Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 442 Hermione’s Analysis

Harry didn't like Professor Trelawney very much in the past, and he knew that many other students felt the same way as Harry.

But since that day's Divination class, Harry's view of Professor Trelawney has changed greatly——

No, to say a change is too narrow. To be precise, Harry and most of the students at Hogwarts had a 180-degree turn in their impression of Professor Trelawney——

Although they didn't know what Professor Trelawney's prophecy meant that day, what they knew was that after listening to Professor Trelawney's prophecy, Umbridge seemed to be possessed and stopped being critical. , and became less active in class. In every Defense Against the Dark Arts class, after giving students copying homework, Umbridge would run back to her office and shut herself in her room, sometimes even until the end of class. He won't come out.

Umbridge's series of strange behaviors made the little wizards at Hogwarts breathe a sigh of relief.

After the prophecy lesson that day, Harry and Ron met Hermione in the Gryffindor common room.

Harry took out his notebook and showed Hermione the prophecies recorded in the Divination class.

Harry originally thought Hermione would sneer or dismiss it, but to his surprise, Hermione took Harry's notebook and read the short five-line prophecy several times carefully.

"This word -" Hermione put down Harry's notebook and pointed at it, "are you sure this word is called The Resurrection Stone?"

"I'm sure, what's wrong?" Harry asked confused.

"Wait for me a moment." After saying that, Hermione stood up and trotted back to the girls' dormitory.

Not long after, Hermione came down with a copy of "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" in her hand.

"Do you remember this book, The Tales of Beedle the Bard?" Hermione said, "This was Tiera's birthday gift to Luna before she died."

"There is a story in it, "The Legend of the Three Brothers" -" Hermione opened the fifty-seventh page of "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" and started reading -

"Once upon a time, there were three brothers who were walking on a secluded path. It was almost dusk. They were walking and came to a river. The water was too deep to wade through and it was too dangerous to swim across. However, the three brothers were proficient in Magic, with a wave of the wand, a bridge appears over the dangerous and unpredictable water.”

"When they reached the center of the bridge, a hooded figure blocked their way. It was the Grim Reaper."

"Death spoke to them and he was angry and he lost three new sacrifices because travelers usually drowned in this river."

"But Death is very cunning. He pretended to congratulate the three brothers on their magic, saying that they escaped death because of their cleverness, and each of them can get a reward."

"The boss is a warlike man. What he wants is the most powerful wand in the world: a wand that can always help his master win in a duel. A wand that a wizard who conquered Death deserves. I walked to an elder tree on the shore, made a wand out of the overhanging branches, and gave it to the boss.”

"The second child is an arrogant man. He decided to continue to humiliate the God of Death. What he wanted was the ability to resurrect the dead. The God of Death picked up a stone from the shore and gave it to the second child, telling him that this stone was the resurrection stone. The ability to bring people back to life——"

"Look!" Hermione said, "The Resurrection Stone!"

"And what Trelawney's prophecy said -" Hermione pointed at Harry's notebook and read:

"I know you can't find the way in. I also know you want to get in. Don't ask the living. No one among the living will know the secret. Ask the dead, ask the dead boy. The Resurrection Stone, Put the Resurrection Stone in the palm of your hand and turn it three times. Turning it three times will bring the dead back to the world. The Resurrection Stone is hidden in Hogwarts. If you ask, you will never know. As long as you know, your request will be answered."

"That means Umbridge wants to enter a place." Hermione analyzed word for word. "That place must be very secret... Umbridge doesn't know how to get in..."

"To be precise, it should be..." Hermione paused and said, "It should be said like this - the only person who knows how to enter this place is dead... That's why Umbridge needs the Resurrection Stone to summon that person's soul. …”

"And the meaning of the prophecy is..." Hermione continued, "The prophecy should be naming the method of using the Resurrection Stone and where it is hidden... The Resurrection Stone is inside Hogwarts... The last sentence should be about hiding the Resurrection Stone. Metaphor of place…”

Hermione tugged on her hair anxiously, then pointed at the middle sentence of the prophecy, and then looked up at Harry:

"Ask the dead, ask the dead boy...what should he say..."

"It's Tiera." Harry said firmly and a little excitedly, "It's Tiera! Only this makes sense! Why does Tiera's last prophecy mention Professor Trelawney? It must be him who predicted it. Professor Trelawney made the prediction today, so he left The Tales of Beedle the Bard to us."

"To be precise, it's Luna—" Ron interrupted.

"The result is the same," Harry said, "because Tiera knew that it might be up to Luna Lovegood to let Hermione read this kind of fairy tale book."

"But the question is..." Hermione said, "Does the Resurrection Stone really exist? And even if it is real, where is it hidden? Hogwarts is so big. It can be hidden anywhere-"

"Yes." Ron agreed, "The Resurrection Stone is certainly not particularly big. Do we have to search every corner of Hogwarts?"

"The last word!" Hermione said, "The Resurrection Stone is hidden in Hogwarts. If you ask, you will never know. As long as you know, you will be granted. This must be a hint."

"Let's go to the library after dinner." Hermione said, "We need to check every book in the library. This workload is too big and I can't complete it alone. You must come to help."

"Okay." Harry and Ron agreed.

But when they went to the Hogwarts library after dinner, they discovered that there were so many rows of empty bookshelves in the Hogwarts library. After asking Mrs. Pince, they learned that all the books about Hogwarts in the library were empty. All the books in the collection were borrowed by Umbridge.

"What? They were all borrowed? When? How is that possible?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"Just now," Mrs. Pince said complainingly, "As soon as she came in, she yelled that there were banned books in the library, and then took out a search warrant to search out all the books about the history of Hogwarts. Moved away.”

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