Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 489 Ending Task

Tiera ignored Umbridge who was yelling and cursing hysterically in the room. She just snapped her fingers and Umbridge was carried limply over.

Then Tiera raised her hand and waved, and each wand flew out from the sleeves of Slytherin who was lying on the ground and behaving strangely, and floated in front of Dumbledore's Army.

But when someone wanted to reach out for it, the wand suspended in front of them moved back.

"Don't worry yet." Tiera's voice came.

"Tiera?" Harry asked with excitement, confusion and relief.

"This is the final test of Dumbledore's Army training." Tiera did not look at Harry alone, but looked at the crowd of Dumbledore's Army and said, "This is also your real Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.Ls test. The exam will begin the moment you pick up your wand."

"Umbridge and her disciplinary inspection team will wake up after the exam begins." Tiera continued, and your task is to use what you learned in Dumbledore's Army training class to subdue them and defeat them in Dumbledore's army. Before returning to school, Lido assisted the remaining professors in maintaining order at Hogwarts. "

After saying that, Tiera's figure gradually faded in the mirror.

"Wait, Tiera, Sirius—" But before Harry could finish speaking, Tiera's figure completely disappeared from the mirror.

"Why is he so urgent?" Harry said angrily after seeing Tiera disappear, "Can't he wait even a minute?"

"He must have something important to do." Ron shrugged, then turned around and asked, "What should we do next?"

Harry glanced at the disciplinary pickets and the unconscious Umbridge all over the ground, scratched his head irritably, and after a while of silence, he said:

"I'll count one, two, three in a moment, and we'll pick up the wands together. Let's defeat them quickly."

"One, two——"

"Wait a minute, Harry." Hermione suddenly shouted, then raised her legs and walked to the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

"In order to prevent them from escaping, we should have someone guarding the door." Hermione said, "I have learned to cast spells without a wand. I can guard here at the door, and then the rest of you can help me get my wand, but I need at least two more.”

"I come!"


George and Fred also raised their hands and walked to the door.

"Okay." Harry nodded and said, then started counting again:

"one two three!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone grabbed their wands on "three".

Harry helped Hermione grab her wand, and Ron and Ginny helped George and Fred grab theirs respectively.

Gradually, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and other members of the Disciplinary Inspection Team regained consciousness.

But as soon as they regained consciousness, some of them felt sore all over their bodies, and some felt their throats were hoarse and sore.

But before they could react from this—


"Confinement quickly!"

"Handle weapons!"

"All petrified!"

"Crackling dance!"

Countless spells were thrown at them.

Before most of the Slytherins could recover from the pain, they were hit by the curse and fell into unconsciousness again.

Among them was a certain platinum noble young master.

Only a few senior Slytherins reacted, either dodging the curse attack, or pulling out their wands and fighting.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?" Umbridge shouted, waving her wand, and a curse hit Li Jordan.

Li Qiaodan instantly fell down in pain, lying on the ground and twitching.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other.

Harry threw Hermione's wand to Hermione, and then the two got rid of their current opponent at the same time and began to surround Umbridge.

Gradually, only Dumbledore's Army and Umbridge were left standing in the office.

So all of Dumbledore's Army still standing began the siege of Umbridge.

Although Umbridge's dark magic power has improved rapidly during this period, and her spells are extremely powerful, she lacks combat experience. No matter how powerful the dark magic power is, it cannot fight against a group of Dumbledore's troops who have been rigorously trained.

After discovering that Umbridge was difficult to take down, Dumbledore's Army looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then immediately used the strategy learned in the training class——

They quickly followed the follow-up training and divided the three into a combat group. The three combat groups formed one squad. The remaining Dumbledore's Army who were still capable of fighting could just form two squads.

Two squads, two groups of six combat groups assaulted each other, two groups provided cover to attract firepower, and two groups used direct firepower or explosive spells to achieve killing.

At the same time, one of the three people in each group is responsible for casting a protective spell such as the Iron Armor Charm or the Protection Charm to protect teammates from being hit by Umbridge's vicious black magic spells.

Another person in each group is responsible for attracting fire, while the remaining person is responsible for releasing the killing spell.

Even if Umbridge had swallowed up a lot of painful emotions during this period and completed the transformation of black magic, she still wouldn't be able to withstand such ferocious firepower output from Dumbledore's Army.

He only lasted ten minutes before he fell to the ground in pain and fell unconscious.

After Umbridge fell, everyone stopped.

Hermione took a step forward, kicked away Umbridge's wand in her hand, and then applied "quick confinement" and "petrification" to Umbridge.

"How could she be so powerful?" Harry gasped as he looked at the unconscious Umbridge.

"Who knows," Ron also said, "But who cares, Harry, what do we do next?"

"Of course, contact the deans and maintain order in Hogwarts."

"Find a way to get to the Ministry of Magic!"

Hermione and Harry expressed different opinions.

"Harry, Tiera said that we should manage Hogwarts and maintain stability before Dumbledore comes back."

"But Hermione, Sirius!" Harry said anxiously, his mind couldn't help but recall the scene he had just dreamed about.

At the thought of Sirius possibly being killed by Voldemort, Harry felt his hands and feet were cold and his whole body was shaking with fear.

"Yes, Harry, but Tiera asked us to..." Hermione said again.

"I know, I know." Harry interrupted anxiously, "But I have to save him. He is still alive, I can feel it."

Harry said as he touched the scar on his forehead. Now the scar was burning with pain.

"You can stay, stay here to carry out Tiera's orders, I have to go to the Ministry of Magic." Harry said.

"Wait, Harry, we didn't mean..." Hermione defended worriedly, but before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by an energetic voice.

"Don't even think about leaving us to fight alone!" Neville said with high spirits. He, who had always looked a little timid, looked full of energy at this time, as if he was on fire. "We are all from Dumbledore's Army. Members, Dumbledore's Army was established to fight the mysterious man, right? This is the first time we have the opportunity to participate in a real battle - otherwise, are they all playing games or something?"

"No...of course not-" Harry said impatiently.

"Then we should go too." Neville said crisply, like a soldier, "We also want to do our part."

"That's right." Luna said, with a happy smile on her face.

Harry scratched his head irritably and glanced at Hermione.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway," he said through gritted teeth, "because we don't know how to get there yet—"

"I think we have solved this problem." Luna said in an ethereal voice, "Let's fly over."

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