Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 437 The Old Ones

"Huh?" Just as Umbridge was looking around in confusion, a gray ghost floated over and pretended to be around Umbridge curiously——

"Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Are you a new ghost?" Another ghost floated over and looked at Umbridge curiously. "Did you drown? Your face looks so swollen."

"Your clothes are also very tacky. Are you a Muggle?" Another ghost asked.

"Get away!" Umbridge roared angrily, waving her stubby arms as if to ward off flies.

"Bang -" Umbridge's arm touched the chandelier on the top of Hogwarts. The chandelier swayed slightly and made a dull impact sound -

"Can you touch things?" The other ghosts saw that Umbridge's arm could actually touch the chandelier on the roof, and they all found it very strange and gathered around -

"You, you, go away! Don't touch me!" Umbridge waved her arms wildly.

There seemed to be a force in Umbridge's body that was collapsing inward, like a vase being broken. Countless glass-like broken patterns appeared on the semi-illusory Umbridge's body, and the fragments formed by the pieces were broken bit by bit. Twisting, squeezing little by little toward Umbridge's interior.

"Umbridge's two-dimensional existence is still too fragile..." Tiera, who was sitting in the principal's office, recited the return spell, calling back Umbridge's spiritual and spiritual dimensions.


Meanwhile, Umbridge wakes up screaming in the Hogwarts infirmary.

"Because of the lack of physical anchoring, only very mild emotional fluctuations will cause the spiritual dimension and the spiritual dimension to converge, forming an illusory aggregation similar to black magic." Tiera rubbed her eyebrows with a headache and said helplessly, "How on earth can the great race of Yis travel through time and space in a pure spiritual dimension?"

"Could it be that... all the great races of Yis are naturally divine creatures?" Tiera picked up a pen and wrote down this conjecture in her notebook, "This is possible, just like the Phoenix can travel through space... maybe the greatness The race Yis is a naturally divine creature like the Phoenix, except that they can travel through time at will."

Tiera raised her pen and wrote down a few more conjectures before closing the experiment notebook——

"Dolores Umbridge's spiritual dimension is not strong enough... This needs to be verified. To be precise, perhaps stable time travel requires at least three dimensions or even four dimensions?"

"It's a pity that Umbridge's time travel was too short this time and she didn't attract the Hound of Tindalos... We can try to let her travel physically next time." Tiera recorded in her notebook again.

After sorting out her notes again, Tiera stretched out her hand into the void and took out two more books, "Seraino Fragments" and "Special Plants of the Dreamland".

Tiera now hopes to have complete control over "time"——

According to the knowledge acquired from Tiera’s former “inheritor” and the notes recorded in Merlin’s manuscript—

To ascend from the third dimension to the fourth dimension is to return the previous dimension of matter, spirituality and spirituality to zero, pass through the fourth-dimensional far point of the Magic Stone, come to the fourth dimension, and then make a second leap towards the divine dimension through the ladder that has been prepared, thereby obtaining the divinity. Dimensional coordinates, thereby obtaining divine authority, that is, the power to change the rules of a certain attribute or field.

Of course, although Tiera relied on the power of the "ladder" when she ascended to the fourth dimension, if she simply pursues a long and energetic life like a phoenix, the ladder is not completely necessary -

Tiera experienced three collapses during the ceremony to become a god——

The Tiera material collapsed for the first time, the mental and spiritual dimensions returned to zero, passed through the origin of the fourth dimension, and came to the divine dimension.

In other words, the moment Dantierra came into contact with the divine dimension, she had already achieved eternal life——

It is equivalent to Tiera opening the door to the divine dimension, and you can enter and exit at any time.

However, this kind of immortality can only enable Tiera to gain divine power, but not divinity.

That is to say, a god who has only experienced one collapse can only use his ability to enter the fourth dimension at any time to hide, jump in long-distance space, and avoid death.

There is no difference between such a person who has become a god and a born divine creature.

And those who have experienced two collapses can use the three "ladders" that restrain each other during the second collapse to obtain the coordinates of the divine dimension, thereby obtaining divinity that can change the rules.

This is also the experience of most people who have become gods.

And Tiera——

Because of the time turner, his original "evil" divinity collapsed. This collapse caused Tiera's divinity to move in the direction of uncontrollable entropy increase. In the end, due to unknown obstacles, Tiera obtained " Chaos” divinity.

The divinity of "Chaos" does belong to the fourth dimension, but to a certain extent, the divinity of "Chaos" is higher than some of the fourth dimensions -

The fourth dimension is the divine dimension. Those who become gods in the fourth dimension can use the power of divinity to modify, distort, and utilize certain rules in the universe.

The fifth dimension is the dimension where the old rulers, the ancient gods and the old gods live. Life at this level is not easy to understand with ordinary people's thinking. In short, it is the level of a single universe.

The sixth dimension is the dimension where the outer gods live. If we understand it with ordinary people's thinking, it is the level of the multiverse——

This is also the dimension that Nyarlathotep hopes Tiera can achieve under sane conditions.

Although according to Gellert Naija Grindelwald, it seems that Tiera can break out of her shell and become a cub of the Outer God as long as she turns all the certainties into variables step by step——

But Tiera always felt that it was not that simple.

Of course, it shouldn't be Nyarlathotep trying to frame him or anything like that, or in other words, Tiera feels that some words are obviously important, but from Nyarlathotep's point of view, there is no need to explain them. Or a special reminder——

That is, Tiera is only a four-dimensional creature now, while the Outer God cub is a six-dimensional creature.

Meals are eaten one bite at a time, and promotions go up one dimension at a time. As you take bigger steps, you'll be easily distracted.

So far, I have never heard of anyone being able to successfully advance across an entire dimension.

That is to say, Tiera must first advance to the fifth dimension. In other words, before Tiera transforms all the "fixed numbers" in the universe into "variables", she must become the Old Dominator. Otherwise, she will not be able to break through the shell. But when it comes out, there is still a certain probability that it will go out of control and become a failure.

The principle of promoting from the fourth dimension to the fifth dimension is very simple——

That is how to develop from a divine individual into a single universe.

To put it further, it is how to use a single divine authority to swallow and absorb step by step, and accommodate enough authority to give birth to a universe——

And on Tiera, who has already accommodated the authority of "space", the authority of "creation", the authority of "life", and half of the authority of "time", and obtained the divinity of "chaos", it is how to perfect half of her "time" authority, and further accommodates the two authorities of “death” and “annihilation”.

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