Heavenly Consort

Chapter 1784: It's too hard to fool people


The wolf was stunned when he heard the words, and gave Xiao Qianhan a strange look.

How valuable is this thing, he is the original owner, and he knows better than anyone else that Xiao Qianhan accepted it so happily?

"That..." He said immediately, as if he didn't know what to say, or how to say it, and hesitated for a while.

Xiao Qianhan glanced at the wolf ruthlessly, "Why, do you want to regret it?"

"No! No!" The wolf ruthlessly waved his hand and shoved the thing into Xiao Qianhan's hand, but he took it back in the next second, with a tangled face and relieved, "Aiya! It's too hard to fool people!"

"Let me tell you, this thing is indeed something I discovered by accident, but it's just a little interesting, it has no real meaning, let alone any value! Anything we use at this level. Pills can be exchanged for a basket of these things! So it's not a thank you at all! Tell me, how many pills you want, and I'll give them to you!"

After finishing these words, Wolf Ruthless returned to his previous state, much more relaxed.

Xiao Qianhan smiled slightly and stretched out his hand, "Your attitude is the best thank you, but there must be something in kind... Well, just it."

The wolf laughed ruthlessly, and put the thing back into Xiao Qianhan's hand, "Refreshing! Miss Xiao's temperament is so refreshing, I appreciate it very much!"

Xiao Qianhan didn't respond, "It's a dark night, see you at the gate of the palace tomorrow morning."

She had special reasons and had to directly issue an eviction order.

The wolf is ruthless and doesn't mind, anyway, the purpose of coming has been achieved.

After saying goodbye, Xiao Qianhan returned directly to the bedroom.

There is a secret room there, only she and Yun Mo know, for emergency use on weekdays.

At this moment, she has come to the secret room.

Because she has a feeling, she is going to have an epiphany!

Every time before, she directly entered the state of epiphany, but this time, she had the feeling that she was going to enter the epiphany first!

And this feeling is caused by something ruthless brought by the wolf!

In the secret room, Xiao Qianhan sat cross-legged and carefully took out the thing.

As Lang Ruiqing said, that thing is indeed ordinary, and even said that it is basically worthless, but for Xiao Qianhan at this time, it is exactly the opposite!

It is a crystal clear and almost completely transparent jade, the center is slightly bulging, and the surrounding is flat. If a protective ring and a handle are inlaid, it is undoubtedly a modern magnifying glass!

At the first sight of this thing, the soul power in her body, especially the distinct cyclone formed before, immediately reacted!

Fortunately, the reaction was mild at the beginning, so she could control it, and then let the wolf leave ruthlessly!

Time has accumulated until now, and she has no time to go anywhere else, so she can only temporarily choose to stay in the secret room!

This is by far the safest and most confidential place!

Just as he was ready, Xiao Qianhan once again entered a state of epiphany!

Unlike the previous epiphany, this time she was prepared in her heart, so her autonomy seemed to be stronger!

As soon as I entered the state of epiphany, what appeared in front of me was that distinct cyclone!

The huge cyclone is like a mountain in front of you, and the clear stripes on it are thicker than the big tree that seven or eight people hug together!

In front of the huge cyclone, Xiao Qianhan's insignificance is almost negligible, not to mention that he wants to see the whole picture of the cyclone, not even one side!

But Xiao Qianhan doesn't think this is a bad thing!

The ending point of the last epiphany is exactly the starting point of this epiphany!

She believed it was no coincidence!

Last time, she stood at a higher angle and witnessed the formation of this cyclone; this time, from a small angle, she may be able to discover the mystery of the formation and stable existence of the cyclone!

The only problem is that this cyclone is really too big, and she herself is in such an unknown suspension state, how can she get into the cyclone?


Just when she had this idea, she suddenly felt that the surrounding scene changed, and she was suddenly surrounded by those distinct stripes!

She moved! In the middle of the cyclone!

Unexpectedly raised her eyebrows, she looked at a corner of the cyclone wall, and said in her heart, "Go to the edge."


As she thought, when she opened her eyes again, she was already standing where she was going!

It turned out to be where you want to go! It's really convenient!

Having mastered the method of movement, she begins the real digging!

This cyclone that appeared out of thin air exists in one's body like this. It cannot be cultivated, cannot store soul power, and cannot output soul power. It is no different from a vase! And the vase is in danger of being smashed, she doesn't intend to let such a time bomb exist in her body like this!

This time, she must figure out this cyclone thoroughly and use this cyclone for her own use!

Otherwise, it's better to destroy it.

It didn't take too long, she simply took a few points on the cyclone, and carefully observed and understood the structure!

Similar to what she thought, in all the places she observed, the soul power stripes and the spiritual power stripes were next to each other, and they even invaded each other to varying degrees!

Not fusion, but invasion!

There is each other in each other, and they can be pulled back at any time with nothing left!

And she just tried it, as long as she thought about it, she could even unpack the entire cyclone into complete soul power and complete spiritual power in an instant, without any contamination!

That is to destroy this distinct cyclone!

In the end, Xiao Qianhan did not do that.

She has to fully understand this cyclone and use this cyclone for her own use!

So, she started a new round of research, and the locations on the extracted cyclones were more and denser!

However, after another round of research, the conclusion reached is not fundamentally different from the previous one. The only new discovery is that the mutual penetration of soul power and spiritual power is slowly deepening!

According to the development of this situation, this cyclone will become a mixed cyclone of spiritual power and soul power sooner or later, but it is unknown whether it will merge with each other in the end!

And at this rate, it would take less than two hundred years to complete the entire process!

When calculating this result, Xiao Qianhan once again had the urge to destroy this cyclone.

But she quickly gave up that urge. Before the last minute, she could try again!

Without taking a third sample, she wanted to try to get out of this epiphany state!

If she can't get out of the epiphany state if she can't handle this cyclone, isn't she trapped here? There is so much to do out there!

However, this time it wasn't as smooth as last time and the departure was blocked.

Just when she wanted to destroy the cyclone again, she suddenly remembered something...

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