Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 482 Residents of Leng Yuan

"It's time." Tiera, who had already returned from the Dreamland with the Golden Book Conference, stood up and said to the other members sitting in the Hogwarts Great Hall, "Tonight let Hathaway Romanoff It’s time to become a god.”

As early as half a month ago, when the O.W.Ls exam just started, Tiera came back from the Dreamland with other people from the Golden Book Conference.

With Tiera, an experienced driver, as the pilot, and the Golden Book Conference being all experienced foxes, this trip to Dreamland couldn't even be called a near miss, it was more like a sunset red tour group.

This time they followed the route of the scientific expedition team, which meant they directly used their bodies to fly to Afghanistan. Along the way, several centenarians stopped, talked and laughed, and even spent a lot of Muggle currency. Bought some Muggle souvenirs at the Afghan airport and nearby——

Of course, Tiera and Chief Thunderbird paid for it.

After all, except for Tiera and Chief Thunderbird, everyone else is a pure wizard social creature.

Tiera was unwilling to exchange too many pounds for the scientific expedition team before, and it was rare for Tiera to go back.

Chief Thunderbird once intended to use magic to counterfeit U.S. dollars to bring down the U.S. economy.

As a result, he found that what he had brought down was the economy of the whole world except the United States, so he simply gave up. Now he still has some fake US dollars with nowhere to spend them.

Along the way, they tasted local Afghan food and found a local to tour the local customs. After the Golden Book Conference passed the cave where the scientific expedition team entered last time, they entered the Cold Plateau.

Of course, like the scientific expedition team, almost as soon as they entered the Leng Plateau, they encountered the residents of the Leng Plains and the Leng Spiders who were also enslaved by the Moon Beast Clan.

These two creatures, not to mention Tiera, Dumbledore, and other members of the Golden Book Conference, even Hagrid and his disabled brother Klopp can also deal with a lot of them.

However, Tiera did not take action against them, and even stopped Ms. Maca-Far-Monkasa who wanted to catch one and raise it, and took everyone from the Golden Book Conference to avoid wandering on the Cold Plateau. of all inhabitants and cold spiders.

At the same time, in order to prevent any accidents, Tiera sent the Golden Book Conference to Benna Bay in the northern sea of ​​the Cold Plateau. The last time Tiera came to Dreamland, when she was playing with cats, she met the high priest Atal and Other kittens chatted and learned that in as little as half a month or as short as a few days, there would be several merchant ships from Holy Spring Castle or Selanian or Mittal or Zas or other human gathering places, setting off for the Cold Land. plateau and stopped at Benna Bay. The sailors and merchants on the ship traded slaves, grain, precious furs and precious spices cultivated by themselves for the eye-catching rubies from the Leng original inhabitants.

Of course, this is an extremely dangerous job, because if you are not careful, these crew members and helmsmen will be turned into the same thing by the moon beast masters behind the residents of Leng Plains——

Slaves, food, furs and spices.

But there is no shortage of greedy and daring humans anywhere.

Although news of the disappearance of entire merchant ships came from time to time, all merchant ships that could sail from Benna Bay eventually returned with full cargo. The worst ones bought a small farm in the outer suburbs of Celephis.

Before the extremely high profits and illusory disasters strike, there are still a large number of businessmen traveling on this dangerous route.

Tiera's luck was quite good. The people who accompanied the Golden Book Conference waited on the iceberg next to Benna Bay for only four days before they saw a dark red merchant ship sailing from the other side of the icy ocean. Come here, get closer.

When the merchant ship anchored in the port made entirely of rock and ice in Benna Bay, Tiera and other people from the Golden Book Conference were already waiting there, standing so close to the ship that they would not let them Feeling threatened, but not too far away for them to notice, I quietly watched the merchants on the red merchant ship use special gestures to silently direct the sailors and coolies to carry the dead bodies sealed in wooden boxes from the ship. Furs, grains and spices, as well as iron cages wrapped in thick fur, each containing eight or nine slaves snuggling together for warmth.

Only some of these slaves are human beings, or creatures with an almost human form, and the rest are mostly all kinds of weird creatures.

Special mouth balls were tied to their mouths so that the sailors could feed them high-energy liquid food, but at the same time, they were unable to make too obvious sounds.

After all the goods were moved out, they were left with only a tall, dark and sturdy sailor, wearing a strange metal hat, standing on the cold port.


Not long after, ten huge purple spiders emerged from under the endless white snow. Following the spiders were the residents of the Leng Plains that Tiera was familiar with.

Even though he stood far away, Tiera could still tell from the trembling thick legs that the sailor was nervous, not to mention the fear that filled his spiritual world that Tiera "saw" mood.

There are five residents of Leng Yuan in total, some are tall and some are short, some are fat and some are thin. They don’t need to hide anything here, so they took off their funny headbands and ill-fitting leather boots, revealing their deformed and weird clothes one by one. The true form of the devil.

After the residents of Lengyuan climbed out of the snow, they dusted off the snow on their bodies and looked at the goods not far away from them. A look of satisfaction finally appeared in their empty eyes.

Immediately afterwards, when they seemed to feel that there were other lives in this space, the residents of Lengyuan all glanced in the direction of Tiera like puppets, and then——

For the first time, Tiera saw shocked expressions on their mask-like faces.

The residents of Leng Yuan just froze on the spot, even their expressions were frozen there, and all movements were suspended. Then Tiera noticed five noisy spiritual threads appearing in the area, as if they were fighting. The five players in the game suddenly pressed the pause button and communicated with each other through the microphone.

Before Tiera could hear clearly what the five mental powers were communicating, the five mental powers had disappeared and gradually stabilized.

The five Lengyuan residents also moved. They bent down and lay on the ground like five toads. They put their hands together on the ground, and then pressed the tips of their noses against the backs of their hands.

After maintaining this posture for a minute, the Leng Yuan resident stood up again, patted the snow on his body, and then continued to follow Leng Spider towards the merchant ship as if nothing had happened.

The Golden Book Conference's travel record in the Dreamland was originally planned to be written in the extra chapter after the end of the fifth volume, but some readers said they wanted to see Tiera's side of the story, so it was included in the main text~

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