Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 654 Psychology Lesson

Although Tiera doesn’t do much research on psychology——

That is also relative to his biological cultivation.

But there is no problem in providing popular science to these little wizards who have never been exposed to psychology.

In particular, he also visited the Dreamland and had deep contact with the subconscious of all creatures in the universe, which allowed him to further deepen his understanding of Freud's work from a magical perspective.

Throughout the class, the little wizards were fascinated by what Tiera said and couldn't help themselves.

It was as if a whole new, fantastic world had opened up in front of them.

Tiera even noticed that many little wizards who failed to pass their Christmas papers secretly added what Tiera said to their upcoming papers.

"Goodbye, Professor Tiera!"

"Goodbye, Lebinia Franz." Tiera greeted with a smile.

"Goodbye, sir!"


"Goodbye! Professor Tiera!"


After the bell rang, Tiera stood at the door and watched the little wizards leave the classroom one by one.

"Tiera! What you said is really great!" Hermione said enthusiastically.

"Thank you." Tiera responded politely.

After the last little wizard disappeared from the black magic classroom, the smile on Tiera's face gradually disappeared.

Backhand, he locked the door, then came to the edge of the podium at the front of the classroom, and sat on the floor half leaning on the podium.

Tiera picked up the top paper and read it carefully with her eyes.

This paper comes from a boy named Netherbent. Tiela remembers that this boy was only fourteen years old, but he came from a Muggle family, so he already had a certain level of logical thinking and grammar.

Moreover, this boy's parents seemed to have helped a lot. His homework was second only to Hermione's level.

There are nine pages in total, with clear organization and smooth wording and sentences.

Tiela quickly finished reading the nine-page English essay, then rolled the essay into a paper roll, put it in her mouth, and chewed it heavily.

Tiera chewed up Netherbent's Christmas paper like a ham and swallowed it.

Immediately afterwards, Tiera picked up another piece of Christmas paper and read it carefully. After reading it, she rolled it into a paper roll, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.

Then bit by bit, chapter by chapter, volume by volume, Tiera read each paper carefully and swallowed each paper.

But she seemed to have a little trouble swallowing Hermione's paper.

Hermione's paper was too thick, so he had to tear up Hermione's paper, chew three or two chapters together, and then swallow them.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk" When Tiera swallowed Hermione's paper until only the reference part was left, Tiera raised the reference and put it aside, "This is why I don't let them write too much."

Tiera said to herself in disgust.

Then he continued to swallow other papers.

Time in the entire black magic classroom seemed to be accelerated. Tiera's movements became faster and faster, and the papers piled on the floor on both sides of the podium disappeared faster and faster.

Soon, Tiera swallowed the last paper.


Tiera burped lightly, then lay down again, resting her head on the wall of the podium, stroking her rounded belly.

"Soon. Soon." Tiera stroked her round belly and chuckled, "Soon. Soon. Very soon."

Fantasyland, on the highlands of Leng Yuan.

Voldemort, Valta, Shantris, Stone, Yiligo, Wendy Ingraf and her griffon have been walking aimlessly on this endless and desolate snowfield for more than a month.

Because of the sudden appearance of this team claiming to be looking for the Dreamland, Voldemort temporarily changed his idea of ​​directly looking for the residents of Leng Plains and the Moon Beast clan behind them to trade sky gold, liquid silver and pillar copper, and instead prepared to follow this team. A team composed of witches, stone men, iron knights, charm rats and griffons jointly found Kadasi——

Because while extracting information about the small town inhabited by Leng Yuan from Valta Insantris, the witch who seemed to be the team leader, but was actually extremely innocent, Voldemort unexpectedly learned something——

In Kadath lived the earth gods from the ancient times of the earth.

Zeus, Jupiter, Horus, Cat God Kai and other ancient myths in Muggle mythology all come from incomplete descriptions of the ancient gods who now live in Kadath.

Those are truly and completely divine beings.

Not only if you can get their gifts, but if you can be in the same time and space with them and bathe in the light of their divinity, you can get a glimpse of the great power of that divinity dimension in advance——

In this team, the leader of the team, the witch Valta Yinshantris, wanted to pray for the blessings of the gods so that she could truly and completely resurrect her sister. The huge stone warrior Stone wanted to bask in the glory of divinity. To extend his already long life, Yiligo, the tall iron knight, lost his body in an accident. From now on, he can only rely on his soul on this heavy knight's armor. He hopes to use Kada With the power of Si, he regained his body, and the gryphon knight of the Charming Rat Tribe—

On the contrary, her purpose is the purest and simplest among them.

She hopes to turn the semi-finished magic stone she bought at a high price into a real, complete magic stone, so that he can have the ability to turn stone into gold.

snort! He is indeed a little mouse who only knows how to live in a hustle and bustle.

Voldemort had said this with contempt in his heart countless times.

But at the same time, his mind couldn't stop thinking about the half-finished magic stone in Charming Rat's hand——

If Voldemort meant that the half-finished Sorcerer's Stone could really be turned into a finished product in Kadath, maybe.

In short, just like that, the evil Voldemort joined this adventurous team.

During the past month, they carefully bypassed several gathering places of Lengyuan residents and encountered a stone, tall and wild monastery. They carefully searched the monastery. Beneath a stone seat, they found a huge cave filled with vines.

The rest of the team didn't know where the cave led to. In order not to add other complications to their already difficult journey to find Kadath, the team decided not to explore the cave and quickly left the monastery.

But when Voldemort left, he secretly left a Mark of the Dark Lord on the inside of the outer wall of the monastery, recording the location of the monastery——

Because according to Tiera's notes, a certain exit from reality to the dreamland seems to be under a huge monastery.

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