Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 440 The sixth prophecy fulfilled

"Hmph, it's useless. You're talking nonsense. Let's go and look elsewhere." After thinking about everything, Umbridge snorted coldly and immediately left the abandoned bathroom with the others -

Apparently, Dolores Umbridge used her cunning mind to connect the clues Tiera provided with the information she already knew, and finally came to the conclusion Tiera wanted.

At the same time, due to the consideration of eating alone, Dolores Umbridge did not want others to know, or even want others to continue to delve into this matter, so as not to share the benefits that she might obtain in the future.

So Umbridge pretended to be furious and complained, as if her trip had been in vain.

Curse-breaking master Bartlett Catton and Auror Sito Phelps both laughed and echoed, saying that they fully understood——

But in their hearts they didn’t believe a word of Umbridge’s words——

After all, after working together for so many years, they knew better than anyone what kind of piece of shit she was.

There may not really be any big secrets in this abandoned women's bathroom. Maybe Dolores Umbridge is really just plain angry, but it doesn't rule out that Dolores Umbridge has something on her mind. Conceal them.

When leaving the abandoned girls' bathroom, the three of them had their own agenda, and they were all thinking about how to use their connections and resources to open this secret room——

And only Patsy Weasley, as if he had done something heinous, sincerely apologized to Umbridge for wasting everyone's time along the way——

He looks like a humble social creature who just entered the unit and failed to do a small thing well.

After Umbridge and the others came out of the abandoned bathroom, Myrtle, who was floating in the bathroom, looked confused for a while, as if she had just woken up from a big dream, and her confused eyes gradually regained focus——

"Huh?" Myrtle scratched her head, "Why do I keep floating here?"

After saying that, Myrtle tilted her head and plunged into the toilet.

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class was followed by Professor Trelawney's Divination class in the afternoon.

In the dim Divination classroom in the afternoon, just as the students were about to take out their dream diaries, Professor Umbridge emerged from the trap door on the floor.

The students who were chatting and laughing suddenly fell silent. Professor Trelawney, who was walking around handing out "Dream Interpretation Guide", heard the voice in the classroom suddenly drop and turned around.

"Good afternoon, Professor Trelawney," Professor Umbridge said in a disgustingly high-pitched voice with that smile on her face again, "I believe you must have received my notice, It says check the time and date of your class.”

Professor Trelawney had a straight face and nodded stiffly, looking very unhappy. She turned her back to Professor Umbridge and continued to hand out textbooks.

Professor Umbridge, still smiling, grabbed the back of the armchair closest to her and pulled it to the front of the room, placing it just inches behind Professor Trelawney's seat. Then he sat down, took out his writing pad from his fancy bag, and raised his head expectantly, like a toad eager to eat swan meat, waiting for class to begin.

Professor Trelawney tightened the shawl around her body with slightly trembling hands, and looked at the class through the large glasses that magnified her eyes many times.

"Today we continue to study prophetic dreams." Under Dolores Umbridge's fierce gaze, Professor Trelawney bravely said in her usual mysterious tone, but her voice was slightly trembling. , "Ask students to divide into pairs and explain to each other what they have seen in their dreams recently with the help of the "Dream Interpretation Guide."

After saying that, Professor Trelawney was about to walk quickly back to her seat when she suddenly saw Professor Umbridge sitting next to her. She immediately turned left and walked towards Parvati and Lavender, who were already there. was concentrating on a recent dream Parvati had.

Umbridge was already writing something down on the clipboard.

After about a few minutes, she suddenly stood up and began to follow Trelawney around the classroom, listening to Trelawney's conversation with her classmates, and asking one or two questions from time to time.

"So—" Umbridge looked up at Trelawney after following her around a few fortune telling tables and said, "How long have you been in this position, exactly?"

Professor Trelawney glared at her hard, crossed her arms, and hunched her shoulders, as if trying to protect herself as much as possible from this rough and rude inquiry.

She paused slightly, seeming to conclude that the question was not so abrupt and that she had no reason to ignore it, and said in a very sulky tone: "Almost sixteen years."

"That's not a short time." Professor Umbridge said and made a few more notes on her writing board. "So Professor Dumbledore appointed you?"

"That's right." Professor Trelawney said simply.

Professor Umbridge made a few notes.

"Are you the great-great-granddaughter of the famous prophet Cassandra Trelawney?" Umbridge asked again.

"Yes," said Professor Trelawney, raising her head a little higher.

I wrote down a few more strokes on the writing board.

"But I think - you can correct me if I'm wrong. Are you the first person in your family to have second sight since Cassandra?"

"These things are often inherited across generations - well... three generations," Professor Trelawney explained.

Professor Umbridge's toad-like smile grew even wider.

"Of course." She said sweetly, and jotted down a few more notes, "Okay, I wonder if you can predict something for me, huh?"

She raised her head questioningly, still smiling. Professor Trelawney's whole body tensed up, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

"I don't know what you mean," Trelawney said, tremblingly grabbing the shawl around her thin neck.

"I hope you can make a prophecy for me." Professor Umbridge said clearly.

Most of the students in the classroom stared blankly at Professor Trelawney. She straightened her body upright, and the beads and bracelets jingled incessantly——

At this moment, almost everyone recalled the prophecy made at the funeral at the end of last school year——

"Six, our lovely Divination class professor, Professor Trelawney, is a true prophet, but next semester she will be brutally persecuted by the pink toad. Please help her."

"The Third Eye will not be ordered to see!" Professor Trelawney said in an indignant tone.

"Got it," Professor Umbridge said softly, making a few more notes on her writing pad.

"I-but-but-wait!" Professor Trelawney said suddenly. She tried to speak in her usual disembodied voice, but her whole body was shaking with anger, which destroyed the mysterious effect of that voice. , "I...I think I did see something...about you-"

As soon as Professor Trelawney started speaking, she suddenly froze.

When Umbridge asked Trelawney to make a prophecy, Tiera, who was sitting in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, took a sip of mutton and pea soup and smiled.

Tiera's divine dimension extends downward, shrouding Trelawney's spiritual dimension.

Professor Trelawney just stood like this, standing blankly in the middle of the classroom.

The pupils of his eyes became dilated little by little, and his gaze drifted towards the empty distance.

"Ahem?" Umbridge stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Professor Trelawney's eyes, "Fake it!"

Umbridge said viciously, and after speaking, she was ready to write something in the record book.

But at this time, Trelawney's eyes suddenly moved, staring at Umbridge——

"Hehehe..." Tiera, who was sitting on the roof of the eighth floor of Hogwarts, smiled.

at the same time--

"Hehehe..." Professor Trelawney, who was standing in the center of the Divination classroom, also made the same sound simultaneously.

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