Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 665 Candidates of the International Federation of Magic

"Oh! No!" Ron's face turned pale for a moment, "Oh, no no no no no!"

"Oh, yes." Ginny said with a smile, "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

Ginny seemed to be smiling broadly, and it was hard for Harry to tell whether she was laughing because she saw her brother slumped, or whether she was really concerned about her brother's relationship.

"By the way, George, Fred, how did you get in?" Harry asked.

"We applied." George said easily.

"We came to Hogsmeade today to surprise Ron, but we didn't see you come out after waiting for a long time, so we took out the tarot cards and asked Tiera about it." Fred. said.

"Then Tiera said that because of the recent unrest outside, the once-a-week trip to Hogsmeade has been changed to once every two weeks." George continued, "Then we said that today is Ron's birthday, and we Can you surprise him by entering Hogwarts?"

"Then Tiera said yes, just fill out a form and report it, and then press the wand to Fitch, the gatekeeper."

"That's it we're in," Fred finally concluded.

"That's... that's really convenient," Ginny muttered, "Why can't we get out? Anyone from outside can come in as they please."

"Don't ask, just ask for safety." George joked.

"But instead of restricting us from leaving the school and prohibiting outsiders from entering the school, wouldn't it be safer?" Ron muttered dissatisfiedly. It was obvious that he had been looking forward to this trip to Hogsmeade, which happened to coincide with his birthday, for a long time. As a result, Tiera unexpectedly issued a security ban.

"Who knows." George shrugged, "But it is true that the world is unsafe recently."

"Unsafe?" Harry asked puzzledly, "How unsafe?"

"Hmm." George Weasley gave a long "hmm" and then said, "You know what happened in the Ministry of Magic war that happened in August last year, right? It was that almost all the Ministry of Magic except the United Kingdom united to attack The Great War at the British Ministry of Magic.”

"Yes, I heard about it," Harry said, "But didn't Tiera solve it very easily?"

"It's because his solution was too simple." Fred added, "And after the war, Tiera forced other ministries of magic to sign unequal treaties, which led to the fact that the ministries of magic in various countries are now managed by the ministry, whether they are officials of the ministry of magic or not. All the wizards are extremely dissatisfied, and there are even rebellions in many Ministry of Magic."

"Hmm, so what?" Ron asked in confusion, "What does it have to do with them messing with us and not being able to go to Hogsmeade?"

"This spring happens to be the election of the new president of the International Federation of Magic." George said, "With Tiera's aggressive collection of precious magical materials from other Ministry of Magic countries in the past six months, the Ministry of Magic in many countries is already in a state of magic. Caught in a state of extreme scarcity of materials.”

"Tiera's unequal treaties and wanton search for magical raw materials have greatly affected the daily lives of wizards in many countries and regions." Fred continued, "Now many people from the Ministry of Magic abroad, Both officials and ordinary wizards have placed their hopes on the International Federation of Magic, hoping that they can elect a strong president of the International Federation of Magic this time to lead them to overthrow Tiera's cruel oppression."

"Then what?" Harry asked nervously.

"Then those politicians have been noisy." George helplessly held up his hands, "After all, this general election of the International Federation of Magic has basically been pushed by everyone to the whole magic world except the British magic world. As long as the elected person can prove his ability to everyone in the world's highest power position in a short period of time, he will be able to seize all the power and wealth he can imagine in a short period of time."

"Then there must be a lot of people competing for this position, right?" Harry asked.

"A lot of people?" George smiled, "Almost everyone!"

"Almost everyone feels that they have the ability to save the entire magical world from Tiera." Fred said, "Although they have repeatedly added countless choices, the candidates for the new president of the International Magical Federation are still the same. The number has increased to fourteen, which is an unprecedented event.”

"So many?" Harry asked in surprise, "Then how do they ultimately decide the next chairman? Do they rely on voting?"

"Vote?" This time it was Ron who made a surprised voice, "Don't Harry know?"

"Know what?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Qilin!" Ron said.

"Qilin?" Harry said these two strange syllables with difficulty.

"Oh my god Harry, you really don't know?" Even Ginny asked in shock.

"What?" Harry asked strangely.

"Qilin, Qilin!" Ron said, "Qilin is something that all of us know. Qilin is a magical animal. It is a symbol of purity. Whenever people elect the International Federation of Magic, they will be in Bhutan. The sacred The magic city holds a ceremony and summons Qilin to the scene. It will bow and pay tribute only in front of those who are truly pure in heart. And the new president of the International Magic Association, which determines the fate of the magic world, will ultimately be selected by Qilin."

"I don't know." Harry said, "Have you forgotten that I grew up in the Dursleys' house?"

"Oh, right." Ron said nonchalantly.

"Does Tiera know?" Harry asked again.

"Know what?" George and Fred Weasley asked in unison.

"It's...well...it's about them preparing to resist Tiera."

"You should know." George said, "Dad has been discussing this matter with Tiera recently, uh, with a certain Tiera, but Tiera doesn't seem to care at all."

"Well, then they shouldn't be in danger to Tiera, right?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Who knows." George said, "He thinks it doesn't matter, so there should be no danger."

"Ah, by the way, George, Fred, why are you in Hogsmeade? Is it specifically to celebrate Ron's birthday?" Harry asked again.

"Because we are considering buying Zuko's Joke Shop." Fred said with frustration and joy. "We want to open a branch in Hogsmeade. You know, our business will be much better this way. After all, our store products The main audience is still underage wizards, but now you can't go out to buy our stuff on weekends, so you don't have to worry about this problem until the situation in the entire magical world stabilizes."

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