"I, I'm going to kill you!" Xiao

Ben directly pulled out a knife from his body.

Now, holding the handle of the knife tightly, now, his eyes are simply staring at this Xiao Ming.

Do you feel it? This knife, once it shows its power, it can straighten you out of the perforated injury in an instant, this is a whole is a quasi, if you don't give it a heavy blow, it is absolutely impossible.

Then, people hooked their fingers at you.

You must be dancing your knife and you must be hit, and you will not be able to look down on you if you don't hit.

Ben's sword and shadow attack has already been launched, and it has failed again.

"Up, up, give it to me, use a weapon!" Ben


The big guy immediately took out the weapon from his body, and then, he immediately beckoned to this Xiao Ming, this is at this moment, and he must take Xiao Ming down.

The idea, that's good, the reality is that several non-stop attacks are exchanged for several non-stop failures, and this is a situation where the failure is carried out to the end.

Brush, brush!

This feeling, the brain melon seeds are stinging and stinging.

"I, I'd like to talk to you!" said


With a bang, this palm hit Ben's body.

When the attack hits, it really doesn't mean to talk to you at all, and the ruthlessness of the attack is aimed at crippling you.

Look, it's really painful to hit your body, right? Yes, that's

right, it has to make you hurt to the point of scolding your mother.

"I, I'm really upset, if you keep going like

this, you, you're really making me uncomfortable, you know?" "I know what this thing is for? Do I need to know?"

"You, you're a little too much, you know?".

No, Xiao Ming was ready to go a little more excessive, his right hand stretched out and this was accurate is to pinch Xiao Ben's nose, such a control, this is to control the other party's nose with a firm idea, and it is really a dead control to let the other party There is no way at all.

"What's wrong?" Xiao

Ming asked, looking at Ben.

"I, my nose hurts

!" "Will I commit suicide

?" "No, I can still carry it!" "Oh, then you can carry it!" "

No, Xiao Ming continued to pinch the other party's nose hard,

can I still care about you?" You just keep hurting like this, this is simply not uncommon to take care of you such a rhythm, go on like this, this is such a rhythm that will drive you crazy sooner or later, well, that's what it's all about.

"You, you're doing this for me, that's very happy

, don't you know!" "I don't know, I'm not going to know, what's wrong, can't you?"

Xiao Ming asked.

"Okay, I'll admit it, I was hired by him!"

Xiao Ben pointed at this Tao Gongzi and said to Xiao Ming.

It's really a matter of minutes, and Tao Gongzi is sold.

Tao Gongzi is not leaving, not leaving, this, this is really an instant is to become that embarrassing, just now, that is still sworn to be for his own beginning, this failure, how did it become like this?

Such a virtue is really people's mood that has become very, very bad.

Calm down!

You must calm down.

Then, the key to this is that Xiao Ming is not uncommon to take care of you, what about you, how much love is, he doesn't care about it, just leave here, leave!

But the arrogant feeling is that he just left, no matter how much you are better!

So, this is what it looks like I don't know how long has passed.

No, this Tao Gongzi just came back to his senses.

This dog thing, this is gone?

It's so annoying.

Xiao Ming returned to his cabin, no, the first time I saw his cabin, this is a single cabin, this is where he needs to settle in the next few days, day and night, as long as he wants, this is his residence, he can come back at any time, in fact, it looks similar to the hotel outside, mattresses, beds, and then toilets.

You can't cook!

Eating is always going to the restaurant department to eat, open 24 hours, there is always something for you to eat, but if you want to expect the other party to be able to make what you want to eat in a bad time, then you have to add money, if you want to eat at a reasonable price, either the right time or what you eat.

Getting back to business

! Settle

down! Lie down on this bed

! Is Sun Xiaoqi fate?

I don't know!

Sometimes, fate is indeed a very delicate thing, and she may or may not be

! Well, she can't think about it, thinking about these things hurts her brain!

So, she fell asleep after meditating, and her eyes were closed.

The call came!

It was Sun Xiaoqi's call.

"Where are you?" Sun

Xiaoqi on the other end of the phone lowered his voice, with such a mysterious feeling.

"I, I'm not anywhere, I'm on the bed. "

Oh, you're on the bed!"

"Yes, what do

you want to do?" "I don't want to come, I have something to do now, there are a few strong men eyeing me, can you help me?"

"I... Okay, I'll help you! Where are you?"

"The third floor, above this deck!" Sun

Xiaoqi said.

Subsequently, this Xiao Ming had no choice but to go out, and he really didn't want to get out of bed at all.

However, people are in danger of their lives, and if you still sit idly by in such a situation, it is really a bit inappropriate, really.

Well, you have to help the other person.

No, I don't know how long it has been, these strong men have already blocked Sun Xiaoqi, this feeling is really not just looking at you so simple, not so simple in words, this is wanting to play with you.

These boys, that's not a good serious thing, usually no matter what they play, they play together, and in the end, as long as the money is smashed, it's enough, well, then you can solve the problem.

This society is such a reality, any thing, as long as it is a strong money, throwing money can solve the matter properly.

Now it's the same this time, first such a bully is hard to bow down, and after such a success, tsk, this is to let you know how powerful people are.

Under the offensive of this money, you can only give up.

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