"Then my dear colleagues." Tiera asked with a smile, "Now you should know how to urge the stubborn people across Europe... Oh, no, it should be the small units of power from all over Europe to relocate to the UK. Alright?"

"After all, this is not my power." Tiera said with a smile, "This is your small unit of power. How much power you can obtain in the future depends on this."

Tiera's words set off a wave of enthusiasm among the wizard officials. They all began to think about how to have more people to expand their family's influence and resources.

At the same time in Europe, in another space of the Golden Hall in Vienna.

The struggle for power as president of the International Federation of Magic has also entered a fierce stage.

The young Voldemort stood on the stage with the other two candidates, facing thousands of ordinary wizards in the hall. They were about to start today's speech and debate.

Voldemort walked onto the podium, and his tall and lanky figure immediately attracted the attention of the audience. He smiled and nodded around, and everyone could feel the authority and confidence he exuded.

Tom Riddle——

In other words, the young Voldemort was wearing an elegant black wizard's dress today, shining like stars in the dark night under the brightly lit lights of the Golden Hall in Vienna.

There was a certain golden olive branch on his head.

This seems to symbolize victory.

Voldemort was smiling, and he was extremely handsome in his youthful appearance. Just standing on the high platform like this attracted everyone's attention.

Several representatives of wizards with different opinions cast suspicious looks at him, but he didn't care.

"Dear listeners, my lovely and poor fellow wizards, thank you for coming."

His voice was calm and powerful, and everyone in the audience held their breath and listened quietly.

"The new policy claims to achieve the integration of the wizarding world and the Muggle world, but is this really feasible? There are too many differences between wizards and Muggles. Our lifestyles, values ​​and social structures are different. .If we accommodate them and give up our traditions and independence, then we will lose ourselves and become unquestioning subordinates!"

Voldemort's words were extremely contagious, and the passion of his performance immediately affected the audience. People nodded, some even offended by his extreme views.

"We not only need to protect our own magical culture and traditions, but also protect our land and resources. The policy of immigration to the UK will bring a huge burden to us. Don't we have a home of our own? We must be allowed to go Begging for a living on someone else’s territory?”

"My fellow wizards, my dear compatriots, look at the faces of those people!"

As he spoke, Voldemort suddenly pointed his finger at the other two candidates placed on his right.

"Look at them, look at their faces, this is the face of human traffickers!"

"They are the ones who want to sell you to England and sell you there to be slaves to the demon Tiera!"

The people in the audience burst into applause and booed one after another. Voldemort's remarks aroused strong emotions in the audience, which split into two hostile camps.

The expressions of the other two candidates suddenly changed——

Voldemort's accusation was a rather serious one.

I plan to start a new book, One Piece, at the end of October. This book will be finished as soon as possible, so I won’t save the manuscript. I will post as much as I have written.

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