Harry woke up in surprise and asked, “Mr. Yun, what is going on?” ”

“Black magic! Definitely the evil black magic of Slytherin! ”

Ron pointed to the clouds in surprise and said nothing.

Hermione, who reacted, slapped Ron’s hand in disgust, “Dark Magic you are big! It must have been Yunye who quietly cast the coma spell, and the prefects didn’t find out that they had only hit Yunye’s trick, right? ”

“Yes! How did I not think of that? Harry also thought he was smart, “Obviously, we have all watched Mr. Yun’s battle before, and we know that Mr. Yun will cast spells silently!” ”

Yun Ye gave a vague thanks, anyway, it was impossible to really tell them that he would have a mental shock, and Hermione’s statement just made sense.

“But he didn’t even take out his wand!”

Ron still had a look of surprise on his face.

Harry pressed Ron, “Okay, anyway, the problem is solved, let’s go to the basement.” ”

Yun Ye nodded, “Then you lead the way!” ”

Harry led Yunye and the others to the basement he had previously explored.

Along the way, because of the spiritual exploration of the cloud night, they successfully avoided Filch’s exploration, and Ron also sighed and said that he was super lucky to not meet Filch.

Coming to the door, Harry stopped and said solemnly, “To enter the basement, you need to pass through this first room.” ”

“And the guardian of the tiger’s mouth is Hagrid’s pet hair, which is the legendary three-headed dog, but I have not yet found a way to deal with hair…”

Ron said anxiously, “What then?” We can’t go back in vain! ”

Ha used his hopeful eyes to look at Yunye, who may only have the strength of Yunye here, and there is hope that he can resist the three-headed dog.

The biggest reason why he wanted to ask Yunye for help was also this.

Harry said seriously, “Mr. Cloud, can you please help hold off the three-headed dog for a while, and when Hermione and Ron both enter through the entrance, I can take charge of the last one behind the palace!” ”

Yun Ye raised an eyebrow, not expecting that Harry had not yet figured out how to deal with Mao Mao.

Although it is possible to speak directly by Yunye and listen to songs, it is too troublesome to go back and prepare after arriving here.

Anyway, the strength of the three-headed dog, Yun Ye did not pay too much attention to it, just his new magic needed a stronger live target!

Harry and Hermione both looked at Cloudy, and Cloudy pretended to sigh helplessly.

“Alas, you invited me to come here to be a thug.”

Harry said urgently, “Now we can only rely on you, Mr. Cloud!” ”

Harry’s eyes were full of expectation, but Hermione had some

“Wouldn’t that be too dangerous… Cloud Night, if you think not, then we still …”

Yun Ye cleared his throat and interrupted, “Since I got on the thief’s ship, I can’t get off, okay, I promise you.” ”

Ron hesitated, “Harry, will there be an entrance to the basement under the three-headed dog?” If not, then we have to account for it all! ”

Harry nodded emphatically, “Sure, do you believe me?” ”

Ron hesitated, but nodded heavily.

Hermione was silent, and raised her head to look up already with a determined gaze.

“That’s good… Harry and Ron are in charge of finding their way, while Cloud Night and I fend off the three-headed dog first! I will also have a little attack spell, which should be able to help the cloud night! ”

“Okay.” Harry agreed, “I’ll be in charge of the queen when I retreat!” ”

After the four of them had finished their discussion, Harry pushed open the door to the room where Mao Mao was.

Everyone looked at Harry’s hand pushing on the door, and the scene behind the door slowly emerged.


The door opened completely, and a fishy smell poured out!

After the door was pushed open, Harry’s eyes were greeted by a huge black three-headed dog.

The three dogs’ heads were all glowing blood-red, and the thick saliva grunted and dripped on the ground.

The three-headed dog stood up slowly and went straight to the roof of the basement!

Hermione was also the first time she had seen such a vicious monster, her face was pale, but she still shouted, “I’m going to shoot!” ”

Hermione quickly drew her wand, “Flames! ”

A fiery flame erupted from Hermione’s wand and poured over the three-headed dog.

However, this level of magic is obviously beyond the level, and it is completely powerless when released with the magic power of Hermione’s current first grade.

The three-headed dog just swung slightly, and easily extinguished the flames.

This spell obviously did no harm to the three-headed dog, but in the face of Hermione’s unprovoked attack, the already aggressive three-headed dog instantly rioted!

One of the huge dogs’ heads roared loudly with their vicious teeth open, and was about to bite at Hermione.

Ron dragged Harry to the side and ran away, but this time Ron reacted extremely quickly, knowing that he would immediately find his way to the entrance under Mao Mao.

Harry narrowed his pupils when he saw this, and subconsciously shouted, “Hermione be careful! ”

“Watch out!”

Yun Ye’s eyes were fast, pulling the hairy Hermione aside beside him.

The sharp teeth of the three-headed dog instantly nibbled out a large hole in the wooden floor, and the wood chips splashed!

Yun Ye also basically had a general understanding of the strength of the three-headed dog.

Although the three-headed dog is huge, its speed is still very amazing, and both the arm strength and the bite force of the mouth are extremely terrifying.

No matter how many ordinary human beings, they can’t fight with this three-headed dog in close combat!

Fortunately, the three-headed dog was used to guard the entrance, and there was a thick iron chain itself that locked it in the room.

Otherwise, Yunye would have dragged Harry away long ago, because if only Yunye himself, it would still be very easy to kill the hair, but…

Once there was more drag from Hermione and the others, it was impossible for the cloud night to defeat the hair that had lost its reins!

“I saw it! I see it! ”

Ron suddenly shouted, pointing somewhere under the three-headed dog. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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