Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 74: Spells and Spells, Quidditch Matches

"Browder, why did your wand change again?"

Marcos, who was practicing the floating spell in the spell class, suddenly saw the wand in Browder's right hand changed.

After all, the original silver wand is really conspicuous.

"Oh, I made it myself!" Browder, who was sleep-deprived, rubbed his eyes and flew the stone to the height of his head, "So I'm experimenting to see what's lacking."


With the disdain of the turning point, Marcos said that he did not believe it at all.

What did you do yourself! Browder was always a big talker.

For Marcos' disbelief in his own performance, Browder secretly recorded it in the small ledger in his heart, and he would need to despise it in the future.

Browder is really careful.

The first-year students have been learning the levitating spell for a long time, and everyone is now able to control the feathers well into the air.

So later the items that need to be controlled will slowly increase in weight until the current stone.

Browder has always been the best in spell class... because he knew it ahead of time, he didn't hide it.

After all, one of the foundations of the spell "All Arrows" is the spell "floating into the air".

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that magic spells are all composed of spells.

In the spell class, the first few years are basically spells, and then the seniors will learn some real spells... So this class is a spell class, not a spell class.

Fundamentals are important.

But what should the little wizards do if they want to learn more spells? That would be self-study, or some special electives taken after third grade.

In fact, the course that little wizards can most often learn the real magic spell should be Defense Against the Dark Arts.

But... how many generations has it been? I didn't study well in this class.

Most of what Browder has learned in the past few years is spells, and then various spells began to be handy, and he could fight back and forth with Regulus.

Now that I have turned to wand school, I can get started so quickly.

So Browder has always been the Ravenclaw first-year scorer in Charms.

Better than Marcus in Potions class.

However, if spells can be mastered without spell learning, Browder's performance in the spells class may not be much better than the transfiguration class.


Quidditch matches officially begin on the last Saturday in February.

It's Slytherin vs Gryffindor.

Every year in Quidditch, the two teams have the strongest flavor of gunpowder.

It's also because Quidditch scores are tied to House Cup scores... so there's not a little wizard who doesn't care about Quidditch.

By now, even the first-year students have a collective sense of honor for their college and want to win the College Cup!

But Browder doesn't understand why Quidditch scores are linked to House Cup scores?

A golden snitch is one hundred and fifty points, and the top one gets more points for a semester.

This makes Browder very shameless.

Does this imply the all-round development of "morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor"?

Sitting in the high stands, Browder was still watching the game attentively.

Marcos Eddie on the left was yelling, and Qiu Zhang on the right... louder than the two of them.

Really scared Browder.

In front of Browder are the Ravenclaw players. Each of them is holding a board in their hands, and they are recording various data of the players on both sides.

It's still Ravenclaw, after all, and has its own way of winning.

Although Browder thinks it's silly.

It's better to pray that the two teams never catch the Golden Snitch, and then never end the game,

Wouldn't it be better if they were tired and couldn't get out of the medical wing for a few days, weeks or months?

The rule of Quidditch is that the game will only end if the Snitch is caught, otherwise it will be 10,000 to zero and the game will continue.

The longest recorded Quidditch match to date is three months.

Because there are fourteen players and four balls on the field, it's really dizzying to see what's going on across the field.

In another stand full of teachers, a senior student was presiding over.

He was broadcasting the most important part of the entire game with his magic speakers.

This really requires a certain amount of host skills.

However, rather than the host focusing more on the offense and defense of the Quaffle and always paying attention to the movements of the two teams of Seekers, Browder prefers to watch the batters play Bludgers with bats, forcing the other A team of players changes their path of movement.

It would be even more interesting if the broom was thrown directly.

Two of the Gryffindor batsmen were the Weasley twins. The Nimbus 1800 they both rode really helped them a lot.

Because they were even able to lean on these two brooms, and the two of them hit each other with Bludgers, scaring the Slytherin players along the way.

While looking for the Golden Snitch in the sky, Charlie Weasley, who commanded the team, also applauded them loudly.

However, Slytherin is indeed a veteran team, and only relying on technology, it slowly leads Gryffindor.

Score 80:40!

And just as the Slytherin pair raised the score to 90, Charlie Weasley and the Slytherin team's Seeker spotted the Snitch at the same time.

Because the Golden Snitch suddenly appeared in front of the host. Although he was dedicated and did not reveal this information, just the exclamation he exclaimed when he saw the Golden Snitch was enough to attract everyone's attention.

It's time to show the real technology!

Charlie Weasley, always known as a Seeker genius, shows the origin of that title with his quick running skills.

The Slytherin Seeker can now only follow behind him and look for a chance to pass.

The host broadcasted the exciting Seeker battle very loudly, so it attracted the attention of both the audience and the players.

But at this time, the captain of the Slytherin team and Oliver Wood of the Gryffindor team are loudly telling the players to continue to attack!

Not sure if the Snitch will be caught this time around, their game isn't over yet.

But the Slytherin captain this time began to let the batsman go mainly to attack Charlie Weasley.

Charlie Weasley has been attacked like this for years, and he always loses the game by one move.

But the twins also had someone dedicated to attacking the Slytherin Seeker.

There is something to learn!

As for the other of the twins, he focused on attacking Charlie Weasley's batsman.

Play Lai, we haven't been afraid of anyone.

The game went into a frenzy.

So you attack me and I attack you, and the last two teams of Seekers pounce on the Snitch at the same time.


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