Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 667 People in Snape’s Memory

Harry took the last few steps toward the pensieve and stood on the edge, looking down at the bottom.

Harry hesitated, listened, and then drew his wand.

The office and the corridor outside were very quiet, as if there was no one in the entire basement level of Hogwarts.

Harry poked the substance in the Pensieve gently with the tip of his wand.

The silver object in the basin began to spin rapidly.

Harry leaned towards it and saw that it had become transparent.

He seemed to be looking into a room through a circular skylight.

This is already the second time... If his judgment is not wrong, then he is actually looking down at the auditorium.

His breath fogged the surface of Snape's thoughts... He felt that he was in a dilemma... He really wanted to do this, but it was too irrational... He trembled... Snape could come back at any time... …

He took a deep breath and buried his cheek in Snape's thoughts.

The floor of the dark and damp office immediately tilted, causing Harry to fall headfirst into the Pensieve...

He quickly spun downward in the icy darkness, and then—

He stood in the center of the auditorium, but the four college tables were gone. Instead, there were more than a hundred small tables facing the same direction. At each table, there was a student sitting with his head lowered on a roll of parchment. Write in a hurry.

Harry could only hear the clicking of quills and the occasional rustle of someone adjusting their own parchment, apparently conducting an exam.

The sunlight passed through the tall windows and shone on the lowered heads. In the bright light, the heads reflected gray-brown, reddish-brown and golden luster.

Harry looked around carefully. Snape must be somewhere here... After all, this is his memory...

There! Where is he!

Just behind Harry at a table.

Harry looked at him condescendingly——

As a teenager, Snape looked strong but pale, like a plant that had been growing in the dark.

His long, greasy hair hung down on the table, and as he wrote hurriedly, his hooked nose was barely half an inch from the parchment.

Harry walked around behind Snape and looked at the title on the test paper: Defense Against the Dark Arts - Ordinary Wizarding Level.

So Snape must be fifteen or sixteen, about the same age as Harry now.

His hand moved rapidly from side to side across the parchment; it was at least a foot longer than the ones closest to him, and his handwriting was small and dense.

"Five minutes left!"

A sharp voice cut through the silent examination room.

The sound startled Harry.

He turned quickly and saw Professor Flitwick's head moving between tables not far away.

Professor Flitwick walked past a boy with messy black hair...very messy black hair...

Harry was moving so fast that if he had a physical form, he would knock over several tables.

However, he seemed to be gliding, as if he was traveling through a dream. He crossed two aisles and slid forward along the third aisle.

The back of the black-haired boy's head was getting closer and closer, and... He now straightened up, put down his quill, and pulled the parchment towards him so that he could re-read the answer he had written...

Harry stopped in front of the table and stared down at his fifteen-year-old father.

There was a burst of excitement in his heart: it was like looking at a slightly out of shape version of himself.

James' eyes are light brown, his nose is slightly longer than Harry's, and there is no scar on his forehead, but they both have the same thin face, the same mouth, and the same eyebrows; James's hair is exactly the same as Harry's , also propped up behind his head, his hands were simply like Harry's hands. Harry could also see that if James stood up, there wouldn't be more than an inch of height difference between them.

James yawned widely and rubbed his hair, making it even messier than before. Then, he glanced at Professor Flitwick, then turned around in his seat and looked towards the fourth person behind him. The boy in the seat grinned.

Another wave of extremely excited feeling hit Harry. He saw Sirius giving James a thumbs up, and then Sirius lazily leaned on the chair, looking very comfortable. His body leaned back, just using The two legs of the chair were on the ground. Sirius was very handsome when he was young, with black hair hanging in front of his eyes, inadvertently giving off a certain elegance. Whether it was James' hair or Harry's hair, it had never been this elegant.

A girl sitting behind Sirius was looking at him expectantly, but he didn't seem to notice that in the row where the girl was sitting, there were two seats apart -

Harry was so happy that his stomach lurched again——

It was Remus Lupin. I don't know if it was because the full moon was approaching. He looked quite pale and haggard. He was concentrating on the exam. He reread his answers and scratched with the tip of his quill. He lifted his chin and frowned slightly.

It seems like Wormtail must be somewhere nearby...

Sure enough, Harry spotted him in a moment: the short, pointed-nosed boy with mouse-gray hair.

Wormtail looked a little anxious. He gnawed on his fingernails, stared down at his test paper, and rubbed his toes on the ground. From time to time, he glanced hopefully at the test papers of the students at the next table.

Harry stared at Wormtail for a moment, then turned his gaze back to James, who was now doodling on a small piece of parchment. He had already drawn a golden snitch and was now tracing the letters "L.E." What do they mean?

"Please stop writing!" Professor Flitwick shrieked. "And you too, Stebbins! Please stay seated while I put away the parchment! The papers are coming!"

More than a hundred rolls of parchment suddenly flew into the air and flew into Professor Flitwick's outstretched arms, knocking him to the ground.

Some people laughed wildly. Several students sitting at the front desk stood up and took Professor Flitwick's arms, lifting him up.

"Thank you, thank you... thank you." Professor Flitwick said breathlessly, "Okay, very good, classmates, you can leave now!"

Harry lowered his head and looked at his father. He hurriedly erased the two letters "L.E." he had been modifying just now, jumped up, stuffed the quill and test paper into his schoolbag, and threw the schoolbag over his shoulder. Standing there waiting for Sirius to come and join him.

Harry looked around and caught a glimpse of Snape not far away, walking between the two rows of desks towards the door to the foyer, still staring intently at his papers.

His shoulders were arched and his movements were stiff, with a twitchy gait that reminded him of a spider, and his greasy hair danced around his face.

A group of chattering girls separated Snape from James, Sirius and Lupin. Harry placed himself between them, trying not to let Snape out of his sight, and at the same time strained his ears to listen to James. Conversations with his friends.

"Did you like question ten, Moony?" Sirius asked as they entered the foyer.

"Oh, my God, I love it so much." Lupine said cheerfully, "Listing the five signs of identifying a werewolf is really a good topic."

"Then do you think you can cite all the signs?" James asked, pretending to be worried.

Comrades, I'm back with a steady update. This month, my work unit is on a high temperature holiday. I will make sure to update at least once a day, and try to update twice as much as possible. Thank you for your support.

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