Here I Come One Piece World!

Chapter 6 - 6 : Dangerous flower

Sun is rise up and Ramus with his two subordinates is ready to go to the Mt.Tombstone.

"Okay listen you two, we will go to this mountain in front of us, i believe there will be dangerous thing up there, so you two must be careful and always on your guard, keep checking your surrounding especially what you touching or stepping, we just need to find a cave with skull symbol and maybe there will be more than one cave out there"

"Master, we not splitting are we ?" Said Sam.

"We will but, we will split only for 100 meter radius and i will keep checking both of you, so don't worry"

Soon their started to go up to uphill path toward the mountain. During their searching they has encountering several beast like mountain jaguar and giant bald eagle but thanks to Ramus they crossing the path safely. After tedious searching finally Sam found the cave at dawn.

"Master..Lance..come here i found the cave" Sam shouted.

They immediately gather up, in front of them there was a cave with entrances size of mansion gate with weird skull shape silhouette. Suddenly strong weird smell is coming out from the direction of cave entrance.

"Look master there some weird glowing flower on side of the entrance" Said Lance, then Ramus getting closer to inspect the glowing flowers.

"Shit..hold your breath and back off guys !!!" Ramus shout.

"That was 5 scale flower..its very dangerous flower that even the smell alone is enough to delivered 5 deadly potent poison"

"That was scary" Lance murmured.

"The poison it self is not a venom but it have 5 different dangerous effect, blue scale petal will cause a potent hallucinations, red scale petal will cause continues diarrhea, purple scale petal will cause very smelly continues fart, pink scale petal will cause very strong libido or aphrodisiac and the orange petal will cause extreme paralysis, i have saw it from my mother botany book, this plan should have gone extinct long time ago"

"What kind of poison is that, that was very creepy effect!!" Sam said.

"This flower is only able to grow by certain conditions" Ramus reply.

"What conditions master" Ask Lance.

"This flower only can grow from human eating beetle queen dirt"

"Eeehhh...a poop ?" Said both Sam and Lance.

"Yes..that's mean there probably a human eating beetle queen and her colony inside this cave"

"Then what should we do now ?" Ask Lance.

"Both of you just stay here wait for me, i will enter alone and after it safe i will comeback"

"Are you sure master, a human eating beetle is sound creepy" Said Sam.

"Is should be okay..don't worry if i cant handle it, i will retreat" Then Ramus put a scarf to cover his mouth and nose and enter the cave. After half hour there very loud sound echoing from inside the cave and it keep going for about 10 minutes then it stopped.

The situation is really tense for both Sam and Lance, after silent for about 15 minutes both of them decide to go to near the cave entrance and suddenly when they came closer, several shadow came out. Its was a huge yellow beetle with the size of elephant and several black beetle with the size of cow came out and creeping toward them.

"Nooooooo..." Sam shouted and close his eyes while Lance try to take out his sword and flintlock and try to attack it.

"Blade of the wind!!" A shouted came from the inside the cave.

"SWOOSH!!!" A crescent shape transparent wind form came out from the inside of cave with incredible speed toward those beetle and slash through those beetle and split them in half and stinky green liquid started to spurt out from those beetle corpse.

"Hahaha..that was close" Ramus suddenly appear in front of the cave entrance.

"This beetle is creepy" Said Lance.

"Are you okay young master" Said Sam.

Before Ramus answer it, Ramus fart over and over until he immediately grab yellow beetle corpse and break the carcass till crumbling and eat small part of it.

"What happening to you master ?" ask both of them.

"I got little poisoned by purple scale petal that why i took me for a while to chase those beetle but im okay now this queen beetle carcass is natural cure for those 5 type poison petal"

Ramus immediately tell both of his retainer to also ate the carcass because there were a lot of 5 scale flower inside the cave and then they proceed into the cave. Sam and Lance sight is not good as Ramus so although there lot of glowing 5 scales flower around the cave is still hard for both of them to have clear vision, so they light up the wood torch. Inside the cave there a very spacey long tunnel and there massive number of beetle corpse scattered around the cave floor that have been killed by Ramus.

Soon they reach the end of the cave and they found nothing, but Ramus notice that there were little wind flow came from some part of the near wall and he immediately inspect it then throw several punch until the wall collapse and revealing a hidden room.

The Room was darker than other area of the cave but soon when it was lighten up Ramus and other was shocked by the scene infront of them. There was 5 big wooden c.h.e.s.t and 1 small exquisites metal c.h.e.s.t with dirt almost covering all the part of the c.h.e.s.t but what made them shock was there was two sitting skeletons that have posed stabbing each other with some kind of rapier.

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