Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 446 Tarot Secret Meeting

Under Hermione's passionate speech, everyone agreed on the need to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts.

And after recognizing Harry's abilities and agreeing to receive training, Hermione took out a piece of parchment with an anti-telling spell on it.

"I'd like everyone to write down their names so we know who's here today! I also think -" Hermione took a deep breath and said, "we should all agree not to put us What is to be done is publicized. So once you sign, you agree not to tell Umbridge or anyone else about us, or you will be punished."

Fred reached for the parchment and happily signed his name on it, but Harry immediately noticed that several people seemed unhappy to hear that their names were to be written on the list.

"Well..." Zacharias said slowly, without taking the parchment handed over by George, "Well... I think Ernie will definitely tell me when the party will be."

But Ernie also seemed hesitant about signing. Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well... I, we are prefects," Ernie blurted out, "If the list is discovered by others... um... I mean... you said it yourself, if Umbridge finds out - —”

"You just said that joining this group is the most important thing you have to do this year." Harry reminded him.

"I...I...yes," Ernie said with some embarrassment, "Yes, I believe that, but -"

"Ernie, do you really think I'm going to throw this list around?" Hermione said angrily, as if someone called her a fool.

"No, no, of course not," Ernie said, looking less worried, "I...well, I'll sign, of course I'll sign."

After Ernie, no one objected, and after everyone had signed their names, Hermione took the parchment back and carefully placed it in her bag.

Now there was a strange feeling in the group. It seems like everyone just signed a contract.

At the same time, in another section of Hogsmeade, on the second floor of the Three Broomsticks——

Madam Rosmerta, the proprietress of the Three Broomsticks Bar, brought Draco Malfoy and Hathaway Romanoff to a large reception room——

The drawing room was nearly half the size of the Gryffindor common room, and a roaring fire burned in the drawing room's fireplace, keeping the entire drawing room warm.

In front of the fireplace was a soft carpet, and a solid wood coffee table stood on the carpet. The coffee table was filled with delicious snacks and warm butterbeer.

There are rows and rows of sofas surrounding the coffee table.

Seeing this arrangement, Hathaway Romanoff nodded with satisfaction, and then winked at Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy nodded immediately, and then politely invited Mrs. Rosmerta out.

"Well done, Malfoy." Hathaway Romanoff praised after Mrs. Rosmerta went out.

"It is my duty to serve the lady." Draco Malfoy bowed exaggeratedly, then stretched out his hand, wanting to hold Hathaway Romanoff's hand and give her a kiss——

But he was ruthlessly shot away by Hathaway Romanoff.

"How many people will come to this party?" Hathaway Romanoff asked indifferently.

"A conservative estimate...at least ninety people." Malfoy replied, "In addition to the Slytherin students in school, I also persuaded many seniors who have graduated."

"Yeah." Hathaway Romanoff nodded.

After a while——

"How can such a small place hold ninety people?" Tiera's voice suddenly sounded in Hathaway Romanoff's mind, "Use magic to make this place bigger."

"But..." Hathaway said in her mind, "But I have never learned the Invisible Extension Spell."


"Then just wave your magic wand and I'll do it." Tiera's voice sounded again in Hathaway's mind.

"Oh, okay." Hathaway raised the Decline Queen's scepter high and waved it symbolically——

The next moment, a surprising sight appeared——

Malfoy felt that both he and Hathaway had become smaller——

No, that’s not right, it’s not getting smaller, the whole room has gotten bigger!

The surrounding tables, chairs, fireplace, tapestries, and even the decorations placed on the fireplace are growing in size.

When the legs of the coffee table became as tall as a person, the changes gradually stopped.

"Hai, Hathaway..." Draco Malfoy looked at Hathaway Romanoff in shock.

"It's too small here." Hathaway Romanoff said coldly.

"Oh, oh...okay, okay..." Malfoy stuttered, looking around curiously.

Although he was from the ancient Malfoy family, he had never seen such a scene.

But soon, Malfoy was not the only person in this room who had never seen the world——

After about a few minutes, Malfoy's two fat followers, Crabbe and Goyle, also came in through the door.

Upon entering, their expressions were the same as Malfoy's, shock, shock and shock.

After Crabbe and Goyle, dozens more people walked in one after another, including current Slytherin students and some who had graduated from Slytherin.

Ninety-seven people finally arrived, and without exception, these were all wizards from pure-blood families.

It was also thanks to the financial resources of the Malfoy family that they were able to recruit so many pure-blood wizards in a short period of time.

As early as when Hermione and Harry were planning to establish Dumbledore's Army, Tiera instructed Hathaway Romanoff to use her influence (fascination) influence (love) power (curse) to win over as many Slytherins as possible Graduated pure-blood wizard——

After all, these wizards are valuable population resources in the magic world no matter what.

If all these wizards are really given up, unless Tiera strictly manages the remaining wizards according to the animal breeding method, inbreeding may begin in a few generations.

"Sooner or later, I will go to travel in the stars." Tiera warned her earnestly, "Continue to implement the great leader's plan, inherit the great leader's will, and inherit the great leader's mission. The heavy responsibility will eventually fall on your shoulders. Up."

"You need to build your own team."

Tiera persuaded her like this, but maybe it was because Wendalo Xier was not good at studying. Hathaway Romanov, an artificial life form, has a high combat IQ, but a low emotional intelligence——

Commonly known as bubbles in the brain.

There are many things that I have to teach you step by step.

After seeing that almost everyone had arrived, Tiera said:

"Cough lightly first to attract everyone's attention."

"Ahem." Hathaway Romanoff coughed. Although the sound was not loud, it did quiet down the noisy crowd, and everyone's eyes were focused on Hathaway Romanoff.

"Welcome everyone," Tiera said, "Read it as I say."

"Welcome, everyone." Hathaway Romanoff said coldly——

Brain bubbles have the benefits of brain bubbles.

Hathaway Romanoff is already stunningly beautiful, and she always likes to put on a cold and noble face, so Hathaway Romanoff doesn't even need to rehearse her expression when giving a speech. Can be pulled directly onto the stage.

"First of all, please allow me to briefly introduce myself." Hathaway said coldly, then stretched out his hand, took out a tarot card from the void, and hung it on his chest——

"The Tarot Secret Society, 13-Death, Hathaway Romanoff, representing the 21-world, Mr. Gellert Grindelwald, gives you a temporary prophecy."

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