Here I Come One Piece World!

Chapter 11 - 11 : Conclusion

Garp dash toward Ramus again and they started to engage on close combat again, but this time Ramus added new trick with doing several feint attack and shameless blind spot attack, his battle style becoming more and more sneaky and shameless. Sometimes he act like he was ack like he almost got tripping to the ground and gave sudden attack, sometimes he act like he saw something like ufo or Sengoku while looking at random direction and gave Garp who get bait from cheap trick another sudden blasting palm.

"BANG" Ramus got hit by body blow by Garp fist and his body is swayed and coughed some blood, but soon he reply with shameless attack again.

"Nail Gan" Ramus using shigan oh his feet toes and nailing unguard Garp feet.

" shameless brats" Garp screaming then gave random attack, when Ramus saw his attack work he immediately flee.

"Ppppffffttttttt" Sam, Lance, Ace and Sabo saw the scene and then trying to hold their laugh.

"That last attack is very scary coated armament haki punch right gramps !!? It's almost got me, but i need to win, good bye gramps..ehehehe" Said Ramus then he fleeing with very fast speed.

"You..aaarrrggghhhh" Garp are getting really furious then he used his maximum speed soru and rushing toward Ramus madly. Garp suddenly getting near toward fleeing Ramus like a bullet.

" can you move so fast gramps this is not fair!!" Ramus was so desperate and almost wanted to cry.

"Bwahahaha..try this snoozed brats !!" Said Garp who already catch up with Ramus then he suddenly use his haki coated fist toward Ramus.

"Black Meteo" Shouted Garp and Ramus immediately try to counter the attack with blasting palm, Garp noticed what Ramus trying to do and sneered as if he says 'Bring it'.

"KAABOOM" Garp fist and Ramus both stacking palm meet.

Unexpected Ramus not using his blasting palm instead he focusing his tekkai on both his palm to use Garp fist force for throwing away himself then he used a seimei kikan to make his body lighter and make his flying speed faster and longer, soon Ramus was already more than 100 meter away from Garp.

"CRAPPP..that shameless brats..he tricked me again" Garp was so furious and began chasing Ramus.

" hand were done for today, that haki fist is to much for the current me" Ramus murmured with frustrated face.

Soon Garp was getting close again and Ramus speed was drop drastically because of his hand injury but Ramus still not run out of idea, he using soru dashing forward while using his dash motion to create small rankyaku wind to hit the dirt and rock he step and create sharp sand like attack toward Garp who chasing him from behind.

"Cheap trick again huh" Said Garp.

Without noticing his surroundings Ramus get caught on dead end, in front of him there was a very tall and big boulder while Garp fist already launched toward him again. Then when he almost get hit he use his elastico again.

" wont work" Said Garp then he do he feint and throw another punch.

"Double elastico" Ramus using another elastico with very tight momentum interval and dashing 360 degree then using geppo to try by pass the very tall boulder.

"DAMN IT.." Garp shouted.

"Meteor Shower" Garp shouted then shot a barrage of black fist and hit the tall boulder and shatter it.

" fail aga..uuwweeeehhh" Ramus who using geppo into the air was about to mocked Garp suddenly feel his head got hit by something hard, apparently Garp got some big stone from shattered boulder then throw it toward Ramus head.

"Got you shameless brats..bwahahaha" Garp laughed so hard while Ramus is falling down.

"BAAAMM" Ramus was falling down then hit the ground and huge crater around.

Garp did not let this chance slip away he immediately dash toward fallen Ramus. Ramus was try to rise and stand up but his head feel heavy and his hand were injured. Short after Garp already arrive then prepared to grab Ramus because he were afraid that Ramus will runaway again or doing another shameless trick. But when Garp try to grab Ramus, Ramus injured hand suddenly takeout something from his hand then shakingly showed something to Garp face.

"I won ehehe..cough..cough..ehehehe" Ramus laughed mixed with coughing a blood while showing Garp the watch, 5 minutes is already pased and he was win the bet.

"Damn are to sneaky and shameless kid, probably the shameless kid i have ever met" Garp retorted furiously.

"A win is a win gramps hehe"

"Yeah..yeah, whatever" Said Garp.

Ramus the smiling then he lying down happily, it's was his first fight and he not fighting some random people, but it's Monkey D Garp the legendary marines hero, although its only 5 minutes and he do all kind of trick but he feel very satisfied because his extreme train and hard work is worthy.

Soon Garp and weakened Ramus was comeback to the others and they was shocked to hear Ramus won the bet and survive from Garp furious attack. Sam was happily crying to saw Ramus achievement while Lance, Ace and Luffy admiring Ramus capabilities and strength and make them became more respect toward Ramus.

"Kid" Garp call Ramus.

"Yeah ?"

"Although i'm not in serious mode..jus like you is a win..but i think that earlier you said that i am growing old and mocking me several time right"

"Huh ?!"

"BAM..BAM..BAM" you are still young yet you got no respect toward your elder, you deserved lot of discipline fist from me.

"Uuuuwwweeeehhh.."Ramus screaming but Garp keep going smack him.

"Im zoo zowwy Mr. Rapp(im so sorry Mr. Garp)" Said Ramus with swollen face and lump all over his head.

"Don't Mistering me, you were dare to mocking me back then right"


"Ahahahahaha" Sam, Lance, Ace and Luffy were laughing happily to saw Ramus desperation.

"Don't laugh it will be all of you turn soon" Said Garp.

"Eeeeeehhhhh !!!"

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