Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 503 Harry is back?

With a gloomy face, Mike slowly walked towards Sirius's villa. The sky was full of stars, but even the biting cold night didn't dampen Mike's inner anger.

He had just carried the old Kents on his front feet, and Chris tied Harry on his back feet.

In Mike's eyes, this is simply revenge against him!

And the revenge of the other party is even more painful than the blow to the other party.

After all, he didn't get much useful information from old Kent, but Harry was extremely important to Mike in every aspect!

With a cold face, he came all the way to Sirius's villa. In order not to let the other party see the flaw, Mike deliberately paused for a while, so that his gloomy expression could look better.

But when he really pushed the door and entered, he realized that what he did was not necessary at all.

Because at this time Ron and Hermione had come here at some point, and their expressions, including Sirius, were extremely gloomy and lost.

The sound of the door closing attracted the attention of everyone in the room. Hermione and Ron jumped up from the sofa, surrounded Mike and looked at him hopefully and said in unison:

"Mike, any news from Harry?"

Mike shook his head expressionlessly, seeing the light in Hermione and Ron's eyes dimmed again, and the whole person became powerless.

Carefully helping the two back to the sofa, Mike said to them seriously:

"Listen, Hermione, Ron. School starts tomorrow, and you need to rest now. As for finding Harry, leave it to me, and I'll let you know as soon as I find out."

Then he looked at Blake, who was staring at the flames in the fireplace in a daze, and said:

"Little Sirius, you should also go to rest, you are very tired today."

Blake didn't answer, just shook it silently. And Hermione and Ron directly rejected Mike's proposal.

Fortunately, they also have self-knowledge, and they didn't rush out to find someone like a second fool, but in fact the real second fool has already gone out to find someone, Lupin and Tonks are the couple.

The two of them relied on being members of the Order of the Phoenix, and one of them, Tonks, had also been an Auror. As soon as they heard of Harry's disappearance, they began to inspect Harry's whereabouts.

But in Mike's view, it was just useless. After all, there were so many people, it was just wishful thinking for the two of them to find Harry.

On the other hand, Mike's side is different. He has a large group of people under his command. After these armed personnel are fully deployed, their search ability is completely comparable to that of the Ministry of Magic. In addition, he also has the channels that he has collected from the wanted orders issued before, relying on these channels, he can easily spread the missing person notices with the bounty all over the country.

Of course, he was still considering the matter of the missing person notice. After all, Harry Potter had a special status, and Mike didn't really want to announce the news now if he had to, because it would cause panic in the society.

And no matter how bad it is, Mike can buy a lot of money from famous European fortune-tellers and let them help to predict Harry's current status and location.

You must know that these fortune-tellers are not like the Hogwarts fortune-telling professor Trelawney, but they are professional digital fortune-tellers. For the masters of big data analysis, after all, the way these people divination is done through the analysis of a large amount of data and the release of the magic spell, rather than pure metaphysics.

If these three methods still can't find Harry, then there is no way for Mike.

With a sigh, Mike also found a soft chair by the fireplace and sat down, and he also took out the Masonic gold coin that had been hanging around his neck and put it in his hand Mosuo, so that As long as there is news from the Los Santos Group, I will be able to know it as soon as possible.

In the living room, the four of them sat around the fireplace, staring at the fire in a daze without saying a word.

Now all they can do is wait.

And just as they waited anxiously, the outside world exploded.

Under Mike's instruction, all members of the Los Santos Security Company, including those quasi-regular members who have not yet graduated, were dispatched to start looking for Harry Potter's whereabouts.

Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, Hogsmeade, Godric's Hollow...

Almost all the wizard settlements were swept up by these security guards in black combat uniforms and the Los Santos Group badge on their chests.

In other places, it is good to say that in order not to cause public anger, these security guards have not done too much, just use mental power and simple divination to detect, but Knockturn Alley is different.

As the largest black market for wizards in the country, it is under the care of Los Santos security guards. Groups of armed security guards roam the damp and dark streets. Every time they go to a store, they will forcibly break open the door of the store and enter. Which starts to check.

For their behavior, these shopkeepers are naturally reluctant, especially old fried dough sticks like Bojinbok.

This is actually a very tricky thing, because the power contained in Knockturn Alley is not weak at all. Although this is the case in Mike's view, if there is a fight, the casualties on Los Santos will be very heavy.

But their reaction was already expected by Penello, and Penello's response was even simpler, that is, throwing money.

The Los Santos Group will give compensation of 50 Galleons to those shops that inspect, but this is under the condition of their cooperation. If they really don't cooperate, then it will be embarrassing. The hundreds of Los Santos Group gathered here Security is no joke.

As for the Ministry of Magic, it is not something that can be dealt with only by money and coercion.

But to everyone's surprise, despite all the noise from the Los Santos group, there was no sound from the Ministry of Magic.

Not to mention the Aurors and Strikers, they even withdrew their daily patrols, which seemed to be making room for the Los Santos group.

Such a bizarre situation naturally indicates that something more serious is happening, but the Los Santos Group's priority now is to find Harry Potter, so it doesn't pay too much attention to it.

However, it is disappointing that even after such a massive operation by the Los Santos Group, Harry Potter was still not found.

Inside Sirius' villa on Privet Drive, Mike sighed deeply after listening to Penello's report in the Masonic Gold Coin.

Also sighing were Ron and Hermione on the sofa. Although Mike repeatedly persuaded them to go back to their room to rest, they still sat on the sofa all night.

