Family affection is the most powerful way to attack people's hearts.

Countless netizens were moved to a mess.

"Oh my God, that father touched me, so touching.

Many netizens left messages expressing their feelings, and the firm tone reminded netizens of their great father.

Father's love is like a mountain.

In the video, Xiao Yuchun was rescued by the rescue team, and then, it was time to save Xiao Ming.

The original rescue order was like this, and netizens thought that the rescue team would be rescued by the great father and reunited with his daughter.

Unexpectedly, things took a turn at this time.

When the people in the rescue team were about to save that person, a crying female voice came: "Save my daughter first, can you save my daughter first, my daughter has asthma, she has a serious lack of oxygen, if you don't save her, she will die, please!"

Everyone held their breath nervously at this moment, the order of rescue was said at the beginning, at this time, the little girl's mood looked unstable, her face was pale, and the situation was not good, but the asthma did not attack.

Moreover, this is a life-and-death situation, who can be so generous and give up the chance to live to others

? Netizens can't help but think in their hearts, if this is their own encounter in such a situation, will they let it?

You know, in such a dangerous situation, accidents can happen at any time, and death may be a matter of minutes.

Before everyone could figure out the answer, the great father before retreated at this time, let go of the rescue team's hand, and opened his mouth.

"Save the woman and the child first. His tone was firm.

From the video, it can be seen that the man's state is not very good, after all, the posture of the body tilting and forming an angle of about forty-five degrees with the ground is not comfortable to think about, not to mention that he has been staying up for a while before.

That great father just gave up the chance to be saved.

This made netizens tearful for a moment.

Subsequently, the rescue team rescued the girl, the girl's mother, and then the other women and children who were trapped.

The men who were trapped spontaneously let the women and children behind them be rescued first.

In the process of saving the woman and the child, more than an hour passed.

Many netizens cried when they saw it.

This is the so-called true love in the world.

"Hey, I'm touched again, true feelings, so touching, obviously they are strangers to each other, and they can still be so selfless and loveful.

"The true nature of a bloody boy is like this, touching.

"Oh my God, that man, that's so cool, what's his name? I think reporters have to report on him well, and people with positive energy like him should give an exclusive interview and pass on this great spirit to everyone in our country."

Xiao Ming's spirit of great love touched every netizen who was watching the video at this time.

Finally, it was time to save Xiao Ming.

At this time, it was raining heavily at the rescue site, and the rescue team had to stop the rescue work and wait for the arrival of the rescue helicopter.

Seeing this situation, netizens couldn't help but become anxious, and finally when it was time to save the selfless man, it was raining heavily.

Finally, in everyone's concern, the rescue helicopter arrived at the scene and the rescue operation began.

Soon, Xiao Ming was rescued from the big pendulum in the playground, and seeing this, netizens were relieved, and they all admired that man in their hearts.

This is the end of the video, and after that, this text appears.

In the video, the man who should have been rescued a long time ago, after hearing that the girl trapped in the back had asthma, voluntarily gave someone else the opportunity to be rescued, at that time, he said with a firm attitude, first rescued by the woman and the child, because of his selfless concession, the girl with asthma was saved. "

That man is the president of Minghui Group, Mr. Xiao Ming, he gave the opportunity to be rescued to others, causing his big pendulum in the playground to be sleepy for nearly two hours, after Xiao Ming was rescued, he was in a coma due to long-term lack of oxygen, and was quickly sent to the hospital, fortunately, he was nothing serious, and he was discharged after two days of recuperation.

After being discharged from the hospital, Xiao Ming, president of Minghui Group, donated five of the latest rescue helicopters to the Anjin Rescue Brigade, and expressed his gratitude to the rescue team. This

video comes from the real-time video record of the rescue of the Anjin City Rescue Brigade. After

watching the video, netizens were stunned.

Unexpectedly, the great father in that video, the man who gave up the opportunity to be rescued, and the man who said that he would save the woman and the child first, turned out to be the president of Minghui Group, Xiao Ming.

is the one who is the rich man who everyone shouts and beats on the Internet, and the person who is rich and unkind, is Xiao Ming.

At this moment, the mood of netizens is extremely complicated, and this news is too shocking.

Unexpectedly, they made trouble for so long, and in the end, they were lonely.

Everyone, they all blamed Xiao Ming.

The president of Minghui Group is not unkind to the rich, he is a very great father and a very bloody man.

Netizens couldn't help but sigh that if this were themselves, they would definitely not be able to be so selfless.

This man is so respectable.

A man with a spirit of selfless dedication like him should be rich, otherwise heaven will not tolerate it.

Subsequently, netizens left their truest thoughts under the video.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's your fault, why am I so stupid, just with that kind of video that has no basis, I misunderstood, and said so many words to scold you, I blamed you for it, I apologize. "

How can such a man be a rich and unkind person, is it good to be great enough, I touched my heart and asked myself, if this were me, I would definitely not be able to do this."

"In danger, putting a woman's safety first, facing a stranger, being able to have such a big heart, and giving up the opportunity to be saved to others is not something ordinary people can do.

"Please take my knees, such a great man, who has been scolded by us online for so long, I feel that everyone owes him an apology. "

Yes, we blamed him for being wrong, I took the lead, the national father-in-law, I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

"The national father-in-law, or the national father-in-law, this is too powerful. "

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