Hero Or Villaness

Chapter 34 - Dear readers [Announcement]

Dear readers of Hero Or Villainess,

I am sorry.

Sorry for as some of you might have guessed, I cannot continue writing this online novel of mine, and to be, honest as I am writing this, I cannot help but feel sad.

I enjoy writing this, yet right now, in my current condition, mentally and emotionally- I cannot continue at all.

And if I ever continue, then I wouldn't continue writing it here for by that time, I am sure I have some strength to walk forward and follow my dreams to be an author.

So, in short, I truly apologize, and I have no excuses for my inconsistent posting here. Also, even if only some people read this, you don't know how much you inspired me to move forward and write more because I have always been shy about my writing, and now, I want to take a leap of fate to continue writing and make novels. Also, make this into a book that you can hold in your hands.

Even if only several people would like it.

All in all, we got to admit it for a large number of people, 2020 has been a crazy year and has changed us for better or for worse. It is this time, 2020 has changed me for the better through a large portion of my sanity went away, I can say it did.

So yet again, thank you so much for reading this, and I hope if you ever find this on the shelves on a bookstore someday, you will buy it.

Till then, I would polish my craft.



P.S: Take care! And whatever you are going through even if you can't believe it- you can do it!

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