Hermione was not bad. Ron obviously didn't have much experience of staying up late. At this moment, not only did he look sluggish, there was thick mucus accumulated in his eye sockets, and his entire face was swollen.

But compared to Sirius, Ron's situation was good.

Now Sirius's appearance is developing like when he came out of Azkaban a few years ago. The deep-set eyes and the dense stubble on his face make him look extraordinarily like a tramp.

The biggest change was his hair. In just one night, a shocking amount of white appeared in his originally brown hair.

It was already bright outside, and the hands of the wall clock above the fireplace pointed to eight in the morning.

Mike slowly got up and said to Hermione and Ron:

"Wash up, it's time for you to go to school."


Ron let out a weak cry. His current consciousness was obviously not sober. After a while, he came to his senses and said:

"No, I'm still waiting for Harry."

Mike turned his head to look at Hermione, who was on the side, but although the latter did not speak, he did not intend to move.

Mike's brows suddenly wrinkled, he was really a little irritable at the moment.

"Whatever you want!"

After coldly dropping such a sentence, Mike returned to his soft chair. He really has no intention of educating these two naive bear children.

But at this moment, Sirius, who was standing like a statue not far away, moved. He took out his wand, gritted his teeth, and staggered toward the door.

"Where are you going?"

Mike's voice stopped Sirius in his footsteps, he turned his head stiffly, and replied in a voice that was so hoarse that it was not human-like:

"I'm going to find Harry."

Mike's brows furrowed even tighter. Ron and Hermione don't need to be ignorant. Now even Sirius is so uneasy, which makes Mike even more irritable.

Mike would really like to knock out all these guys if he could, so that would save trouble!

But looking at Sirius' gray hair, Mike hesitated for a moment and finally took a deep breath, suppressing his anger and persuading:

"Your mental state is unstable now, don't go out to find Harry, maybe you will cause other troubles."

Ron, who was beside him when he heard the words, also nodded his head deeply. Now Sirius is indeed not suitable for going out.

But Sirius obviously didn't think so. Mike's words were like a spark that fell on a tinderbox filled with gasoline, which suddenly detonated his nerves.

"I've had enough! You'll just make me wait! I've been waiting all night, what's the result? Has Harry come back? Huh? I've seen it through, you're a useless piece of shit, just counting on it No! I must..."

Sirius looks like a madman, his arm holding his wand is waving wildly, and his mouth is constantly cursing like a cannonball.

The blue veins on Mike's forehead suddenly burst out, and before Sirius could finish his words, he raised his hand and blasted him with a weapon to kill you.


A muffled sound came, and Sirius slammed into the door frame heavily, and then fell on the carpet with a plop and fell asleep.

This sudden change completely woke up Ron and Hermione's drowsiness, Hermione's body shook violently, and Ron screamed in horror.

Hearing the cry, Mike slowly turned his head to look at Ron, and said coldly:

"Do you want to go out and find Harry too?"

Ron's screams came to an abrupt end, and Mike at this time looked really terrible! He shook his head quickly and hurriedly said:

"No no no! I don't want to!"

"Go wash up! Then go to school!"


Ronten bounced off the sofa and stumbled towards the bathroom.

And Hermione on the side finally reacted now, gave Mike a deep look, then slowly got up and walked to the other bathroom on the second floor.

Mike didn't care about Hermione's attitude. He first dragged the fainted Sirius back to the room, then sat on the sofa with a blank expression, and after a moment of hesitation, he took a Sirius from the humidor on the coffee table. cigar smoked.

He hadn't smoked since he came to this world, but the complicated situation at the moment made him want to smoke a cigarette to relieve himself.

Ron and Hermione had just started smoking the cigar before returning to the living room one after another. Although the two of them still looked haggard after washing up, at least they looked much better.

Mike didn't speak, and walked out of the house with the two of them.

Outside, the driver of the Los Santos Group driving the skeleton horse car has been waiting for a long time.

Ron was very surprised that Mike sent a Muggle vehicle to take them to the station, and watched around the skeleton horse, while Hermione suddenly said to Mike:

"Aren't you going with us?"

"No." Mike froze for a moment before saying, "I have to continue to stare at the situation outside."

Hermione nodded and dragged Ron into the car.

As the skeleton horse slowly drove away, Mike also returned to the house.

He didn't lie just now. As the highest fighting force of the Los Santos Group and Freemasonry, he must always be ready to go to the rescue.

Otherwise, even if Benjamin and Penello really found where Chris was, they wouldn't be able to save Harry Potter.

Inside the house, Sirius's snoring was so loud that it was a sign of the extreme fatigue of the human body.

Mike put a soundproof barrier to wrap himself up, and then he closed his eyes and rested, and he raised it until the sky was getting dark.

"Ding Ding Ding!~"

A series of rapid beeps sounded suddenly.

Mike kicked up a carp, picked up the Masonic gold coins on the coffee table and said:

"What's the matter, Penello."

"Mike! We found Harry! Come to Los Santos headquarters!"

Mike's originally squinted eyes suddenly widened, and then he roared:

"I'll be right there."

After speaking, Mike rushed to the fireplace with a single stride. With the flash of fire in the fireplace, Mike was directly teleported to the Los Santos Group Building.

Mike walked out of the fireplace hall, Benjamin had long been waiting for the door.

"Where is Harry?"

"In the infirmary, he was in a coma before, but he has woken up now, and other vital signs are normal."

Mike nodded, walked towards the infirmary, and said while walking:

"Where did you find him? What the hell is this?"

"Uh, this sounds a bit bizarre..."

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