill...kill...kill! I want blood!"

A hoarse voice that seemed to be fabricated reached Patsy's ears.

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