Here I Come One Piece World!

Chapter 43 - 42 : Breaking Watermelon

Arlong and Shin is having very intense battle with the twins. The twins from Gracious Killer was very tough opponent for Arlong and Shin because the twins is having very great combinations fighting style that consist of several kicking techniques like soccer and very quick sprint.

"Razor nose..we need to think out some plan, these guys combinations attack and speed is very weird and unpredictable " Said Shin.

"What's the matter ? Are you afraid ? Just kill them" Arlong shouted while trying to dodge sudden tackle from Colo.

"You are hopeless razor nose.." Shin said angrily.

"BAM" Shin face got hit by Coco jump kick.

"Who is the idiot and the dumb now huh ?" Coco mocking his enemy.

Shin is trying to retaliating by sending spinning nunchaku attack but Coco dive down and countering Shin attack with low sweep kick. Shin is not panicking and he quickly jump to evade the low sweep but sadly for him, Coco suddenly change his stand and sending bicycle kick toward Shin who still jumping in the air.

"BAM" the kick is landed on Shin face really hard and make his nose bleeding.

"Shit.." Shin was sent flying and crashing to ground.

Arlong condition is not better than Shin either, He getting beat up pretty badly by Colo.

"Let's play some ball game brother !!" said Coco.

"Okay..let's play them to their death" Said Colo.

Coco suddenly taking out some kind of metal ball with small spike around the surface from his back. Coco tossing the ball and it landed on the ground in front of Colo.

"Free Kick" Coco shouted and he began to sprint toward Arlong while Colo take some stance as if he will kick the metal ball toward Arlong.

"BAM" Colo suddenly shoots the ball toward Coco direction who still running toward Arlong.


"BOOM" Coco shoot the ball on the mid air toward Arlong face.

"F.u.c.k !!" Arlong trying to block the incoming metal ball with his Kiribachi.

"Clang" Arlong successfully block the metal ball but his Kiribachi is shattered because the metal ball is very powerful.

Shin who saw Arlong where in danger situation is immediately dashing toward Coco and attacking him, but Colo suddenly rushing toward the bounced metal ball and shoots it toward Shin. Metal ball flying with very fast speed and land on Shin stomach, Shin got hurt quite badly by the attack and make him kneeling while cough some blood.

While Shin is down, the twins is ganging up against Arlong who already losing his weapon. Arlong trying so hard to defend the twins combinations attack but in the end he still got tricked by the twins and got shots in back by the metal ball.

Back to Lance battle against Marley and Wendell.

After Lance got hit by Marley claws and get bashed by Wendell head, Lance begin to take the fight seriously and he using his soru to the max and suddenly appear behind Wendell.

"Dragon Fist"

"BOOM" Lance fist is connected toward Wendell back and sent him flying.

"Bones Trap" Marley who only seven meter away from Lance suddenly put his hand on the ground and lot of bones spear is pop out from the ground and piercing toward Lance.

Lance immediately using his geppo and dashing toward Marley and engaging close combat. After exchanging several blow each other, Marley realize that Lance is stronger than him.

"Skeleton King" Suddenly Marley body was covered by many bone layers and transformed himself into some kind of giant skeletons armor.

"Scythe Of Death" Marley who already transform into some kind of skeleton monster is creating very long bones scythe and began to attack Lance with dangerous slashes that make hissing sound around it.

Lance immediately activate his armament haki and dragon armor scale on his bodies. Marley scythe attack is very devastating, although its not enough to gave Lance serious injuries, Marley scythe attack is creating very sharp wind blade similar to rankyaku but it has very wide attack area and it can cuts everything around Lance like butter including those fainted and injured guard.

When Lance was busy to avoiding and blocking Marley attack, Wendell suddenly attacking him from behind. Wendell butcher knife is perfectly slashing Lance back but it can only make some scratch on it. Lance was becomes furious and send continuously shigan fist toward Wendell.

Marley immediately react and slashing his scythe again toward Lance.

"PUCHI" lot of blood is splattered on the air.

Lance who noticed Marley incoming attack is suddenly grabbing Wendell fat body and throw it toward Marley scythe attack. Wendell fat boars body was getting slashed vertically and his was splitting in half. Wendell is accidentally killed by his own Captain.

"Hahaha..a butcher get butchered..look like today dinner dishes is roasted wild hog..hahaha" Lance mocking dazed Marley.

Back to Arlong and Shin battlefield versus the twins.

Arlong and Shin is getting cornered by the twins metal ball attack. Bruises and bloody wound is all over Arlong and Shin body , both of them is panting heavily.

"I told you we need some plan you idiot" Said Shin.

"....alright..i will take the hit, while find a chance to take down one of them" Said Arlong.

"That stupid idea" Said Shin.

"We don't have so much choice and times" Said Arlong.

"Okay.." Shin sighed.

"Let's finish this boring game brother" Said Colo.

"Okay let's go.." Coco replied.

The twins begin to dribbling the metal ball toward Shin and Arlong.

"Tiki Taka.."

"Joga Bonito !!"

The twins suddenly passing the ball toward each other with very fast speed while Arlong and Shin is also dashing toward them. The twins began shooting the metal ball and Arlong is tanking the attack by himself while Shin is hiding behind Arlong. The metal ball is hitting Arlong and bouncing again and again, Arlong trying to catch the ball but metal ball always slipped from his hand because the ball speed is to fast. The twins is already know Arlong and Shin simple tactic and they were keeping their distance but unexpected thing is happen.

Pinto suddenly appear behind Coco like a ghost without the twins knowing.

"Medical Checkup"

"Leg..Waist..Back..Neck..Arm.." Pinto skillfully dislocated lot of bones joints on Coco body.

"COCO" Colo is shouted and immediately trying to chase away Pinto.

"Moon Dance"

"1001 tales of night" Shin blocking Colo and surrounding Colo with his mirage shadow then giving Coco continuously nunchaku attack.

Arlong who almost fainted from tanking continuously metal ball attack from before is immediately brace himself and grabbed the metal ball and he suddenly leaping toward Coco and smash the metal ball so hard on Coco head and broke it.

"Shahaha..feel like breaking watermelon" Said Arlong while holding the bloody metal ball.

"Noooooo !!" Colo shouted while withstand the pain from Shin attack.

"BAAM" Shin nunchaku hitting Colo back neck so hard and break the bones inside.

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