He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1267: Don't get angry

Song Ran said with a cold face: "Whether you are sincere or fake, this is the matter. Go out and let my sister in. I'm going to wash and sleep."

Gu Jingxing wanted to hug her: "I will take you to wash."

Song Ran angrily waited for him: "No, Gu Jingxing, I'm used to living without you, so I don't have to show my courtesy at this time."

Gu Jingxing felt badly distressed, and a little flustered. How could Song Ran get used to a life without him?

He insisted: "I have to be by your side, I will help you wash it."

Song Ran became anxious: "Get out of here."

After exerting her strength, her face was pale with pain, and the forehead she had just wiped was now drenched with sweat.

Gu Jingxing was afraid of her anger. Just after giving birth, she could not have too much mood swings, so he could only get up: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I will call your sister in."

He went out in a hurry, and soon Song Xuan came in.

When I came closer, I was so worried that my tone changed: "What's the matter? Why do you sweat so much? Are you angry with Gu Jing?"

Song Ran lay weakly, letting her sister wipe her sweat, humming: "Don't get angry at this time? When will you wait?"

Song Xuan wiped her sweat distressedly, and poured her a cup of brown sugar water for her to drink: "Quickly give me a drink, to keep calm, you know? You just think so, maybe he has some difficulties, maybe What is unspeakable?"

Song Ran took a few sips and glanced at Song Xuan: "Why are you talking for him now?"

Song Xuan wiped the corners of her mouth: "Should I ignore my sister, who just came out of the delivery room, and make you quarrel with me? You can't get angry now."

Song Ran snorted: "He only sees the country, only the organization, and only the army. I am not important."

Song Xuan sighed: "Who asked you to find a soldier? If he doesn't have the righteous family and country, would you look down on him even more? Soldiers, there are soldiers' solar terms. Many things are military secrets. Once he reveals to you, maybe he will go to a military court, would you like it?"

Song Ran frowned: "Song Xuan, what's the matter with you? Instead of helping me, you help him speak."

"In front of him, I will definitely not show him a good face. After all, you have been so hard during pregnancy. I can see it. He didn't come back to see you once. I also blame him very much, but what should I say For you, I still want to tell you. Gu Jingxing is considered good, and there are some guards of the frontiers, or the navy, who are out all the year round, and those military sisters-in-law have worked harder and shouldered more."

Song Ran felt uncomfortable. He grabbed his fingers and said in a low voice, "So I didn't make trouble so much that I wouldn't allow him to go or call and force him to come back to see me. I just feel wronged, even wronged? "

Song Xuan hurriedly agreed with her: "Yes, of course. Gu Jingxing should leave him alone. You can't let him take advantage of it. When you are pregnant, he won't come back. After giving birth now, he has appeared. You are right. , The child should be named Song."

Song Ran curled his lips: "Why are you like a wall, who are you helping?"

Song Xuan touched her face: "Who do you think I will help? You need to rest now, don't think too much, even if you want to get angry with him, it will take two days, what do you think?"

Song Ran said in a low voice: "I don't know how many days this person will stay in Haicheng. Maybe he will leave after two days."

"The child's surname is Song, and must be named Song."

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